
1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

author:Nag small porridge

The 1998 Chinese Exclusion Incident in Indonesia: A Bloody Tragedy

On May 13-15, 1998, Indonesia experienced a violent incident that shocked the world, known as the "Black May Riot".

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

The riot resulted in the deaths of at least 1,200 people, most of them Chinese;

More than 5,000 Chinese shops and homes were burned or looted; More than 150 Chinese women were raped or brutally killed.

The riot was one of the worst incidents of Chinese exclusion in Indonesian history.

It was also the culmination of political and social unrest in Indonesia after the Asian financial crisis.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

What is the background to this riot?

Why are the Chinese the main targets? Are there any masterminds behind this riot?

What impact has the riot had on relations between Indonesia and China?

This article explores these issues from multiple perspectives.

Financial crisis and political discontent

Indonesia is a diverse country with more than 300 nationalities and more than 700 languages.

The largest of these ethnic groups are the Javanese, who account for about 60% of the total population.

The Chinese are a minority (about 3%), but they have a greater economic influence.

It is estimated that in 1998, the Chinese controlled about 70% of private enterprise and 40% of GDP.

This makes them the object of envy and hatred of other peoples.

There have been many incidents of Chinese exclusion in the history of Indonesia,

The earliest date back to the Red Creek Massacre in 1740, during the Dutch colonial period, when nearly 10,000 Chinese were massacred.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

Between 1945 and 1949, thousands of Chinese were also killed, wounded or missing during Indonesia's War of Independence.

Between 1965 and 1966, Suharto's coup d'état followed a purge of the Communist Party and the Chinese, resulting in the killing of at least 500,000 people.

After Suharto came to power, he implemented the so-called "new order" policy,

It restricted the political, cultural and social rights and freedoms of the Chinese.

For example: the use of Chinese, the celebration of traditional Chinese festivals, the forced change of surname, etc.

At the same time, it also discriminates against and exploits the Chinese economically.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

After the Asian financial crisis broke out in 1997, Indonesia fell into serious economic difficulties.

problems such as currency depreciation, soaring prices, increased unemployment, widening gap between rich and poor,

This sparked popular discontent and anger against the Suharto regime and the wealthy classes, including the Chinese.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

Suharto was the second President of the Republic of Indonesia,

He is also one of the longest-lived and most controversial dictators in Indonesian history.

He has led Indonesia to economic growth and political stability.

But it has also resulted in serious human rights violations, corruption and ethnic conflict.

Suharto was born into a poor peasant family in Central Java, Indonesia.

He joined the Royal Dutch East Indies Army in 1940 to work with the Japanese invaders during World War II.

and participated in the Indonesian War of Independence.

In the 1950s and 1960s, he rose through the ranks of senior general in the army,

In 1965, he seized power with a coup against former President Sukarno.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

Suharto officially became president in 1967 and pursued a pro-Western, anti-communist, market-oriented economic policy.

And has received support and assistance from the United States and other countries.

After Suharto seized power, he established an authoritarian government with the military as the pillar, calling itself the "New Order."

He abolished Sukarno's system of "guided democracy", restricted the activities of political parties and social groups, and controlled the media and education.

He also silenced anyone who opposed or criticized him, including students, workers, religious figures, and human rights activists.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

He used the state violence apparatus and legal means to suppress dissent,

Even assassinations, kidnapping, torture and imprisonment were used.

During Suharto's rule, there were numerous violations of human rights and national self-determination in Indonesia,

Such as the Malari incident, the Tanjong Prik massacre, Operation Petrus, the invasion of East Timor, etc.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

Suharto also implemented a series of economic reforms, introduced foreign investment and technology, and developed agriculture and industry.

Building infrastructure and public services.

He established close cooperative relationships with Western countries and international financial institutions and joined the Non-Aligned Movement and regional organizations.

During the first two decades of Suharto's administration, Indonesia's economy achieved rapid growth.

The poverty rate has fallen and society has stabilized.

Suharto was dubbed a "development dictator" or "smiling general" by many supporters at home and abroad.

However, Suharto's economic success did not reach all of Indonesians.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

The Suharto family and the top of the military dominated the economy and embezzled on a large scale.

According to various estimates, the Suharto family stolen or misappropriated tens of billions to hundreds of billions of dollars of state assets during their administration.

