
Lung nodules are not impossible to eat crabs and prawns, doctor: these 3 foods need to be avoided

author:A small doctor for the body and mind

The lungs are the main respiratory organs of the human body, and oxygen and carbon dioxide are excreted through the exchange of air, which is the daily respiratory cycle of the lungs and an important part of maintaining good health.

As the saying goes: "Disease comes from the mouth", unreasonable diet will increase the burden on the stomach, and long-term inhalation of excessive harmful gases will increase the possibility of suffering from lung diseases.

Lung nodules are not impossible to eat crabs and prawns, doctor: these 3 foods need to be avoided

Foods that lung nodules cannot eat, not crabs or prawns

Pulmonary nodules are a very common lung disease. About 60% of people will develop lung nodules, and 95% of them will have benign lung nodules that do not become cancerous.

Whether it is coastal or inland areas, I believe that seafood is a food that many people like to eat. Seafood has a lot of protein and nutrients, such as crabs and prawns, if eaten in moderation, it can supplement the nutrients needed by the body and enhance the body's immunity, but some people say that seafood is the hair of lung nodules, is this true?

In fact, crabs and prawns are very common seafood, they are rich in high-quality protein, amino acids, minerals, etc., can play a role in strengthening immunity and alleviating physical weakness. But this kind of seafood is also a cold food, if people who are not in good health eat too much, it will cause a large amount of purine content in the body, thereby inducing gout.

Therefore, people with pulmonary nodules should not often eat crabs, prawns and other seafood, eating more will aggravate the condition, not good for the body, even if you want to eat, try to choose the method of boiling or steaming, mainly light.

Lung nodules are not impossible to eat crabs and prawns, doctor: these 3 foods need to be avoided

After detecting lung nodules, these 3 foods need to be avoided

1. Cigarettes

Although cigarettes can relieve stress, they can also cause many chronic diseases, especially lung cancer, lung nodules, etc. After cigarettes are inhaled into the lungs, many harmful substances will accumulate in the lungs and cannot be excreted, and over time they will cause serious damage to the lung tissue.

If patients with pulmonary nodules are still smoking a lot, it will affect normal breathing, cause coughing and phlegm, and promote the growth of nodules. Therefore, lung nodules are relieved, and it is necessary to quit smoking as soon as possible and avoid exposure to secondhand smoke.

Lung nodules are not impossible to eat crabs and prawns, doctor: these 3 foods need to be avoided

2. Spicy and irritating food

Some people definitely like to eat some spicy and irritating things, which will only damage the stomach and intestines, and actually have an impact on the lungs.

The human body is an interconnected system, once one organ is damaged, it will have a great impact on other organs, and if you eat spicy and irritating foods for a long time, it is likely to cause damage to the lungs.

Therefore, patients with pulmonary nodules try not to eat spicy and stimulating foods, such as: peppers, spicy hot, hot pot, etc., try not to eat, do not pay the cost of the body.

Lung nodules are not impossible to eat crabs and prawns, doctor: these 3 foods need to be avoided

3. Fried chicken

Fried food tastes delicious, but if consumed for a long time, it will not only increase the burden on the stomach, but also damage the respiratory system.

Patients with pulmonary nodules should pay attention to a light diet, mainly patients with lung disease should not eat greasy things, so as not to cause more complications.

Lung nodules are not impossible to eat crabs and prawns, doctor: these 3 foods need to be avoided

Pulmonary nodules can be treated with diet to supplement nutrients, or to eliminate nodules

Eliminating lung nodules is a gradual process, in addition to adjusting some bad living habits, patients should also pay attention to the adjustment of daily diet, three meals must be eaten on time, and ensure that the food is light and nutritionally balanced, in addition, you can also properly supplement some winter gan to nourish the lungs. The nutrients it contains can activate the body's immune system and help eliminate lung nodules, prevent and recur. In addition, Dongganzhixi has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, swelling and dissipation of Chinese herbal ingredients, after scientific and reasonable ratio research and development, combined with selenium, can play a role in improving lung function and eliminating lung nodule lesions.

Lung nodules are not impossible to eat crabs and prawns, doctor: these 3 foods need to be avoided

Finally, remind everyone that lung nodules are not the most terrible, but to seize the opportunity at the most critical time. It is necessary to maintain a good attitude, do not panic, do not ignore, and go to a professional hospital for examination and treatment in time.

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