
This photo was taken in Uganda in 1972 and is depicted by African President Amin. Looking at the picture one, you can guess the approximate personality, yes, as the picture shows, he ten

author:Day more history

This photo was taken in Uganda in 1972 and is depicted by African President Amin. You can guess the approximate personality by looking at the picture, yes, as the picture shows, he is very cruel and. It is said that this guy also sent a telegram to the Queen of England, which presumably asked the Queen to go to Kampala to get to know the man, that is, to understand him. What's more, once on the queen's birthday, he actually used the diplomatic opportunity to make a shameless request to the queen, asking the queen to send him a pair of his own underwear. It's really jaw-dropping, how did such a person become president! If you can't manage it yourself, how can you manage the country well?

This photo was taken in Uganda in 1972 and is depicted by African President Amin. Looking at the picture one, you can guess the approximate personality, yes, as the picture shows, he ten
This photo was taken in Uganda in 1972 and is depicted by African President Amin. Looking at the picture one, you can guess the approximate personality, yes, as the picture shows, he ten
This photo was taken in Uganda in 1972 and is depicted by African President Amin. Looking at the picture one, you can guess the approximate personality, yes, as the picture shows, he ten

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