
The baby's "100-day opening meat" has severe pneumonia, and any random feeding of the child should be directly rejected

Original | Pregnancy

The custom of opening meat for babies in 100 days is available in many places.

It is said that when the baby reaches 100 days, he will eat some special foods to open meat, such as: fish, pork belly, snake soup, goose brain, bacon...

What pregnant mothers want to say is: prescribing salt meat to 100-day babies is really not recommended, except for breast milk and formula, any food is not suitable for such a young baby.

Taking solid food or things that are too heavy to eat too early will do no harm.

Two days ago, the pregnant mother saw a mother of three children in the 90s in Guizhou post a video saying that the mother-in-law was going to hold a meat opening ceremony for her 5-month-old baby.

I saw the mother-in-law holding a piece of bacon, stirring it in the baby's mouth, tongue, teeth, and lips.

During the whole process, the baby was confused.

Mom posted: Grandma's meat opening ceremony is simple and rude!

After the video was released, it triggered heated discussions among netizens, and some netizens said: Why didn't the mother stop such a young baby from opening meat with bacon?

Mom said: Stopped, but didn't listen!

It's really frustrating.

When it comes to opening meat for their babies, many mothers have shared their experiences:

"My baby is full moon, and my mother-in-law also said a fish to open meat for my baby!"

"When my son was 100 days old, my mother-in-law also said that she would take a piece of pork to open the meat."

Some netizens pointed out: For the sake of their own baby, even if it is a mother, it is necessary to strictly prevent this unhygienic behavior!

That's right, even if it is a custom, if it is not suitable for the baby to eat, it must be stopped when it is time to stop it!

The 3-month-old baby became severely pneumonic after 100 days of meat

It's terrible to feed like this!

The 100-day meat has been circulating for a long time, and it continues in many places.

Not long ago, a mother in Xiaoshan, Zhejiang Province, also launched a request for help on the Internet, because of hometown customs, the elderly in the family must open meat for their 5-month-old baby.

Not only to lick the goose nose, but also to feed the child goose brain, looking at the goose bought back by the mother-in-law, the mother panicked!

There is also a mother, because her mother-in-law must give snake soup to babies less than half a year old, and she almost had a conflict with her mother-in-law!

Parents: The bottom line of safe feeding must be guarded for the baby, blindly open meat, a little careless, hurt the child.

Because there are not many examples of 100 days of opening meat to admit babies to the hospital.

A male treasure in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, who has just turned 100 days, because his grandmother insists on opening meat, thinks of various ways to give meat to the baby, and specially prepares crucian fish soup.

Although the mother was opposed in her heart, she couldn't help the old man love her grandson, so she let the baby drink a few spoonfuls of fish soup, and the baby coughed even when he coughed, and the cough symptoms intensified, and after being rushed to the hospital, the baby was diagnosed with severe pneumonia. (News source: Changsha Political and Legal Channel)

There is also a male treasure in Changsha, Hunan Province, who has just turned 100 days, because the old people in the family insist on giving the child fish soup and salted meat.

As a result, not long after drinking the fish soup, the baby was covered with red rashes, and also developed symptoms such as coughing and foaming at the mouth.

After being rushed to the hospital, the baby caused allergies after drinking fish soup, resulting in a series of allergic reactions.

Parents, the child's feeding, must be well controlled, protect the child, feed the child indiscriminately, once it causes allergies, the consequences may be serious.

The doctor also reminds that adding meat to a 3-month-old baby will not only cause digestive dysfunction, but also easily cause allergies!

Prescribe salt meat to children as young as three months old

Really undesirable!

Bacon, crucian carp soup, fish and other foods, little babies really can't eat.

Some elders stubbornly insist on prescribing salt meat for the baby, feeling that the child must eat salt to be strong, and the food must have salt to the child love to eat...

It cannot be denied that salt is important for children, but the amount they need in their bodies does not need additional supplementation.

Salt is sodium, sodium is important for adults and children, because sodium is a necessary element of our human body, the body to maintain normal work has an important role, if salt intake is insufficient, easy to cause hyponatremia.

The symptoms of hyponatremia include: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and fatigue, muscle weakness, irritability... The manifestation of this kind of symptom is what the elderly often call "lack of strength".

However, for people who consume salt normally, as long as there are no related diseases, or the body sweats extremely and does not hydrate in time, hyponatremia is less likely.

This is especially true for babies, for babies under 1 year old, the salt contained in breast milk is enough for his body's needs.

After 6 months of age, whether it is breast milk or formula, plus the addition of complementary foods, the amount of salt he needs daily has been replenished enough, so there is no need for additional salt!

Extra supplements are a load on their bodies, and it is important to remember that if you give your child too much salt for a long time, there will be potential risks such as high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, and heart disease in the future.

Most importantly, babies before 6 months can only suck and swallow, and their neuromuscular system is not developed enough to achieve true chewing movements, so children who cannot chew directly swallow food, and feeding meat at will will be at risk of choking.

There is also a blind insistence on opening meat for the baby, premature addition of meat complementary foods can cause diarrhea, blood in the stool, and the most serious food allergies, must not underestimate the danger of food allergies!

