
6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light

author:Small courtyard for raising flowers

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6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light

Spring is the peak season for the growth of various flowers, most of them begin to sprout new shoots, grow new branches and leaves, this time not only to provide them with sufficient water and fertilizer, but also try to move potted plants out to bask in the sun, receive some light, in order to make the plant grow vigorously, and grow more flower buds to form buds.

Especially those flowers that prefer sunlight, if the light increases watering and fertilization, and does not see sunlight for a long time, it will promote the plant to grow branches and leaves. Like the following 6 kinds of sun-loving flowers, you should go to the sun more in spring, the more blossoms you have, and it is difficult to raise well without light.

6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light


The maintenance of the monthly season in the spring is very critical, at this time it must have sufficient nutrients to let it germinate new branches and leaves, need to add water and fertilizer for it, only the plant to grow more side branches, in order to bloom more.

But in the monthly season it is a sun-loving flower, if the light to increase watering and fertilization, so that the plant does not get light, the branches will grow, grow thin and long, not easy to bloom.

6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light

The monthly season is not afraid of the sun in the spring, as long as the home has enough light, it is necessary to put it under the sun for maintenance, so that under the action of water, fertilizer and light, a large number of new branches will grow, and new branches can grow buds.

6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light

Triangle plum

Triangle plum is a typical sun-loving flower, and the flowering amount is large, and it is very diligent. Many flower friends like to raise it at home, but if there is a lack of light at home, it may not be able to raise it, because only when the light is sufficient can it grow vigorously and bloom more. Long-term lack of light, the plant will only grow branches and leaves without flowering.

6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light

For those triangular plums with lush branches and leaves but no flowering, it is necessary to control the water for it, let the potting soil be in a dry state, dry out and then water, and at the same time apply potassium dihydrogen phosphate every ten days, and put the potted plants in the sun to dry more, which will soon promote the plant to grow flower buds.

6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light

Blue snowflakes

Blue snowflakes are very beautiful flowers that bloom in summer, its branches and leaves are luxuriant, grow fast, but also need to provide it with sufficient light, otherwise the branches and leaves grow more and messy, but not much flowering, the flowers bloom sparsely, and the flower color is very light.

In the spring, it is necessary to water it with thin fertilizer several times and keep the potting soil moist and hydrated enough so that the plant can germinate new shoots.

6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light

This season can not let it lack light, plants are used to produce nutrients through photosynthesis, the more light, the more vigorous the plant growth, the greater the flowering period.

6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light

Tiger thorn plum

Tiger thorn plum is resistant to barrenness and drought, not only is it very easy to maintain, but also blooms beautifully, suitable for raising on the balcony or in the courtyard. It is also very sun-loving, and the more sunlight there is, the more the plant blooms. If there is little light at home, it is not easy to let it bloom.

6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light

Although the skin is good to maintain, but in its growing season, it is also necessary to apply compound fertilizer 1~2 times a month, and water it in time when the potting soil is dry, so that the plant can quickly grow new branches. Usually try to put potted plants in places where sunlight can shine, and the light time is not less than 6 hours a day, which can promote the flowering of plant buds.

6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light


Flower friends who have raised jasmine know that it is also a typical positive flower, known as "jasmine that cannot die in the sun", that is, if you want to raise jasmine, you must have a sunny environment. If the light is insufficient, the plant will grow branches and leaves and not flower.

6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light

Jasmine is born on new branches, usually to prune the messy long branches regularly, and then keep enough water to germinate new shoots, and at the same time put it in a place with sunlight to let it grow more buds.

6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light


In spring, many flower friends will raise a few more pots of sunflowers at home, although it is an herbaceous plant, but resistant to barrenness, drought, and large flowering, long flowering period, but also has been loved by people, this time to raise a few pots, can always enjoy the flowers until late autumn.

6 kinds of "sunflowers", the more they bloom, the more they bloom, and they can't be raised without light

When planting sunflowers in the yard, choose a warm sunny location, and potted plants should be placed in a sunny place to maintain, because it is a very sun-loving plant. Usually, in addition to applying some thin compound fertilizer to it, it is necessary to let it see more sunlight in order to bloom and burst pots.

Conclusion: Like the above 6 kinds of sun-loving flowers, in the daily maintenance, not enough water and fertilizer can make it bloom more, but also to ensure that there is enough light time every day, the plant can grow vigorously, and more pregnant buds bloom.

If you want to know more about flower raising, please pay attention to the flower raising courtyard and share your flower raising experience with you every day! (Some of the pictures in the article come from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete)

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