
The Tang Jie incident reappeared, and finally understood why Du Feng had to be strict with the players, discipline and honor

author:Superman is tired of flying high
The Tang Jie incident reappeared, and finally understood why Du Feng had to be strict with the players, discipline and honor

How strict is Du Feng's way of governing the army? 不管是在场上还是在场下,杜锋作为球队主帅始终以最严格的标准要求自己的弟子‬。 上赛季在场边玩手机的汤杰被杜锋批评后,被请离球场的场景历历在目,让球迷们‬深刻认识到了杜锋的严格要求。

The Tang Jie incident reappeared, and finally understood why Du Feng had to be strict with the players, discipline and honor

一向‬乖巧‬听话‬的‬小绵羊赵锦洋竟敢“顶风作案”,即使‬是‬首‬犯错,杜锋依旧坚持对纪律的严格要求。 对于这种情况,杜锋的处理方式同样体现了他对高‬纪律性‬的坚持。 As the leader of the team, he asked the players not only to give their all in the game, but also to respect each other and maintain the cohesion and sense of honor of the team.

The Tang Jie incident reappeared, and finally understood why Du Feng had to be strict with the players, discipline and honor

是的‬,杜锋不仅要求球员在比赛中全力以赴,还要求他们互相尊重,维护团队的凝聚力和荣誉感。 因为‬在杜锋看来,即使是替补或没进入比赛名单的球员,也应该懂得如何尊重在场上的队友。 在上赛季新闻发布会上,杜指导谈到了汤杰被请出球场的事情,他就‬强调了这一点。

The Tang Jie incident reappeared, and finally understood why Du Feng had to be strict with the players, discipline and honor

在一支冠军球队中,杜锋的严格要求是非常有‬必要的。 他的治军之道是建立在对球员个人素质、团队纪律和赛场表现的高度要求之上,这种高标准的要求,才‬是杜锋的治军之道的核心,也是‬宏远‬能‬荣膺‬冠军‬之道‬。

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