
Eat peanuts on an empty stomach in the morning, and it won't be long before 5 health benefits may "take the initiative" to find your door

author:Caramel milk tea ie

Eat peanuts on an empty stomach in the morning, and it won't be long before 5 health benefits may "take the initiative" to find the door and look down

Peanuts have the effect of improving immunity and have the effect of supplementing nutrition.

Peanuts are a kind of nut that is characterized by high fat and calories, and also contains protein, vitamins, lecithin, as well as minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, etc., which has the effect of improving immunity and supplementing nutrition. It is also known as "long-lasting fruit" in peanuts in life, and is rich in nutrients.

Eat peanuts on an empty stomach in the morning, and it won't be long before 5 health benefits may "take the initiative" to find your door

Some health-conscious people may choose to eat a few peanuts on an empty stomach after getting up in the morning, because this can bring many benefits to the body, let's take a look together!

What benefits does eating peanuts on an empty stomach bring to our body in the morning?

1. Beauty and beauty: peanuts contain certain anti-aging ingredients, eating a few peanuts on an empty stomach in the morning can play a role in delaying aging and beauty and beauty.

2. Maintain bone health: peanuts are relatively rich in calcium, and eating a moderate amount of peanuts can not only achieve the expected calcium supplementation effect, but also help protect bones.

Eat peanuts on an empty stomach in the morning, and it won't be long before 5 health benefits may "take the initiative" to find your door

3. Prevention of hair loss: You can consider eating some peanuts in your daily life, which can help supplement the nutrients needed by the body, and at the same time nourish hair follicles and alleviate hair loss.

4. Nourish the brain and strengthen the brain: After getting up in the morning, eat a few peanuts on an empty stomach, the flavonoids and resveratrol in them help promote brain blood circulation.

5. Maintain the stomach: eating a few peanuts on an empty stomach can supplement protein to the body, help neutralize stomach acid and relieve stomach discomfort, and the phospholipids contained in peanuts can protect the gastric mucosa, so it can play a role in regulating the stomach.

There are several ways to do peanuts

1. Spiced peanuts

Soak the peanut rice in clean water for more than 2 hours, drain the water and add water to the spare pot, add peanut rice, wrap the star anise, peppercorns, cinnamon, cloves and fragrant leaves in a stew box, put them in the pot and cook with the peanut rice. After boiling on high heat, change to low heat and cook for about 10 minutes, add salt and cook for another 5 minutes to let the peanut rice soak in the soup for 1-2 hours will be more flavorful (if you are in a hurry to eat, take it out and let it cool) Blanch celery cut off, dice carrots, add a little salt and vinegar to marinate for a while, add cool peanut rice and mix well, add a little sesame oil and mix well

Eat peanuts on an empty stomach in the morning, and it won't be long before 5 health benefits may "take the initiative" to find your door

2. Salted peanut rice

The materials used, 500 grams of raw peanut rice; oil 10 g; 5 g salt

Raw peanut rice bought at the supermarket

Preheat the pan to drain the oil

Put the raw peanut rice in it, turn on the stir-fry peanut button, you will hear the peanut sound in the pot, turn it over after a while, and continue to heat

Change color on both sides out of the pan, sprinkle with a small half spoonful of salt, shake the peanut rice in the pot, let the salt be evenly proportioned, cool and ready to eat

Eat peanuts on an empty stomach in the morning, and it won't be long before 5 health benefits may "take the initiative" to find your door

3. Simple and easy to make saltwater peanuts

Materials used: peanuts about 2 pounds; Large grains of salt are about 1-2 two

Preparation: Wash the peanuts

After washing, put it in a deep pot, add water higher than peanuts, pour in large grains of salt, bring to a boil over high heat, boil the pot after 10 minutes, don't worry about eating it just like that, come to a plate when you want to eat, it's so beautiful!

If you eat with a light taste, you can add some water, add less large salt, boil the water, and cover it with a stuffy lid!

Eat peanuts on an empty stomach in the morning, and it won't be long before 5 health benefits may "take the initiative" to find your door

I want to eat it when I look at it!

Finally here, do you still know several methods of peanuts, the comment area and share with us, does this bring you help, like my article, be sure to like and support, remember to forward to more friends let them know, thanks for watching.

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