
Others respect you, not because you are good, but because others are better than you

Others respect you, not because you are good, but because others are better than you

Wen \ Zhiyan

The ancients said: "If you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are good, you will benefit the world." ”

The more capable people are, the more they are able to put themselves in the shoes of others and know how to respect others.

Without respect for human relations, there will be no long-term relationship.

The higher the level, the more people know how to respect others.

01 Knowing how to appreciate others is a realm

There is a kind of "green light thinking" in psychology, and people with green light thinking will always maintain an open mind and accept the excellent qualities of others.

Sports star Gu Ailing is such a person.

At the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, the women's freestyle ski big air is an extremely exciting competition.

France's Tess Ludd has a perfect lead on two consecutive jumps, and the champion position is on the verge of holding. In the final jump, she chose the most difficult move in history for women and has not been challenged to this day, 1620 to turn right.

Unexpectedly, when he landed, he fell and cried bitterly, and it was difficult to hide his loss. Gu Ailing hurriedly ran up to hug and comfort Tess Ludd, and the sympathy between the opponents was touching.

Immediately after, Gu Ailing appeared.

At that time, Gu Ailing ranked third, the last jump, if you choose a safer move, you will win the third place.

But at this time, she chose to challenge her limits, the world's highest difficulty for women, and she had never practiced the 1620 left turn once.

Fortunately, Gu Ailing successfully landed the challenge and won the championship!

Others respect you, not because you are good, but because others are better than you

At that moment, the audience cheered, applauded thunderously, and even Chairman Bach stood up and applauded her.

After the game, Gu Ailing generously praised Taisi's excellence at the press conference.

She said: "Thank you Tess Ludd, I'm so proud of her! It was her outstanding performance today that inspired me and pushed me to finish my 1620, break the record and set an all-time first. ”

I have to say that Gu Ailing's words show the style of a general.

There is a saying: "A person who dares to face his own shortcomings and acknowledge the excellence of others is the best testimony of his excellent self." ”

In life, there are many people who turn a blind eye to the excellence of others, or like to sneer.

You use your spare time to read and study, and he throws a sentence: "Less pretending here!" ”

You make something and he scoffs: "It's not because of luck yet!" ”

Such people are often confined to their own prejudices and narrow-mindedness.

Not seeing your own shortcomings and not seeing the efforts of others actually prevents your own progress.

Knowing how to appreciate others is kindness and respect for others. While conveying warmth and love to others, you are also earning the respect of others.

Appreciating others is a virtue, a kind of wisdom, and a rare state of life.

Others respect you, not because you are good, but because others are better than you

02 Accepting the differences of others is a pattern

Seen a fable.

There are two trees in the yard, willow and date.

In spring, the willow tree is graceful and colorful, and the jujube tree is shriveled and ugly.

In the blink of an eye, in the autumn, the jujube trees bear many large and red fruits, while the willow trees gradually wither.

Willow asked why the jujube tree didn't laugh at himself.

The jujube tree replied: "You germinate quickly, green early, you have your advantages!" ”

Hearing this, Willow blushed and lowered his head in shame.

Many times, like Willow, we always look at our own strengths, but blindly focus on the shortcomings of others.

In fact, everything in the world has its own value, and we must learn to accept and respect the differences of others.

In the Analects, it is said: "Gentlemen are harmonious but different."

The larger the pattern, the more able to think differently, understand and accept the differences of others.

A long-time friend of the famous comedian Chaplin, when he mentioned Chaplin, he always admired and praised him, saying: "Chaplin's radiant personality illuminates his life."

It turned out that this friend was a die-hard Chaplin fan a few years ago.

By chance, the two met, talked very happily, and even had the feeling of seeing each other.

He kindly invited Chaplin to his home. As a baseball fan, he took Chaplin to see his various baseball collections.

In the face of his enthusiastic and gushing friends, Chaplin smiled and listened attentively the whole time.

When parting, he was very reluctant to Chaplin, and sent him a long way before leaving.