Suharto also implemented policies of discrimination and exclusion against the Chinese community, and initiated or acquiesced in violence against the Chinese during many social unrest.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

In July 1997, the Asian financial crisis broke out, affecting many Southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia.

Indonesia's economy has been hit hard, with its currency depreciating by nearly 80% and inflation soaring to 80%,

Unemployment rose above 20 per cent.

The gap between the rich and the poor has worsened, people's livelihood has been difficult, and society has been uneasy.

Meanwhile, President Suharto, who had been in power for 32 years at the time, faced growing opposition.

He has been accused of corruption, suppression of democracy, denial of human rights, election rigging, and defending family interests.

He also lost support and trust in the international community,

Forced to accept a bailout package from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and implement a painful series of economic reforms.

In this context, various opposition forces began to emerge and launched a series of protests and demonstrations.

Suharto's government has faced growing popular discontent and protests.

Among them, the student movement is the most active and resolute opposition force.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

Since February 1998, university students across Indonesia have begun to hold demonstrations demanding Suharto's resignation.

and carry out political, economic and social reforms.

Students give speeches, distribute leaflets, make slogans and cartoons, graffiti walls, perform plays and music, and even perform "exorcism rituals."

They also sent flowers to the army to appeal to them not to shoot at civilians.

The student movement was supported or sympathized with some social groups such as intellectuals, religious figures, workers, peasants, women, etc.

The most notable of these is the student movement at Trisakti University.

On May 12, a loud rally was held on the campus demanding Suharto's resignation and democratic reforms.

That night, as the students were preparing to leave the campus, police forces suddenly opened fire on them.

Six students were killed, 4 and dozens of students were injured.

The next morning, the news spread across downtown Jakarta and sparked outrage and sympathy.

Many citizens rushed to the University of Trisati and clashed with the police,

At that time, in order to divert the pressure of the financial crisis and ease the grievances in the country, Suharto

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

Planning and inciting riots through military intelligence,

Blaming the Chinese for all the blame for the economic crisis has greatly intensified the anti-Chinese sentiment of Indonesian citizens.

Violence: Massacres of the Chinese

As a wealthy but vulnerable minority, the Chinese have become scapegoats and targets in such an environment.

On May 14, the city of Jakarta turned into a sea of fire and blood.

The rioters wantonly smashed and looted Chinese shops and homes, and killed Chinese men and women of all ages.

Even strong J Chinese women in public.

These atrocities were filmed by some eyewitnesses and widely circulated on the Internet,

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

These materials are shocking and show the cruelty of the mob.

According to some investigation reports, more than 150 Chinese women were raped or sexually assaulted in this riot.

More than 20 of them died.

These are just records, and the number of real victims has reached tens of thousands.

Some victims were rounded by multiple thugs, and some were burned alive.

The victims ranged in age from 10 to 55 years and some were pregnant or lactating women.

These crimes have greatly insulted the dignity and body of Chinese women, and have also brought them deep psychological trauma.

This incident has aroused strong concern and condemnation by the international community,

In particular, the Chinese government has expressed its solemn protest against the inaction and connivance of violence by the Indonesian government,

and demands that the Indonesian government take immediate and effective measures,

Protect the lives and property of the Chinese and punish the murderers.

The Chinese government also sent special planes and rescue teams to provide emergency assistance to Indonesian Chinese.

And bring back some injured or willing to return to China.

Some other countries and regions, such as the United States, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, etc.,

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

Humanitarian aid was also provided to Chinese Indonesians and the Indonesian government was urged to restore order and the rule of law.

Indonesian Chinese also began to awaken and unite to demand equal treatment,

They express their demands and voices in various ways,

Such as organizing demonstrations, issuing open letters, establishing non-governmental organizations, etc.

On May 15, Suharto returned from Egypt and announced the dissolution of the cabinet and promised political reforms.

But instead of quelling popular anger, it sparked larger demonstrations.

On May 18, tens of thousands of students occupied the Capitol to demand Suharto's ouster.

At the same time, some senior military officials began to withdraw their support for Suharto.

On May 19, Suharto spoke on television announcing that he would hand over power to Vice President Habibie , but did not specify the timing and procedure of his resignation,

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

This caused strong dissatisfaction and protests from the population and students.

On May 20, under pressure from the military and politicians, Suharto officially announced his resignation and transferred power to Habibie.

This marked the end of the era of Indonesia's "New Order" and the first peaceful transfer of power in Indonesia's history.