Therefore, don't blindly give the baby 100 days of meat, 3 or 4 months of the baby, can only eat breast milk and formula!

Feed your baby correctly and scientifically

is responsible for the baby!

Before 6 months of age, breast milk is the best food for them, and if there is not enough breast milk or for some reason they cannot breastfeed, formula is the best food for the baby.

After the baby is 4-6 months old, to add complementary food, may be in the eyes of the older generation, open meat is to add complementary food, must remember the order of addition of complementary food and adding requirements, do not let fish, bacon and other foods preemptive.

We need to know that the order of complementary food addition is: paste→ pure→ lumpy → solid.

So when should you feed your baby paste, puree or solids?

1. Babies aged 4-6 months

Can eat:

◆ Single grains, occasionally mixed with infant formula or breast milk or water.

2. Babies aged 6-8 months

Can eat:

◆Fruits (bananas, pears, apples, apricots, prunes) and vegetables (avocados, carrots, peas, potatoes, pumpkin), cleaned, baked, boiled or steamed until softened. Then make it into a slurry. Add a little liquid, such as breast milk, infant formula, etc.

◆Yogurt (whole milk or soybean)

◆Cut the meat into small pieces; Mash or chop beans.

3. 8-10 months baby

Can eat:

◆ Fruit purées and vegetable purées, usually boiled, such as carrots and sweet potatoes, boiled or steamed until softened, can also be mixed with soft foods such as bananas and avocados.

◆Small soft foods, such as soft fruits or boiled noodles, etc., mash so that your baby can swallow.

◆Eggs, steamed and cut into small pieces.

4. Babies aged 10-12 months

Can eat:

◆ The baby begins to learn to chew and the baby will begin to eat solid pieces of food.

◆ It is possible to try eating adult food, and the mother can also chop or mash the food so that the baby can chew and swallow safely.

Pay special attention: round and sturdy foods like grapes, meat, etc., can cause a choking hazard to the baby. Cut these foods into small pieces.

The 3 most dangerous feeding behaviors

Please refuse decisively!

Parents, safe feeding is no small matter, the food that cannot be fed must not be fed to the child, and it must be stopped when it is time to stop!

1. Refuse mouth-to-mouth feeding

What adults have eaten, resolutely do not give children to eat, mouth-to-mouth feeding will spread a variety of diseases, must be resolutely avoided, to prevent infection, the main thing is to grasp the "disease from the mouth" pass:

(1) Adults should not blow on children's soup and rice. Spit is the main source of infection, if the meal is too hot, put it away, if you want to test the temperature of the milk, you can drop a few drops of milk on the inside of the arm, if it feels not hot or cold, then the temperature is appropriate, do not use the mouth to test the temperature.

(2) Do not add vegetables to the baby. When eating around the table, adults, especially the elderly at home, keep serving dishes to the baby out of "love", and it is recommended to use male chopsticks or the baby's own chopsticks.

(3) Wash your hands frequently. Washing hands before meals can greatly reduce fecal-oral-oral-borne infectious diseases.

2. Refuse to chew and feed

Parents of the older generation are used to feeding their chewed things to their babies, which is not only unhygienic and the hidden germs in the saliva can also be transmitted to the baby.

Young babies have weak resistance and a great risk of infection, if you are worried that your baby will not be able to chew food, you can process the food and feed it to your baby, do not chew and feed.

Allowing your baby to chew on his own is also good for his teeth and oral muscles.

3. Refuse to feed at will

Don't feed the baby indiscriminately, it's really very dangerous, pregnant mothers list a few real examples:

A 16-month-old baby in Hangzhou almost choked to death because the elderly in the family were fed sugar cane.

Because my husband and grandma always like to feed indiscriminately, unpeeled orange chunks, candy, and large bananas, causing my daughter to almost get stuck several times, yes, it's almost stuck!

A 1-year-old baby boy in Guizhou, because he choked on melon seeds into the trachea, the doctor rescued him for 70 minutes, and failed to snatch him back from death....

To avoid choking on your child's food, don't feed dangerous things to your child:

(1) Nuts. No.1 that causes suffocation, at any time, no one, should feed a child under 5 years old whole nuts, eat it, grind it into powder or small pieces and eat it.

(2) Do not feed nuts such as melon seeds, peanuts, and walnuts to children under 5 years old.

(3) Grapes, cinnamon balls, meat sausages, beans and other granular foods, do not give the whole food to children. Round fruits should be safely treated before being given to children.

(4) Do not give boneless fish and meat, unseeded fruits, crunchy and harder foods such as candies to children.

(5) Do not give jelly to children under the age of three, older children should also eat jelly under the supervision of adults, and do not eat if they can.

(5) Fruits such as bananas and apples should also be chopped and pureeed for young children.

(6) Do not give children liquor, beer, or rice wine.

Any random feeding of children, no matter who it is, parents should directly refuse, because once the accident happens, it is 100%, no one can bear it!

It is not easy to raise a baby to grow, for the health of the child, you must stop when you should stop it, and you must refuse when you should refuse!

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