
The four friends help each other and live together in harmony and friendship. You must be very moved when you see it. As soon as the mole climbed out of the skylight, he was spotted by a little mouse waiting not far away, and he whistled,

author:Ivy anime

The four friends help each other and live together in harmony and friendship. You must be very moved when you see it.

As soon as the mole climbed out of the skylight, it was spotted by a little mouse waiting not far away, and he whistled to signal the mole to come and eat. I saw that on the lawn outside the hut, a plate of pastries had been set up on a small wooden table. The mole emits a characteristic laugh.

He whistled at the big rabbit's house and called out the big rabbit, and then the big rabbit whistled at the little hedgehog's house and called out the little hedgehog. Holding hands, go to the little mouse's banquet. The four friends sat around and ate happily.

The sun father-in-law hanging in the sky, laughing and laughing, was covered by the clouds, and a large raindrop fell down. The four little ones ran back home.

The raging flood soon flooded the little mouse's thatched hut. The little mouse climbed to the roof and cried.

The rain stopped, the mole crawled out of the underground palace, and oops, he saw the little mouse trapped on the roof by the flood, and quickly ran over to pull him, and one by accident, actually flashed himself into the water. He climbed up from the water and thought of a good way. He ran back to the underground palace to get a shovel, called a big rabbit and a little hedgehog, dug a small canal, and released the stagnant water that besieged the little mouse's house.

The rat family's house is too low and has been flooded. The mole made a unique clever finger and decided to help the rat build a new house on a small plateau. A few good friends work together, pushing bricks, carrying wood, carrying cement, and carrying water. The house was built in no time.

The little mouse bows to his friends and happily enters his new home to get busy. After a while, a plate of pastries was baked. The four friends sat around the open-air table and ate. The bugs landed on their empty plates and played a beautiful violin piece for them.

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The four friends help each other and live together in harmony and friendship. You must be very moved when you see it. As soon as the mole climbed out of the skylight, he was spotted by a little mouse waiting not far away, and he whistled,
The four friends help each other and live together in harmony and friendship. You must be very moved when you see it. As soon as the mole climbed out of the skylight, he was spotted by a little mouse waiting not far away, and he whistled,
The four friends help each other and live together in harmony and friendship. You must be very moved when you see it. As soon as the mole climbed out of the skylight, he was spotted by a little mouse waiting not far away, and he whistled,
The four friends help each other and live together in harmony and friendship. You must be very moved when you see it. As soon as the mole climbed out of the skylight, he was spotted by a little mouse waiting not far away, and he whistled,
The four friends help each other and live together in harmony and friendship. You must be very moved when you see it. As soon as the mole climbed out of the skylight, he was spotted by a little mouse waiting not far away, and he whistled,
The four friends help each other and live together in harmony and friendship. You must be very moved when you see it. As soon as the mole climbed out of the skylight, he was spotted by a little mouse waiting not far away, and he whistled,
The four friends help each other and live together in harmony and friendship. You must be very moved when you see it. As soon as the mole climbed out of the skylight, he was spotted by a little mouse waiting not far away, and he whistled,
The four friends help each other and live together in harmony and friendship. You must be very moved when you see it. As soon as the mole climbed out of the skylight, he was spotted by a little mouse waiting not far away, and he whistled,
The four friends help each other and live together in harmony and friendship. You must be very moved when you see it. As soon as the mole climbed out of the skylight, he was spotted by a little mouse waiting not far away, and he whistled,

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