
Cherries have high nutritional value and are good to eat, but 5 types of people or to eat less, it is recommended to understand early

author:Dr. Leigh talks about health

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Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Leigh!

Speaking of cherries, I believe that everyone is no stranger, cherries as a common fruit in life, ripe one by one hanging on the branches, making people salivate, and cherry sweet and sour taste, but also contains a lot of vitamins, often eat some cherries, can help the body supplement the required nutrients, great benefits for health, moreover, cherries are also known as diamonds in fruits.

Don't underestimate a small cherry, it is rich in nutrients, such as vitamin C, iron, anthocyanins and other substances, so what are the benefits of eating cherries often? Let's take a look.

Cherries have high nutritional value and are good to eat, but 5 types of people or to eat less, it is recommended to understand early

What are the benefits of eating cherries regularly?

1. Nourish liver and kidney

The liver and kidneys are very important detoxification and metabolic organs in our body, although the functions of these two organs are similar, but can not replace each other, so liver and kidney health is very important, in recent years, more and more people suffer from liver and kidney diseases, so in order to avoid the problems of these two organs, many people will take care of them in various ways, if you want to care for the liver and kidneys, it is recommended that you can consider eating some cherries in your daily diet.

Cherries have high nutritional value and are good to eat, but 5 types of people or to eat less, it is recommended to understand early

2. Maintain the intestines and stomach

The stomach is a very important digestion and absorption organ in the body, if a person's stomach function has problems, not adjusted and improved in time, it is easy to lead to the nutrients in the food are absorbed and utilized by the body, over time, it may be because of insufficient nutrient intake, resulting in malnutrition, nutritional imbalance.

If you want to maintain your stomach, you must actively regulate and improve your diet, hoping that you can eat some cherries in moderation, which may have the effect of warming the spleen and stomach, and also get enough nutrients for the body.

Cherries have high nutritional value and are good to eat, but 5 types of people or to eat less, it is recommended to understand early

3. Nourish blood

Blood health or not, may be directly related to people's health, after all, the normal circulation of blood can make the body parts or the nutrients they need, but if there are usually some bad behavior habits, it is likely to lead to excessive blood loss, the phenomenon of insufficient qi and blood, at this time it is necessary to actively regulate and nourish, you can consider eating some cherries in moderation, which may have the effect of nourishing blood and nourishing blood.

Cherries have high nutritional value and are good to eat, but 5 types of people or to eat less, it is recommended to understand early

Cherries have high nutritional value and are good to eat, but 5 types of people or to eat less, it is recommended to understand early

For some female friends who are losing weight, it is also recommended to eat less cherries, because if the cherries are very hot and hot, it will not only lead to obesity, but also affect the metabolism of body fat, at the same time, the relatively high sugar content will also lead to obesity, so the weight loss process must pay attention to reduce the intake of some high-sugar foods, which is conducive to weight loss success.

Cherries have high nutritional value and are good to eat, but 5 types of people or to eat less, it is recommended to understand early

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cherries are very hot and easy to get wet, so if you have excessive heat, mouth sores, boils, hemorrhoids, or cough, do not eat cherries due to insufficient calories, otherwise it will be more serious.

For example, cherries are a fruit with relatively high sugar content, for diabetics, it is not recommended to eat more, if you eat more at one time, it will affect the control of blood sugar in the body, resulting in increased blood sugar, aggravate the occurrence of diseases, and have a great impact on physical health, therefore, it is recommended that diabetics do not contact these fruits again to avoid complications.

Cherries have high nutritional value and are good to eat, but 5 types of people or to eat less, it is recommended to understand early

It is also not recommended for some people who are allergic to cherries, if eaten directly, it may cause abnormal itching of the skin, especially the swelling and inflammation of the skin at the corners of the mouth, so eat cherries must be washed, especially for people who are allergic to cherries, it is best to eat less, so as not to stimulate skin damage and affect personal health.

Cherries have high nutritional value and are good to eat, but 5 types of people or to eat less, it is recommended to understand early

Cherries contain many large molecules, and people who are weak and afraid of cold eat peaches to increase gastrointestinal pressure, resulting in abdominal pain and diarrhea, which is not conducive to the repair of the body, in addition, this will also lead to the aggravation of their already weak physical condition.

Read Extension – What happens if you eat too many cherries?

1. Constipation

Eating too much is easy to get on fire and lead to constipation, stomach fire, should not eat more, and cherries are high in potassium, not good for the body.

Cherries have high nutritional value and are good to eat, but 5 types of people or to eat less, it is recommended to understand early

2. Stomach pain and acid reflux

Eating too much is easy to cause stomach pain and acid reflux, cherries contain a lot of acid, eating too much will damage the gastric mucosa, cause indigestion, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

3. Possible poisoning

Eating too many cherries may cause poisoning, cherries contain a certain amount of cyanogenic glycosides, excessive consumption can lead to poisoning, once eating too much, people can use sugarcane juice to clear heat and detoxify.

Cherries have high nutritional value and are good to eat, but 5 types of people or to eat less, it is recommended to understand early

Trivia: Will eating too many cherries catch fire?

Cherry is a warm fruit, eat too much will be on fire, therefore, you should be careful not to eat too much, it is best to moderate amount, both to ensure nutrition and not damage to health, cherries will not only cause fire, but also cause other diseases, people with fever, cough, asthma should not eat, especially for children, if you eat too many cherries, it is likely to cause a lot of diseases, if you have cough symptoms, do not eat cherries, in addition, cherries also contain a certain cyanogenic glycosides, eating too much will be poisoned.

Cherries have high nutritional value and are good to eat, but 5 types of people or to eat less, it is recommended to understand early

Do you gain weight if you eat too many cherries?

Cherries do not increase weight, cherries are more moisture, do not contain fat, contain a lot of dietary fiber, can increase satiety, promote intestinal peristalsis, conducive to the discharge of toxins, reduce sugar intake, so cherries will not gain weight, cherries are rich in iron, can prevent iron deficiency anemia, and cherry beauty effect, cherry is a warm fruit, eat more will be hot, cause lung disease, so should not eat more, you can also eat more pineapple, apple, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, pear, peach, watermelon and other fruits to lose weight.

Cherries have high nutritional value and are good to eat, but 5 types of people or to eat less, it is recommended to understand early

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