
#Sunflowers #A, cyclamen. The flower language of Red Cyclamen is: welcome guests, hospitality and festivity. The flower language of white cyclamen is: pure and elegant, beautiful and generous. Purple cyclamen flowers

author:Unpretentious lark Hq

#晒春花 #

A, cyclamen.

The flower language of Red Cyclamen is:

Welcoming guests, hospitality and festivity.

The flower language of White Cyclamen is:

Pure and elegant, beautiful and generous.

The flower language of purple cyclamen is:

Parting, sadness.

The flower language of pink cyclamen is:

Introverted, tactful.

The first six of the picture are cyclamen,

The last six are the dragon ship flowers.

B, the flower language of the dragon ship flower is

Scrambling, the peak bloom is the Dragon Boat Festival.

Legend has it that in the annual Dragon Boat Festival, in order to ward off evil spirits and seek good luck, people rowing dragon boats will put flowers on the dragon boat, which is also an allusion to the name dragon boat flower.

Therefore, raising a few pots of dragon boat flowers at home is auspicious.

#Sunflowers #A, cyclamen. The flower language of Red Cyclamen is: welcome guests, hospitality and festivity. The flower language of white cyclamen is: pure and elegant, beautiful and generous. Purple cyclamen flowers
#Sunflowers #A, cyclamen. The flower language of Red Cyclamen is: welcome guests, hospitality and festivity. The flower language of white cyclamen is: pure and elegant, beautiful and generous. Purple cyclamen flowers
#Sunflowers #A, cyclamen. The flower language of Red Cyclamen is: welcome guests, hospitality and festivity. The flower language of white cyclamen is: pure and elegant, beautiful and generous. Purple cyclamen flowers
#Sunflowers #A, cyclamen. The flower language of Red Cyclamen is: welcome guests, hospitality and festivity. The flower language of white cyclamen is: pure and elegant, beautiful and generous. Purple cyclamen flowers
#Sunflowers #A, cyclamen. The flower language of Red Cyclamen is: welcome guests, hospitality and festivity. The flower language of white cyclamen is: pure and elegant, beautiful and generous. Purple cyclamen flowers
#Sunflowers #A, cyclamen. The flower language of Red Cyclamen is: welcome guests, hospitality and festivity. The flower language of white cyclamen is: pure and elegant, beautiful and generous. Purple cyclamen flowers
#Sunflowers #A, cyclamen. The flower language of Red Cyclamen is: welcome guests, hospitality and festivity. The flower language of white cyclamen is: pure and elegant, beautiful and generous. Purple cyclamen flowers
#Sunflowers #A, cyclamen. The flower language of Red Cyclamen is: welcome guests, hospitality and festivity. The flower language of white cyclamen is: pure and elegant, beautiful and generous. Purple cyclamen flowers
#Sunflowers #A, cyclamen. The flower language of Red Cyclamen is: welcome guests, hospitality and festivity. The flower language of white cyclamen is: pure and elegant, beautiful and generous. Purple cyclamen flowers
#Sunflowers #A, cyclamen. The flower language of Red Cyclamen is: welcome guests, hospitality and festivity. The flower language of white cyclamen is: pure and elegant, beautiful and generous. Purple cyclamen flowers
#Sunflowers #A, cyclamen. The flower language of Red Cyclamen is: welcome guests, hospitality and festivity. The flower language of white cyclamen is: pure and elegant, beautiful and generous. Purple cyclamen flowers
#Sunflowers #A, cyclamen. The flower language of Red Cyclamen is: welcome guests, hospitality and festivity. The flower language of white cyclamen is: pure and elegant, beautiful and generous. Purple cyclamen flowers

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