
Dapeng's "Keep You Safe" broke 100 million at the box office, Deng Chao, study hard

3 days after its release, the box office of Dapeng's new film "Keep You Safe" officially exceeded 100 million.

And Deng Chao's new film "Chinese Table Tennis Jedi Strikes Back" has been released for 24 days, but the box office has not exceeded 100 million.

This time, Deng Chao lost badly.

At this time, his variety show "Wuha" has been broadcast, and adopting a little Siberian tiger in the show has given the name of "ping pong", and you can see that he is working hard to promote his new film all the time. But no matter how hard you work, even if you use half of your friends in the entertainment industry, it won't help.

Now it is even surpassed by "Keep You Safe", which has only been released for 3 days.

Compared with Dapeng, Deng Chao's directorial path is not right.

Compared with Deng Chao, Dapeng's directorial path is undoubtedly successful.

Whether it is box office or word of mouth, Dapeng's four films directed and acted in have gained a lot. Compared with Deng Chao's previous films, which only have box office and no word of mouth, Dapeng's first three films have a double harvest at the box office.

Of course, compared to Deng Chao, Dapeng rarely participates in variety shows, and the most recent variety show is "Actor Please Take Position 2", serving as the initiator and host, and such a variety show is still related to film and television. Of course, he has also participated in "Ace vs. Ace" and "Extreme Challenge" before, but they are obviously flying guests.

Whether it is an actor or a director, Dapeng has its own clear and definite positioning.

On the other hand, Deng Chao, after all, has family pressure, so let him participate in variety shows crazy, and the result is to ruin himself.

In terms of popularity and influence, Dapeng cannot be compared with Deng Chao, and the two are not at the same level, but in the matter of directing, Deng Chao really needs to learn from Dapeng.

Dapeng's idol is Stephen Chow, and Deng Chao has acted in Stephen Chow's movies, although both of them are mainly comedies, but Dapeng is really paying tribute to Xingye, and Deng Chao just learned a skin. Today's Deng Chao is more commercial, has lost his original intention, and shoots whatever is hot. But Dapeng is also more commercial, but this commercialization is the commercialization of the film under the condition of adhering to the original intention, rather than simply chasing the market and interests.

"Keep You Safe" Douban opened 7.8 points, and now it has risen to 7.9 points, this 0.1 point increase is the public's recognition of this film. And this is also the highest rating for director Dapeng, and even starring in the film. Although it may not be as good as the high-scoring films that Deng Chao once starred in, such as "Scorching Sun" and "Li Mi's Conjecture", it completely crushed several films directed by Deng Chao.

"Keep You Safe" is a big outbreak in Dapeng's ten years as a director, and it is a summary and sublimation of the past.

Dapeng once bluntly said that he is a small person, so he has always focused on the telling and interpretation of the stories of small people, bringing everyone a movie about marginal little people. From "Pancake Man" to "Sewing Machine Band" to now "Keep You Safe". Of course, the films he starred in are also mainly small people, such as "Beneficiary" and "Big Winner".

It is his focus on genre characters and themes that has allowed him to accumulate rich experience, coupled with his own efforts, to have such a masterpiece.

"My talent is hard work."

When people asked what kind of person Dapeng was, he said.

From chasing his music dream in college, to working as an editor and host after graduation, and then writing and directing "Dicky Man", and the fire spread all over the Internet, officially opening his acting career.

After that, as a director, he only directed four films, and there was a long interval in between, and he was obviously not in a hurry, but was gathering momentum, but working hard.

Some people described his success as: "the moment the drop stone pierces the moment it is released". But Dapeng said - "the water has not yet dripped through the stones."

This is the real Dapeng.

Be humble, studious and hardworking.

He knows who he is and where he is going, is not arrogant and impatient, and concentrates on it.

He uses movies to realize his unfinished dreams, he uses movies to tell his story, he uses movies to express his attitude to life, of course, now he uses movies to promote the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature, love and affection among people.

The "peace" in "Keep You Safe" first refers to Wei Ping'an, then refers to chivalry and righteousness, and finally refers to the wish that there is love in the world, there is true love in the world, and everything is safe.

There are rumors, there is school violence, but these are just a carrier, an entrance, what Dapeng wants to show is not these specific events, but a discussion with a larger dimension and perspective, telling how a middle-aged frustrated person who has experienced ups and downs fights with himself, left or right. Good thoughts, morality, and things that everyone has in their hearts have been persevered by such a small person, and this spiritual power is undoubtedly more impactful and deterrent.

Dapeng understands social reality and people's situation very well, but he also understands the survival of small people.

After more than ten years of climbing and climbing, deep cultivation, and the application of various elements to this film, so that everyone can get what they want through the film, and finally have some thinking, this is what a filmmaker should do.

And he undoubtedly did it and succeeded.

Every small ordinary person has his own shining side.

Just like Wei Pingan in the film, no matter what the situation in life is, he always adheres to the bottom line and morality in his heart, does what he feels is right, is at ease with his own heart, and can also shine on others, worthy of himself, worthy of others, not only to ensure his own safety, but also to ensure the safety of others, and this is the safety of the world.

"Since ancient times, there have been many sorrows and sufferings", and this movie is telling us how to do, how to face the difficulties of life, how to get through our own disappointed and lost stages of life, so that we believe that there is love in the world, there is love in the world, and it is worth it.

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