
Spring is coming, and if the swallow is the messenger of spring, then the woodpecker is the hero of spring protection. Spring returns to the earth, and all things are revived. In this beautiful season, the insects also ended a winter of dormancy,

author:Brother Wang talked eloquently

Spring is coming, and if the swallow is the messenger of spring, then the woodpecker is the hero of spring protection.

Spring returns to the earth, and all things are revived. In this beautiful season, the insects have also ended the dormancy of winter, and they have got up and are ready to move, using their hobbies to discredit the color of spring.

"Darker moonlight half-people, the Big Dipper is dry and the South Dipper is oblique. Tonight, I know that the spring air is warm, and the sound of insects is new through the green window screen. "Although the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Wanping's poem "Moon Night" is a unique Wing Chun song, it also writes about the silence and chill of the spring night, but the revival of everything in the poem makes people feel the restlessness of life. However, the poet would never have thought that with the taste of modern people, there is another kind of reason in the poem: that is, a considerable part of the insects that awaken and sprout in the spring can destroy the spring through their insatiable greed.

So, at this time, the woodpecker stepped forward and acted as a warrior to guard the spring. Under the spring sky, woodpeckers never flaunt at will, and they always toilfully land on trees, looking for targets for pests. The woodpecker also does not have a pleasant singing voice, but the call of "void, void, void-" or "drip, drip, drip-" is like the chirping of a police car siren.

In the textbook of the primary school that year, I had read the article "Woodpecker", and I knew that woodpecker was not only a master of catching insects in the forest, but also a divine doctor who healed trees. Watch it move quickly between stops and move, and the toe walking is suitable for climbing. or around the branches of the tree like a spiral; Or a smooth jump like an upwarder, but also able to jump down sharply and fall backwards, the ancients called it "ape edge", that is, flexible and free like an ape. Woodpeckers, it is in the beautiful spring color that they complete the sacred mission of managing the forest.

Spring trees, guarded by woodpeckers, are sure to sprout in spring. If creation endows borers with tiny minds, they will be terrified when they see the color of woodpeckers and hear woodpecker sounds. And when they personally learn the woodpecker's thunderbolt operation, they must raise their hands and surrender, and they will be captured.

Spring is coming, and if the swallow is the messenger of spring, then the woodpecker is the hero of spring protection. Spring returns to the earth, and all things are revived. In this beautiful season, the insects also ended a winter of dormancy,
Spring is coming, and if the swallow is the messenger of spring, then the woodpecker is the hero of spring protection. Spring returns to the earth, and all things are revived. In this beautiful season, the insects also ended a winter of dormancy,
Spring is coming, and if the swallow is the messenger of spring, then the woodpecker is the hero of spring protection. Spring returns to the earth, and all things are revived. In this beautiful season, the insects also ended a winter of dormancy,

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