
I drank a bowl of seawater, and at that moment, I felt "happy" like never before

author:Tangerine said

Seawater is a body of water that contains a lot of salts and other trace elements, and it was often thought that it would only be drunk if the conditions in which the ocean stored water were poor. However, with the emergence of a series of problems such as environmental pollution and water shortage, more and more people want to try drinking seawater directly. However, such behavior is actually very dangerous and can lead to serious health problems.

I drank a bowl of seawater, and at that moment, I felt "happy" like never before

Happy dehydration.

Although seawater can be used to quench thirst, for the body, drinking seawater can cause the body to lose more water, which can cause dehydration. This is because salts and other trace elements from seawater absorb water from the body, making it drier. If the lack of water in the body is serious, drinking seawater will worsen the situation, and severe cases may also lead to heat stroke and other kung fu diseases.

I drank a bowl of seawater, and at that moment, I felt "happy" like never before

Gastroenteritis came

There are many microorganisms and bacteria in seawater, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. These microorganisms and bacteria can cause gastroenteritis, causing vomiting, diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms. In seawater, there are many more of these microorganisms than in ordinary tap water. Therefore, people who drink seawater are prone to infection with various gastroenteritis.

I drank a bowl of seawater, and at that moment, I felt "happy" like never before


Seawater contains high salt, and if you drink it directly, it will increase the salt concentration in people's bodies. When the concentration of salt exceeds the normal range, salt poisoning occurs. Symptoms of salt poisoning include thirst, nausea, headache, laziness, confusion, and if severe, cramps or loss of consciousness.

I drank a bowl of seawater, and at that moment, I felt "happy" like never before

Liver, kidney disease

Seawater contains many harmful substances. Seawater, which contains a large amount of salt and other harmful substances, forms crystals in the human body and forms precipitates in the liver and kidneys. Long-term consumption of seawater can cause damage to the liver and kidneys, which in turn can lead to disease.

I drank a bowl of seawater, and at that moment, I felt "happy" like never before

The health hazard of drinking seawater directly is so great, so how to drink water? Under normal circumstances, we should choose pure water and drinking water, and drinking water should be boiled, so as to ensure the cleanliness of the water and kill bacteria and other harmful substances. In addition, other water sources can be considered, such as mountain spring water, well water, etc. However, no matter what kind of water source, more attention should be paid to safety and hygiene to avoid health risks caused by improper drinking of water.

In general, drinking seawater directly is a very dangerous and unwise act that can lead to serious health problems. If you need to drink, it is best to choose clean and healthy water, drinking water or boiled water, and follow the correct drinking habits, so as to ensure the health and safety of the body.

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