
It is the "cough and phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat!

author:Xiaorui loves funny 1

Spring has arrived and the weather is gradually warming up. Most people wake up in the morning with a dry and itchy throat. Obviously not sick, but the throat is very uncomfortable, feel that there is always phlegm in the throat, but can not cough out, we should drink some warm water in moderation after waking up, moisturize the throat and intestines.

It is the "cough and phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat!

In spring, the weather is warm, there is more precipitation, so the humidity is heavy, and when the temperature rises, the air will become very dry, so we must add more fruits and vegetables and moisture. And now there is one ingredient that is the season, and it is stone olives. Why is it called stone olive, this is because it usually grows on stone rock cliffs, belongs to a medicinal herb, has the benefits of clearing heat and detoxification, moisturizing the lungs, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough.

It is the "cough and phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat!

The soup made of stone olives and meat is very delicious, there are clear heat to remove fire, and moisturize the lungs and phlegm and other benefits, today use stone olives and duck meat to make a delicious soup, this soup is not only simple but also very nutritious. These two ingredients are also very common in our lives, let's take a look at the detailed recipes.

It is the "cough and phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat!

Ingredients: stone olives, duck, salt


  1. Now is a good time to eat stone olives, fresh stone olives can be seen everywhere in wet markets and supermarkets, it is worth mentioning that their prices are very cheap, you can buy a large bag for ten yuan. The stone olives bought back first clean the weeds inside, remove the root whiskers, and then knead and clean them repeatedly, and put them in a pot for later use.
It is the "cough and phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat!
  1. Old duck meat has high nutritional value and delicate taste. It is loved by soup cookers. Of course, if you don't like meat, you can replace it with duck bones, and the taste of bone broth is also great. Rinse the duck with clean water and set aside.
It is the "cough and phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat!
  1. Put the duck meat in a cold pot, boil the water and skim the boiled blood and water foam, which can effectively remove the fishy smell in the duck meat.
It is the "cough and phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat!
  1. After the duck meat is fragrant, you can add the stone olives. Then turn to medium-low heat and cook for about 15 minutes.
  1. This is the stewed stone olive duck broth, which has a very refreshing taste. At this time, add an appropriate amount of salt to the soup, and then stir well with a soup spoon, if the saltiness is okay, we can turn off the heat and get out of the pot.
It is the "cough and phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat!

After coming out of the pot, it is served in a bowl, and a refreshing and delicious stone olive pot duck soup is complete. In this dry weather, everyone must add more water, especially this soup with high nutritional value, which is easier to be absorbed by the body. Meimei's drink a bowl not only dissolves phlegm and relieves cough, but also moisturizes the lungs.

It is the "cough and phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat!


1. Before putting the stone olive in the pot, it is necessary to dispose of the dirty things on the surface, especially there are many weeds in it;

2. If the duck skin is not removed, the soup from the fatter duck stew will be relatively greasy. After we stew it, we can use a spoon to skim off the grease on it, so that it will not be greasy to drink.

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