
Outburst! Di Li Gerba first responded to the "pregnancy and childbirth" incident and did not want to be overly focused on her private life

author:Magic orange orange
Outburst! Di Li Gerba first responded to the "pregnancy and childbirth" incident and did not want to be overly focused on her private life

On March 13, Di Li Gerba responded to the rumors that were speculated on the Internet to "get pregnant and have children", "I will be angry at first, but gradually it will only be funny, even if I open a live broadcast every day to clarify to everyone, people who do not believe still have an excuse for not believing."


Outburst! Di Li Gerba first responded to the "pregnancy and childbirth" incident and did not want to be overly focused on her private life

Watching Di Li Gerba's interview, you can fully feel her sincerity and calmness at this stage, deeply know what she wants, and also pursue her ideal life.


Outburst! Di Li Gerba first responded to the "pregnancy and childbirth" incident and did not want to be overly focused on her private life

The original cause of the incident was probably due to a post by Huang Jingyu's ex-wife, "Hot 8 is very cute", such a simple few words, and fans took a photo of Reba at the airport has attracted the suspicion of countless netizens.

Outburst! Di Li Gerba first responded to the "pregnancy and childbirth" incident and did not want to be overly focused on her private life

On the Internet, Reba "tropical fish pregnancy" is even more furious, and even more exaggerated this year's "baby rabbit", all kinds of exaggerations to describe Reba, as a party, she was smeared for no reason, and even added oil and vinegar.

Outburst! Di Li Gerba first responded to the "pregnancy and childbirth" incident and did not want to be overly focused on her private life

There are paparazzi who spread rumors all by a mouth and feeling, and finally when the paparazzi also found that everything was fake, they only needed to lightly say "Oh, it's like this, I rely on the seventh feeling, it's me who misunderstood" or even "Who told her not to say it earlier, not to make it clear." ”

Outburst! Di Li Gerba first responded to the "pregnancy and childbirth" incident and did not want to be overly focused on her private life

就是这些谣言一直被传,难怪热巴这么郑重的公开回应这则谣言,热巴说:“这是‬一个‬普遍‬现象‬,而‬不是‬我‬一个人‬的‬孤例。 一个‬女性‬,不结婚‬不生‬小孩‬、结婚‬生‬小孩‬、结婚‬不‬生‬小孩‬... 都是‬个人‬选择‬。 When people discuss a woman, they can get out of the frame of thinking that she seems to be married, seems to be divorced, seems to have children, seems to have children in her life, and may be a small improvement."

Outburst! Di Li Gerba first responded to the "pregnancy and childbirth" incident and did not want to be overly focused on her private life

Summary: Because the crew delayed the start-up, gave themselves a month's vacation, came to Hangzhou to play, rumors are pure nonsense, Di Li Gerba hopes that her parents and the three of her will live their own little life, travel together, and eat food together.

Outburst! Di Li Gerba first responded to the "pregnancy and childbirth" incident and did not want to be overly focused on her private life

The days are your own, don't affect your own life because of other people's words. In addition, she has said many times that she is single, but some people do not want to believe it, and they can always find various excuses.

Outburst! Di Li Gerba first responded to the "pregnancy and childbirth" incident and did not want to be overly focused on her private life



Outburst! Di Li Gerba first responded to the "pregnancy and childbirth" incident and did not want to be overly focused on her private life

#Entertainment Criticism Awards#The entertainment industry itself is a circle with a high exposure rate, how to make money is so simple, while squeezing your head to be popular and popular, while you are reluctant to abandon the glory and wealth of this circle, it is inevitable that there are various rumors that cannot be avoided.

The profession of an actor itself earns more than ordinary people, and if you choose, you have to accept it, and your ability to withstand pressure is strong. 大家文明观影,适度追星,所以还是期待热巴的未来‬更多‬作品和‬大家‬见面‬吧,最后‬祝福‬热巴‬目前‬单身‬快乐‬,过‬自己‬想要‬的‬生活‬。

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