
Bananas really don't laxate! These 3 fruits are real "laxative masters", and they are allowed to go to the toilet after eating! With 4 practical "laxative points"

author:Beiqing Net

When it comes to "laxative fruit", everyone must think of bananas, right? After all, the saying "eating bananas for laxation" has long been deeply rooted in people's minds. But some people say, "Why is it that after eating bananas, not only is it not laxative, but it is more uncomfortable"? That's a good question! The pain of constipation, bananas will not understand. Because --

Bananas really don't laxate!

People think that bananas are laxative, mostly because it is "similar", of course, some people think that it is rich in dietary fiber, so it can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and laxation.

Bananas really don't laxate! These 3 fruits are real "laxative masters", and they are allowed to go to the toilet after eating! With 4 practical "laxative points"

Source: OneImage

In fact, from the perspective of dietary fiber content, its laxative effect is not so good. The study found that the dietary fiber content of bananas is only 1.2 grams per 100 grams, which is not even comparable to apples (1.7 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams) and pears (3.1 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams). Therefore, people with constipation want to eat bananas to laxate, which is really a bit difficult. So someone ate bananas, but aggravated constipation, what is going on? This may be eating an underripe banana.

Bananas really don't laxate! These 3 fruits are real "laxative masters", and they are allowed to go to the toilet after eating! With 4 practical "laxative points"

Source: OneImage

Unripe bananas, the flesh is hard and astringent, which means that it contains more tannic acid. Tannic acid has an astringent effect on the digestive tract, inhibits gastrointestinal fluid secretion and gastrointestinal peristalsis, makes the stool dry and hard, thereby aggravating constipation. Therefore, if the banana you bought home is still relatively raw, it is best to leave it for a few days, and it will taste better when the skin is spotted.

Since bananas are not laxative, are there any fruits that are really laxative? That must have, such as -

These 3 fruits are the real "laxative masters"!

1. Prunes

Prunes, a fruit that has been loved by everyone in recent years. It has a purple-red coat and amber flesh, and the fruity aroma spreads with the juice after a bite, so delicious that it can't stop. Prunes are not only delicious, but also a veritable "laxative fruit". In Europe and the United States, it has also become the only laxative food that can be written into medical advice.

Bananas really don't laxate! These 3 fruits are real "laxative masters", and they are allowed to go to the toilet after eating! With 4 practical "laxative points"

Source: OneImage

In order to study the laxative effect of food, scientists have conducted a series of comparative experiments with prunes and laxative fruits such as dragon fruit and bananas, and found that prunes have the best laxative effect. It is worth mentioning that prunes laxative, not relying on dietary fiber, but another substance - sorbitol. Sorbitol has super hydrophilic properties, which can form a hypertonic environment in the intestine, increase the osmotic pressure of intestinal contents, stimulate intestinal movement, and then make stool easier to excrete. According to the China Food Composition Table, every 100 grams of prunes contains only 0.7 grams of dietary fiber, while the content of sorbitol is 2.6 grams / 100 grams. Therefore, eating prunes properly can indeed help smooth stool.

Bananas really don't laxate! These 3 fruits are real "laxative masters", and they are allowed to go to the toilet after eating! With 4 practical "laxative points"

Source: OneImage

However, it should be noted that prunes should not be regarded as "laxative medicine", and eat large quantities without discretion in order to seek quick laxation, which will outweigh the losses. Reminder: Excessive intake of sorbitol may cause intestinal dysfunction.

2. Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit, a fruit with seeds, is one of the best in laxative foods. Don't underestimate the dense "fruit seeds" on dragon fruit, most of them are fibers, although they cannot be digested and absorbed by the intestine, but will stimulate intestinal peristalsis and promote the faster excretion of intestinal contents. To put it bluntly, dragon fruit can be laxative, mainly due to the rich dietary fiber of "fruit seeds". Dragon fruit contains about 2 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams, while dragon fruit contains only 1.3 grams.

