
Psychological counseling: inexplicable exhaustion, low mood, just want to spread out after work...

Jiajia: "I don't know what's wrong, I've been feeling very tired lately and I'm not interested in anything." In fact, the work is not so busy, but I just feel that I have no strength. My husband saw me and asked me to go to the hospital to see that everything was normal. When I went to see a Chinese doctor, the doctor didn't see anything, just said that the qi and blood were a little insufficient.... I don't know what the hell is wrong with me? I really don't like this state. ”

◥ British psychologist Heidfeld said: "The vast majority of fatigue is due to psychological influences, and fatigue caused purely by physiology is very rare." ”

Guangzhou Psychological Counseling reminds that fatigue is not only an overdraft of physical and physical strength. Listen to what is in your fatigue and you will hear all kinds of sounds. If you can understand it, it will help you live more calmly.

Psychological counseling: inexplicable exhaustion, low mood, just want to spread out after work...


Distinguish between physical fatigue and psychological fatigue

Physiological fatigue is usually caused by physical overload, for example, a child who participates in physically demanding labor or plays a soccer game will feel fatigued. However, because children are energetic, they can quickly eliminate fatigue and recover their strength after a short break.

Psychological fatigue, generally caused by the psychological string is too tight, it will not only cause physical fatigue, but also lead to the things around us, or things that we were very interested in before, resulting in a diffuse boredom, and even sadness, depression, emptiness, depression and other emotions.


Mental fatigue may be related to excessive responsibility

Fatigue in the psychological sense is often directly related to excessive responsibility, that is, you are responsible for what you should be responsible for, and you are responsible for what should not be responsible for you. If the burden is beyond your ability, it is easy to develop into fatigue, and some also develop into procrastination, lying, and lateness...

This excessive responsibility is often related to a person's native family, when a child needs to do a lot of things to get the attention and affirmation of parents, when a child needs to bear the responsibility of the unfortunate marriage of his parents, or bear the responsibility of family poverty, they will unconsciously feel that a lot of responsibility needs to be borne by themselves, if they do not achieve it, there will be a strong sense of guilt and guilt.

This psychological mechanism has been brought to the adult world, obviously many things have exceeded the limit that TA can bear, obviously many people do not need him to be responsible, but TA does not accept psychologically, consciousness is not aware, or constantly bearing, eventually the body will be prompted by illness, fatigue and other ways.

Psychological counseling: inexplicable exhaustion, low mood, just want to spread out after work...


The sense of control is low, and it is also easy to produce a sense of exhaustion

Can the mortgage be repaid? My colleagues have bought a car, but I don't have a car yet; The company's efficiency is not good, and it is necessary to cut off food; They all mix well, I can't do it yet.... Unable to control our lives and futures, constantly worrying, and falling into a state of psychological tension of self-attack, we often digest our huge energy and make us feel tired.

Many people feel "vague and empty" in their hearts, and they don't know what they will do in the future, nor do they know what will happen. When we do not have enough freedom over our time, energy, body, and money, we have a low sense of control, and we are prone to fatigue in what we do. This fatigue is related to the lack of mental qi, like a balloon with insufficient qi, which naturally cannot fly.

In general, psychological fatigue is more complex and more difficult to recover from than physical fatigue. Psychological fatigue, like physical fatigue, is itself a deterrent mechanism, forcing the body into a resting state, thereby avoiding further injury, and playing a certain protective role in the body.

However, if people fail to face this at this time, do not take timely measures to alleviate psychological fatigue, and let it develop repeatedly, excessive psychological fatigue will affect physical health, and even become the causative factor of various physical and psychological diseases.

Psychological counseling: inexplicable exhaustion, low mood, just want to spread out after work...


"I can only take care of it if I'm sick

A well-deserved rest"

In the logic constructed by our traditional culture, only children with good grades are worth living, only hardworking people are worth living, and we all need reasons for rest - project completion, company closure, public holidays... Many people want to rest in their hearts, but they feel that they can't be lazy, so contradictions arise.

Therefore, we will find that many "workaholics" who are usually healthy but are particularly busy at work may have minor or major illnesses every once in a while. Perhaps we can explain that the other party is too busy and the immunity is weakened, which leads to illness.

But psychology tends to be interpreted more as a cue, the body is prompting: you are too tired, it's time to rest; If you don't rest, I'll create something for you. When he is sick and lying in bed, he will get a particularly strong sense of release and relaxation, because he can be irresponsible, "I'm sick, I can't help it if I want to be responsible." ”

It is in view of this that Rogers, the standard-bearer in humanistic psychology, once said unequivocally that the body is always more reliable than the mind.

▓ Prevention and relief of psychological fatigue can be made from the following aspects:

(1) Pay attention to the combination of work and rest

Work should be reasonably arranged time and priorities, life should be regular, attach importance to active rest, timely participate in some physical exercises, such as running, swimming, playing ball and walking, etc., to improve the vitality, energy and adaptability of the human body in coping with complex and boring work, so as to avoid monotonous and negative mood due to the activities engaged in are too single.

At the same time, ensure 7~8 hours of sleep as much as possible every day, which has obvious effects on eliminating fatigue.

(2) Cultivate an interest in the work you are doing

The generation of interest is related to the excitement points in the cerebral cortex, and it is not easy to get tired of doing interesting work, and it is easy to get tired of doing uninteresting work.

At work, if you find that you are not interested in your job and some subjects, and you do not have to be nervous and worried to form a burden of thought, you can find ways to cultivate your interests.

Psychological counseling: inexplicable exhaustion, low mood, just want to spread out after work...

(3) Good social support

Experience shows that when people live in a harmonious and happy atmosphere, they can have a more pleasant state of mind, cheerful personality, and healthy body and mind, so that they are not prone to fatigue, and even if they feel fatigue, they are easy to eliminate it quickly.

(4) Dare to accept and relax

Try to understand yourself: What kind of person am I? What do I really need?

Dare to accept and relax, do something that seems meaningless but you can enjoy it; No matter how far things go, it is time to rest;

Dare to say no to people and things, reflect on whether you have taken on something you shouldn't in order to please someone or fear the breakdown of the relationship...

When we continue to touch our true appearance and remove many obstacles, the vitality and emotions that are already in us naturally begin to flow, and people will live more easily and calmly.

Psychological counseling: inexplicable exhaustion, low mood, just want to spread out after work...

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