
"Lost Horizon" tells the story of British consul in Pakistan Conway and his assistant Captain Marison, French missionary Miss Brinklow, American Barnard after the plane crash

author:Shen Wengle 31313

"Lost Horizon" tells the story of the British consul in Pakistan, Conway, and his assistant Captain Marison, French missionary Miss Brinkloe, American Barnard, in the miraculous journey after the plane crash.

Fortunately, they came to the Blue Moon Valley near the Himalayas, the highest part of which rises the most beautiful mountain in the world, the carakal snow-capped mountain, the white and flawless pyramid-like silhouette, as simple as the handwriting of a child.

The narrow valley of the blue moon hides the mysterious spirit of Shangri-La, which is connected only to the outside world through horse gangs, with jade-like grass, mirror-like lakes, rich gold mines, beautiful lama temples and temples of other sects, where all things are deeply immersed in the joy of tranquility, where the people live long and maintain the great harmony between nature, and everyone's life is filled with auspicious and happy life.

According to the prediction of Shangri-La's Supreme Lama Pelaurt, the coming "Dark Age" will cover the whole world like a coffin, with no escape nor refuge, this storm will trample every flower of civilization, everything of mankind will become muddy, and in this calamity, Shangri-La, the worldless and indisputable top-secret paradise, will be preserved...?

"Lost Horizon" tells the story of British consul in Pakistan Conway and his assistant Captain Marison, French missionary Miss Brinklow, American Barnard after the plane crash
"Lost Horizon" tells the story of British consul in Pakistan Conway and his assistant Captain Marison, French missionary Miss Brinklow, American Barnard after the plane crash
"Lost Horizon" tells the story of British consul in Pakistan Conway and his assistant Captain Marison, French missionary Miss Brinklow, American Barnard after the plane crash

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