
"Phantom Tower" Haiti to explore new maps fun everyday, this kid is playing crazy!

author:Phantom Tower Mobile Game Raiders Group

After the update of Ocean World in "Phantom Tower", the scope of everyone's daily running map and activities is also N times larger than before. In fact, whether it is reality or games, the ocean as a space with its own complete ecosystem, in which creatures or plants have their own sand sculpture daily life in places we don't know. Of course, as human beings, we can naturally subjectively play with these underwater animals and plants. In today's article, let's talk about some interesting things found in the new map of the seabed!

"Phantom Tower" Haiti to explore new maps fun everyday, this kid is playing crazy!

In the exploration gameplay of the seabed, the ruins of the seabed in the game, you need to align the icon above from a distance to get the rewards, and the easiest way to align this relic icon is to find the reference objects around, as long as you find a fixed reference object you can easily get the reward. If the ruins of the desert need to find desert roses as a reference, then all the underwater ruins are to find this fan jellyfish!

"Phantom Tower" Haiti to explore new maps fun everyday, this kid is playing crazy!

However, unlike ordinary jellyfish, this one will not move, and it will not run if you lean over, but if you want to aim quickly every time, you must stuff your head into the body of the pink jellyfish. Although the appearance of this one-piece emmmm is a bit strange, it does have a bit of silly and cute feeling!

I remember that not long ago, in order to complete the deep-sea exploration task, I deliberately went to the rocks on the bottom of the sea to pick up corals, and I was very happy! As soon as I turned around, I saw a dancing crab, wipe! I'm busy nagging here, you actually touch the fish and dance! Moreover, this crab is still a target that cannot be attacked, which means that this is a completely free sea creature, which has to be said to be a little envious!

"Phantom Tower" Haiti to explore new maps fun everyday, this kid is playing crazy!

For every plankton that is breached at the bottom of the sea, a thorny creature has to travel thousands of miles to attack. Because this plankton can only be destroyed and provided with props if it is pierced by a creature with a spiked head or body on the seabed, I often use ranged weapons to charge attacks on these monsters every time in order to attract them. The result is that every time these creatures have to swim a particularly long distance, like a worker who is called by the boss to work overtime on weekends! And I'll kill these creatures after they pierce the plankton and pick up what they drop! The legendary squeeze of surplus value!

"Phantom Tower" Haiti to explore new maps fun everyday, this kid is playing crazy!

The ocean is huge, but there are always creatures that like to get together, and as a result, the fire and water between the two cannot be directly dried. I originally thought that the battle of these wild creatures was a mutual attack between you and me, but I didn't expect that they actually had a strategy. They kept circling each other for a while before suddenly charging the enemy. Obviously, I saw that this duel ended in the victory of the turtle, and the feeling of going around in a circle and waiting for the opportunity to move first made people wonder if it was secretly reading Sun Tzu's art of war on a daily basis!

"Phantom Tower" Haiti to explore new maps fun everyday, this kid is playing crazy!

That's all for the fun everyday content of Towers of Fantasy Haiti exploring the new map, I hope it will help you!

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