
From winter to spring, everything recovers, and the money tree, which was repotted last year, is full of life. One by one, the shoots emerged, as if the game was changing day by day. Life is wonderful. this

author:Deep inside the roller blinds

From winter to spring, everything recovers, and the money tree, which was repotted last year, is full of life. One by one, the shoots emerged, as if the game was changing day by day.

Life is wonderful. This pot of money tree, I cut a few cuttings from my office four years ago, and for almost a year and a half after it sprouted and lived, it has been pretending to sleep, not growing new shoots, not growing new leaves, just like a pot of plastic bonsai, no change at all, and then last spring, all of a sudden, new shoots began to pop up, and I realized, oh, people woke up [laughs].

This year is the fourth year that it has come to my house, there is always a reward for the effort, looking at its green old leaves, brittle new shoots, a kind of awe for life, the kind of precipitation accumulation that is not impatient, the kind of vigorous and upward vigor, the kind of indomitable wind and bone that can withstand any wind and rain, the kind of spirit that seizes all opportunities and is born to the sun... Everything is worth learning and thinking about.

From winter to spring, everything recovers, and the money tree, which was repotted last year, is full of life. One by one, the shoots emerged, as if the game was changing day by day. Life is wonderful. this
From winter to spring, everything recovers, and the money tree, which was repotted last year, is full of life. One by one, the shoots emerged, as if the game was changing day by day. Life is wonderful. this
From winter to spring, everything recovers, and the money tree, which was repotted last year, is full of life. One by one, the shoots emerged, as if the game was changing day by day. Life is wonderful. this

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