
【The Secret of Spices and Food 66】Angelica is used correctly, it is the "traditional classic" manufacturing machine

author:Seafood three brother

Special thanks to @Ice and Snow Dongming, because all the information comes from his article.

When it comes to angelica, the first thing that comes to mind is its tonic effect in Chinese medicine.

A dish of black chicken angelica soup makes the effect of angelica to replenish blood and remove stasis vividly, so angelica is also known as a friend of women.

【The Secret of Spices and Food 66】Angelica is used correctly, it is the "traditional classic" manufacturing machine

But it seems that in the halogen world, everyone will avoid angelica.

Because after angelica is heated, there will be a typical bitter taste of medicine, which is very unpleasant.

【The Secret of Spices and Food 66】Angelica is used correctly, it is the "traditional classic" manufacturing machine

So angelica, can't it really be used as a spice?

If you think so, you are very wrong.

The taste of angelica itself is relatively overbearing, and the aroma is also very full.

This is thanks to the many organic substances contained in angelica.

【The Secret of Spices and Food 66】Angelica is used correctly, it is the "traditional classic" manufacturing machine

For example, carvacrol is the main aromatic component of angelica, and this aroma is very similar to the aroma of thyme.

And angelica ketone is the main source of its taste sweetness.

Sichuan domelides are the main force that brings about its spicy feeling.

So, can a medicinal herb with so many irritating organic substances of its own really add brine?

The answer is, yes!

Not only can it be added to brine, but it can also play an unusual role in brine.

It starts with an interesting story.

Once a classic in Cantonese cuisine, soy sauce chicken essence brine, the most important seasoning is soy sauce.

【The Secret of Spices and Food 66】Angelica is used correctly, it is the "traditional classic" manufacturing machine

However, with the standardization of soy sauce production factories, the quality of soy sauce is getting worse and worse, and then the refined brine loses its traditional taste.

So, the masters of Cantonese cuisine began to look for a remedy, and finally found angelica.

When they added angelica to the brine, because the rich aftertaste brought by angelica made up for the lack of soy sauce aroma, thus giving new life to soy sauce chicken.

【The Secret of Spices and Food 66】Angelica is used correctly, it is the "traditional classic" manufacturing machine

After that, more people began to reacquaint themselves with angelica.

Later, it was gradually discovered that the main role of angelica in brine is to give the ingredients an aftertaste.

In addition, when facing beef, lamb, chicken, angelica can help to remove fishy.

Especially when stewing lamb, angelica has a very good fishy effect.

If the lamb is relatively fatty, with some white pygmy and grass fruit, it is simply a perfect match.

That's why Shan County Goat Soup is so famous!

【The Secret of Spices and Food 66】Angelica is used correctly, it is the "traditional classic" manufacturing machine

At this point, let's go back to the black chicken angelica soup.

Angelica added here is not only for nourishment, but also to help the chicken detract from fishiness.

With the addition of angelica, it will make the chicken soup more sweet and delicious.

Another feature of angelica is that the aroma speed is relatively slow, so everyone will think that its role is limited to stew-type cooking techniques.

But smart gurus can always come up with amazing tricks to develop their new features.

There was once a master who used angelica with peppercorns, licorice, star anise, and other simple spices.

Then use the chicken rack and chicken to boil together into a stock, and then use this stock to make the filling of the pork buns.

【The Secret of Spices and Food 66】Angelica is used correctly, it is the "traditional classic" manufacturing machine

This kind of broth, used in fatty pork filling, can instantly make the bun a memorable taste.

Because the combination of angelica and licorice can bring a unique aftertaste, and the combination of peppercorns and star anise can give the meat filling a familiar meat aroma, which is completely a strong combination.

However, in terms of dosage, angelica such a personalized spice, really can not be put more, a slight imbalance, will bring a strong bitter taste to the brine.

Generally, 10 kilograms of brine can be controlled at about 5 grams.

However, Chaoshan masters, after a long period of research, came up with the best use plan for angelica.

That is, before use, it must be roasted in a dry pan.

In doing so, not only does it reduce bitterness, but it also imparts a special fire aroma.

At the same time, when we use it, it is best to adjust it with sweet tastes, such as licorice, monk fruit and tangerine peel.

Well, today's secret of angelica will be talked about here, there are places that are not in place, please do not hesitate to point out.

I am the third brother, a food creator who is in awe of ingredients, respects tradition, and loves innovation.

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