Others respect you, not because you are good, but because others are better than you

Later, Chaplin returned home and made several roundabouts to find the baseball star that his friend liked. Chaplin asked him to sign a baseball cap and offered to give it as a gift to a new friend from afar.

Chaplin's actions made the people around him very puzzled.

Because everyone knows that Chaplin, who likes to be quiet, was never interested in baseball.

But in order not to sweep his friend's Yaxing, he was able to chat with his new friend about baseball games for most of the day.

Everyone felt that this was torture.

However, Chaplin said:

"I'm not interested in baseball, but my friends are interested in baseball.

Only by respecting what others respect can others feel understood and respected, which is the basis of all friendship. ”

Later, he heard Chaplin's words, held the baseball cap sent by Chaplin, and sighed for a long time.

From then on, he decided that Chaplin was a friend he could make for life.

Goethe once said:

"On a tree, there will not be two identical leaves; Out of a thousand people, it is difficult to find two people with exactly the same thoughts and emotions. ”

Everyone is their own unique self.

Red, orange, yellow, green and blue, constitute a colorful world;

Sour, spicy, bittersweet and salty, forming a rich life.

The higher the level, the less likely they will judge other people's lives, and the more they know how to respect differences and accept differences.

Others respect you, not because you are good, but because others are better than you

03 Being willing to lower your figure is a kind of bosom

I once saw the saying: "The ocean is beautiful because it always puts itself low and embraces all rivers." ”

This is true of the ocean, isn't it also true of being human?

Hua Tuo is a famous doctor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, with superb medical skills, and has the reputation of "the holy hand of surgery" and "the originator of surgery". But he still had humility in his heart and did not forget to ask for advice from people with excellent medical skills.

Once, Hua Tuo treated people in the hospital and diagnosed the back pulse as a head disease, but he could not treat it.

The patient later went to an old Chinese medicine doctor to see a doctor, and the old Chinese medicine doctor took his pulse and said: "You are suffering from head wind, you only need to find ten old straw hats to fry soup and drink, you can cure it." "This patient did it this way, and sure enough, he got better.

After Hua Tuo heard about it, he wanted to learn this method so that he could treat more patients with a head wind.

But others have accumulated so many years of experience in treating diseases, and where will they easily teach the secret recipe.

So the studious Hua Tuo dressed up as an ordinary person and worked as an apprentice with the old doctor for three years.

Finally, the old doctor asked in surprise: "You are so famous, why do you still come to me to study medicine?" ”

Hua Tuo said: "I came to learn from you how to treat head wind, I still have many places inferior to you, I should humbly ask my husband for advice." ”

The old Chinese medicine doctor saw that Hua Tuo was so studious, so he told him the method of treating head wind.

Hua Tuo's reputation is added, in order to improve his medical skills, he is willing to lower his stature and is willing to serve unknown doctors, and it is this sincere and humble attitude that impresses the old Chinese doctor.

Wang Guozhen said: "The more excellent people are, the lower their posture tends to be."

Putting yourself low is not humility, but open-mindedness. Such people are more able to respect and accommodate others from the bottom of their hearts in the process of interacting with others.

Respect for others is the beginning of earning the respect of others.

Be willing to lower your own stature and give sincerity and kindness to others in order to gain the love and admiration of others.

Others respect you, not because you are good, but because others are better than you

04 Mei Niang said

I like the passage: "I think people respect me because I am good." Slowly I understood that others respect me because others are excellent; Excellent people know how to respect others, and respecting others is actually solemnizing yourself. ”

Excellent people will respect everyone;

Excellent people who know how to accept the differences of others;

Excellent person, willing to lower his stature.

Kant once said, "I respect any independent soul, and although I may not necessarily approve of it, I can try to understand it."

Look at the strengths of others and learn to praise others; Starting from the perspective of others, comparing the heart to the heart to understand the difference, we respect others while also achieving a more perfect self again and again.

May all be treated with respect by this world.


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