
Medicinal food cognate food twenty-three - lotus leaf

author:Buddhist writing

This is the twenty-third article in this series I shared, and the previous twenty-two articles are all in the collection, and friends who like it can click to take a look. I wrote this because I was giving my parents the reason of conditioning my body, and according to my own profession, I thought of sharing medicinal and food foods with the same origin, hoping to help everyone.

Chinese traditional Chinese medicine culture is integrated into daily life, and in the bloodline, medicine and food are often heard in daily life, such as yam to replenish the spleen and stomach, chrysanthemum to clear heat and detoxify, and so on. The medicinal and food homologous varieties written are all from the official materials of the Health Commission, so there is no need to have any doubts.

Yesterday I talked about mulberry leaves, and today I introduced another kind of leaf - lotus leaves.

Lotus leaf, a dried leaf of the plant lotus of the family Nymphaeaceae. Harvested in summer and autumn, when dried in seven or eight, the petiole is removed, folded into a semicircle or folding fan, and dried.

Medicinal food cognate food twenty-three - lotus leaf

Fresh plants

Medicinal food cognate food twenty-three - lotus leaf

Medicinal herbs lotus leaf

As a drug

Traditional Chinese medicine sexual taste gui jing, function indications:

【Sexual taste and sutra】Bitter taste, flat sex. Attributed to the liver, spleen, stomach meridian.

【Function and Indication】Clear heat and humidity, raise clear yang, cool blood and stop bleeding. It is used for summer heat and thirst, summer humidity and diarrhea, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, blood heat vomiting, blood leakage in the stool.

Lotus leaf charcoal has the function of astringent, dissipating stasis and stopping bleeding, and is used for hemorrhage and postpartum blood halo.

Lotus leaf contains lotine, prolotine, spotted Asian papaverine, racemic papaverine, pro-lotusine, N-desmethyllotine, chervino, tulipine, bapnine, N_methyl bappanine, N-normei papaverine, North American tulip nidine, quercetin, isoquercetin, colorless cyanidin, colorless flixylgrass, lotin, oxalic acid, succinic acid, malic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, gluconic acid, tannin and other ingredients. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that lotus leaf has the effects of diuretic, intestinal toxification, antipyretic, bacteriostatic, antispasmodic, and reducing triglycerides and cholesterol content in serum.

Contraindications to consumption

 Lotus leaves are dispersed and consumed, and the virtual forbidden lotus leaves. Whoever is scorched and evil is prosperous, and he who is good to clear and descend, must not use lotus leaves.

As food

Lotus leaves are generally used as porridge cooking materials and tea substitutes.

Medicinal food cognate food twenty-three - lotus leaf

Lotus leaf porridge: can clear heat and dissolve phlegm, remove fat and reduce turbidity, suitable for summer fever and hyperlipidemia.

Medicinal food cognate food twenty-three - lotus leaf

Winter melon lotus leaf tea: winter melon, lotus leaf, cassia seed three flavors of this herbal herb. Moisturizing and laxative, lowering lipids and brightening eyes, and has a certain effect on constipation, hyperlipidemia and hypertension

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