In the aftermath of the riots, the Indonesian government established an Independent Commission of Inquiry (KPP HAM) to investigate human rights violations that occurred during the riots.

The Committee issued a report in January 1999,

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

It was pointed out that the riots were organized and premeditated, and involved the military, police, political parties, religious groups and other forces.

The report also noted that at least 168 women were raped or sexually assaulted during the riots, 152 of them Chinese.

The report also lists a number of persons suspected of participating in or planning the riots,

It is also recommended that they be prosecuted and tried.

However, in the decade that followed, the Indonesian government did not take effective measures to hold those responsible for the riots accountable or compensate the victims.

Until April 21, 2010, under the continuous pressure of the international community and the Chinese community,

Indonesian President Susilo officially apologized to the Chinese who suffered unfairly in the 1998 Indonesian massacre,

He also said that measures would be taken to ensure that Chinese enjoy equal rights in Indonesia.

After Suharto resigned, he lived in a luxury villa in downtown Jakarta.

Although he lost power, he still had great wealth and extensive connections,

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

However, years later, the Indonesian government and judiciary launched numerous investigations and prosecutions against him and his family.

They were accused of corruption, embezzlement of state assets, abuse of power, and violations of human rights.

The United Nations and the World Bank have also published a "Global Corruption List," ranking Suharto as the world's top corrupt person, saying his illicit gains amounted to $35 billion.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

However, due to Suharto's deteriorating physical condition,

This, coupled with differences in public opinion in Indonesia, corruption and ineffectiveness of the judicial system, and the protection of some military and political forces, led to the final rejection of the prosecution;

He has never appeared in court or been sentenced. Moreover, he signed a decree before stepping down,

Give yourself the privilege of being free from prosecution and arrest for life.

On January 27, 2008, Suharto died of multiple organ failure at the age of 86.

He received a state funeral in the heart of Jakarta and was buried in the Suharto family mausoleum in Central Java,

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

This notorious murderous demon has never been punished as it should.


The 1998 Indonesian massacre was one of the worst incidents of Chinese exclusion in Indonesian history and one of the most tragic genocides in modern Asian history.

This event had a profound impact on Indonesian society, politics, economy and culture.

First of all, on the social front, this incident has exacerbated the estrangement and hostility between Indonesia's ethnic groups.

In particular, it has caused great psychological trauma and lack of trust to the Chinese community.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

Many Chinese choose to leave Indonesia or transfer assets to other countries or regions.

According to statistics, between 1998 and 2000, the number of Chinese in Indonesia decreased from about 7 million in 1998 to about 5 million in 2000.

After Suharto stepped down, Habibie became the first democratically elected president in Indonesian history and began a series of political reforms.

He repealed Suharto-era laws and policies that restricted the rights and cultural expression of the Chinese, and restored Chinese citizenship and equal rights in Indonesia.

He also allowed Chinese to participate in political activities, form or join political parties, and run for public office at all levels.

He also supported the referendum on East Timor's independence and declared East Timor's independence from Indonesia in September 1999.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

Finally, in terms of culture, this event also promoted the identity and development of Indonesia's multiculturalism.

During the Suharto period, Indonesia practiced a cultural policy of forced assimilation,

Demands that all peoples renounce their language, religion, customs, etc., and accept the Malay language, Islam, Javanese culture, etc. as the standard of national identity,

This has led to many ethnic minorities and Chinese people losing their cultural self-identity and space for expression.

After Suharto's ouster, Habibie relaxed restrictions on cultural diversity and encouraged ethnic groups to maintain and develop their own cultural identities.

He also restored traditional Chinese holidays such as the Spring Festival as legal holidays, and supported the use of Chinese by Chinese for education, publishing, media and other activities.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

The Indonesian massacre is one of the most tragic and shocking events in Indonesian history.

It has brought unspeakable pain and trauma to countless Chinese,

It has also had a profound impact on Indonesian society.

This incident reflects the serious problems of racial discrimination, nationalism, class contradictions, and political corruption in Indonesian society.

1998 Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident: Thousands of Chinese women were humiliated on the street, and tens of thousands of compatriots died under guns

It also exposes the Indonesian government's inaction and failure to uphold the rule of law and human rights.

This event also taught us that in a pluralistic society,

How to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of minorities and how to promote mutual understanding and respect among different cultures and beliefs,

How to establish a fair, just, inclusive and open national system is an issue that needs to be solved and explored urgently.

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