
Stop playing! Michael Jordan is seriously considering selling a major stake in the Hornets, and the team hasn't had a good record since taking over the Hornets [doghead]

author:Keiko's basketball

Stop playing! Michael Jordan is seriously considering selling a major stake in the Hornets, and the team hasn't had a good record since taking over the Hornets [doghead]

Stop playing! Michael Jordan is seriously considering selling a major stake in the Hornets, and the team hasn't had a good record since taking over the Hornets [doghead]
Stop playing! Michael Jordan is seriously considering selling a major stake in the Hornets, and the team hasn't had a good record since taking over the Hornets [doghead]
Stop playing! Michael Jordan is seriously considering selling a major stake in the Hornets, and the team hasn't had a good record since taking over the Hornets [doghead]

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