Bananas really don't laxate! These 3 fruits are real "laxative masters", and they are allowed to go to the toilet after eating! With 4 practical "laxative points"

Source: OneImage

Therefore, people who often have constipation problems due to insufficient daily dietary fiber are very suitable for eating dragon fruit, especially white heart dragon fruit. However, it should be noted that people who are prone to diarrhea will aggravate diarrhea if they eat too much dragon fruit. Reminder: Dragon fruit is high in calories and high in sugar, so it is not advisable to eat more. A medium-sized dragon fruit is equivalent to a bowl of rice, especially for diabetics, so you must eat less.

3. Kiwi

Kiwi fruit, like dragon fruit, is a "fruit with seeds" and is also rich in dietary fiber. The data shows that the amount of dietary fiber in each 100 grams of kiwifruit is 2.6~3.4 grams. Dietary fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis, make stool more hydrated, and make bowel movements smoother. Therefore, friends who like to eat kiwi fruit, it is also a good choice to laxativeize it.

Bananas really don't laxate! These 3 fruits are real "laxative masters", and they are allowed to go to the toilet after eating! With 4 practical "laxative points"

Source: OneImage

Reminder: Some people will have allergic reactions to kiwifruit, manifested as numbness in the tongue, itchy throat and other symptoms, which can cause life danger in severe cases. Therefore, children and people with allergies should eat small amounts when they first try kiwi fruit. If you notice any allergy symptoms, do not touch them in the future. If you want to achieve "freedom of bowel movement", in addition to eating more fresh green leafy vegetables and high-fiber fruits, you can also press the "laxative switch" that comes with your body——

Comes with 4 "laxative switches"

Always press not afraid of constipation to find!

1. The middle point kneading the middle point has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, regulating the middle focus, and reducing the reverse laxation, and is suitable for all constipation. Positioning: Located in the upper abdomen, 4 inches above the umbilicus, on the anterior midline, at the midpoint of the lower sternal and navel connections.

Bananas really don't laxate! These 3 fruits are real "laxative masters", and they are allowed to go to the toilet after eating! With 4 practical "laxative points"

Source: Home doctor homemade

Operation: In a sitting or supine position, rub the middle point with your index or middle finger for about 1 minute.

2. Tianshu acupoint presses Tianshu point, which has the effect of regulating the gastrointestinal tract, lowering qi and laxation, and is suitable for all constipation. Positioning: Located in the mid-abdomen, three finger widths from the navel to the left and right, one on the left and right.

Bananas really don't laxate! These 3 fruits are real "laxative masters", and they are allowed to go to the toilet after eating! With 4 practical "laxative points"

Source: Home doctor homemade

Operation: 10 minutes before defecation, press the Tianshu points on both sides with both thumbs respectively, so that there is soreness or pain at the finger press, and the pressure is from light to heavy, lasting 3~5 minutes. Posture is not limited, standing, sitting, supine position.

3. Kidney Yu acupoint kneading kidney Yu acupoint, beneficial to kidney yang, strong waist laxative effect, suitable for body deficiency constipation, especially a variety of middle-aged and elderly constipation. Positioning: Located under the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra, 1.5 inches next to it, one on the left and right.

Bananas really don't laxate! These 3 fruits are real "laxative masters", and they are allowed to go to the toilet after eating! With 4 practical "laxative points"

Source: Home doctor homemade

Operation: sitting, hands crossed waist, thumb forward press on the ipsilateral rib end, middle finger on the kidney Yu point, appropriate force press 30~50 times.

4. The inner courtyard point rubs the inner court point, which has the effect of clearing the stomach fire and is suitable for heat constipation, especially constipation caused by young people or strong physique due to eating wine and meat and spicy. Positioning: Located on the dorsal part of the foot, at the end of the second and third interphalanges.

Operation: Sit on the bed, bend your knees slightly, hold the inner courtyard point with one thumb and finger, gently rub, preferably with local soreness, 1 minute on each side, a total of 2 minutes.

(Daily Wellness Push)

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