
After the earthquake, pine caterpillars invaded Turkey on a large scale, densely! After reading it, the hair stands up!

author:Fish farm little white

[Dense! ] #Large-scale invasion of pine caterpillars into Turkey after the earthquake#] After the earthquake, the Turkish province of Schernak suffered an unprecedented pine caterpillar invasion. Millions of pine caterpillars crawl all over the crop fields, and even the walls of houses and the stones outside the houses are everywhere, densely packed with terrifying and uncomfortable scenes.

There is a great deal of concern that the harvest of crops will be affected. The local government has advised farmers to use insecticides for culling, but so far with little success.

Pine caterpillar is a collective name for insects of the genus Pinus in the family Lepidoptera. Also known as caterpillars, fire caterpillars, ancient known as pine silkworms, there are more than 30 species, and there are 27 species distributed on the mainland, which is the country with the richest species of pine caterpillars. It eats important tree species such as pine, cypress, and cedar.

After the earthquake, pine caterpillars invaded Turkey on a large scale, densely! After reading it, the hair stands up!

The earliest record in China is found in the Guangdong "Longchuan County Record" in 1530: "In the ninth year of Ming Jiajing, the great drought occurred year after year, the hair was black, the pine leaves were exhausted, and the cocoon pine branches were exhausted. "Pine caterpillars are still the main forest pest with a large number of occurrences and widespread harm among forest pests.

The larvae are hairy and have venomous hairs on the middle and back breasts. The body length of the last instar larvae is 47~100 mm. The body color is brownish-red, gray-black, black-brown, smoke-black, gray-brown and other colors, the flower spots are obvious or inconspicuous, there are long hairs on both sides, and the whole is covered with white, black, brown long or short hairs.

After the earthquake, pine caterpillars invaded Turkey on a large scale, densely! After reading it, the hair stands up!

Adults are leaf-coloured, with bilouse, wavy or toothed mid-outer transverse lines of the forewings, dark sub-outer margins, and small white spots at the end of the middle chamber. The antennae of the male moth are almost pinnate, and the female is short-ctenophoretic. The penis is pointed and knife-like, with many small spines on the surface, and the holding apparatus is developed.

Dozens or hundreds of eggs in piles or arranged in rows. The initial production is yellow, light green, gradient pink and purplish brown.

After the earthquake, pine caterpillars invaded Turkey on a large scale, densely! After reading it, the hair stands up!

Recently, in Turkey, after a powerful earthquake, the land changed dramatically. A large number of pine caterpillars began to invade the land on a large scale, bringing a great threat to the lives of local residents. It is said that these pine caterpillars are huge in number, and the spectacular scene is chilling.

It is known that pine caterpillars are insects that cause great damage to forest plants. They can reproduce in large numbers in a very short period of time, and the speed is amazing. If not treated in time, these insects will bring great harm to society, ecological environment, wildlife and people's health.

After the earthquake, pine caterpillars invaded Turkey on a large scale, densely! After reading it, the hair stands up!

In order to curb the large-scale invasion of pine caterpillars, the Turkish government has taken a series of measures, including manual spraying of insecticides and interception of breeding areas. With the help of these measures, progress has been made, although the eradication of pine caterpillars remains difficult.

It is worth mentioning that with the help of the Turkish Government, a number of non-governmental organizations are also actively involved in the culling work. These organizations not only actively promote the knowledge of pine caterpillar invasion prevention, but also work to take more effective methods to control pine caterpillar populations.

After the earthquake, pine caterpillars invaded Turkey on a large scale, densely! After reading it, the hair stands up!

In short, the large-scale invasion of Turkey by pine caterpillars is extremely spectacular, bringing great threats to the local society and ecological environment. However, as long as the government and civil society organizations continue to work together, with scientific and sound strategies and methods, I believe that this battle will eventually be won.

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