
Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

author:Rubik's Cube Science

Since last month, Turkey has been in a state of "one earthquake in five days and one small earthquake in three days" because it is deeply trapped in the "earthquake vortex". The concentrated earthquake caused countless losses to the lives and property of local residents, but I did not expect that at least a temporary pause should be made, but I did not expect that the earthquake was not completely over, and this time another major event occurred in the local area - pine caterpillar "invasion", they crawled all over the crops, even the walls of houses, stones are densely packed.

Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

It is worth mentioning that some netizens are very worried. On the one hand, stemming from the "dense crows flying and screaming strangely" uploaded by netizens after the previous earthquake in Turkey, they will take it for granted that "there must be demons when things go wrong", and then think about whether there will be any potential meaning.

Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

On the other hand, there are records in ancient books, and this phenomenon occurred in ancient times on the mainland during major droughts. La Niña is getting weaker, El Niño will take over the baton in the last two months, under its influence, so does this mean that there will be extreme heat in 2023? Anyway, let's first understand what happened to the pine caterpillar incident?

Dense: Turkey is "invaded" by millions of pine caterpillars! Does airdropping 200,000 chickens and ducks work?

Indeed, the number and scale of the pine caterpillar "invasion" this time is very scary and scary just by seeing the video posted by the locals. Locals also say they have never seen so many pine caterpillars before. It is so dense, CCTV news reports are even described as "million pine caterpillars", it can be said that the situation is also very serious.

Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

It is worth noting that according to CCTV reports, officials have recommended that residents use pesticides to culle, but so far there is no effect. What is even more frightening is that according to experts, if it develops to a serious stage, this species can make pine forests die in pieces, and the ecological harm is huge.

No, in order to relieve Turkey's worries, many netizens also borrowed from the mainland's famous "duck herding to control locusts" and "birds to control insects", especially compared to the easier former, and even proposed: directly airdrop 200,000 chickens and ducks, full of food. Some netizens who did not say much directly expressed their willingness to contribute: "The chrysalis will be handed over to me, not only to eat it myself, but also to make a transnational business." So, then again, do these two methods actually work?

Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought
Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

First of all, there is a question to understand, and that is what exactly a pine caterpillar is. Pine caterpillar, in fact, in the Rubik's cube hometown is directly collectively called caterpillar, some netizens also said that it is also known as black chili, foreign chili, hairy silk, wolf horn, lai caterpillar and so on. According to official information, it also refers to the genus of pine caterpillars of the Lepidoptera family Lepidoptera, which is subdivided into more than 30 species of insects. However, from the point of view of appearance, although they have different colors, some are black and gray, some are orange, yellow, and red, but they all have long hair, and their movements rely on the body to squirm.

Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

After having a more concrete impression in their minds, in fact, many people can remember that the chickens and ducks that were freed up when they were children were often mouthful of them. So reverse to this "invasion" of pine caterpillars, will the concoction be effective?

In fact, it seems that the Rubik's Cube will definitely have an effect. According to relevant statistics, Asia is the world's largest meat duck slaughtered region, and the mainland meat duck accounts for nearly 70%, directly topping. As for chickens, the mainland has always been one of the best. Obviously, chickens and ducks are completely satisfied with "going abroad to fight".

Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

Then, from the point of view of the ability to "eat" the caterpillar. Theoretically, a chicken can eat 70 locusts a day, and a duck can eat more than 200 a day. And if we look at the actual operation speed of an army of 100,000 ducks during the locust plague in Xinjiang more than 20 years ago, it can kill more than 200 mu in a day. As you can imagine, although there are millions of pine caterpillars in Turkey, sending 200,000 chickens and ducks to eliminate them is actually a matter of days.

Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

Second, this "eating" can actually expand the group, not only chickens and ducks, such as the fried pine chrysalis that many people like to eat. So, using it is not another new economic way.

But it cannot be ignored that although chickens and ducks like to eat insects, pine caterpillars will be slightly poisonous, generally speaking, according to the observation of the Rubik's Cube when he was a child, chickens and ducks will not be limited to staring only to eat it, so the speed is still limited. Moreover, the residents of the area where the pine caterpillar "invasion" is serious are very worried that the harvest of crops will be affected, if they really only send chickens and ducks to fight, it is likely that they did not eat many pine caterpillars in the end, but ate the residents' crops.

Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

Ancient books record: During the great drought, it happened year after year! In 2023, high temperature and drought will "take over"?

It is worth mentioning that the invasion of pine caterpillars this time is indeed because of the serious situation on the one hand, and on the other hand, there are many rumors among the people, saying that "there will be a big epidemic after the earthquake". In addition, the earliest records of pine caterpillars on the continent point out that it is always closely related to drought. In 1530, Guangdong's "Longchuan County Record" recorded: "In the ninth year of Ming Jiajing, the great drought occurred year after year, Mao Hei ...". Perhaps it is precisely because of this layer of reasons that many netizens are still worried that 2023 is another year of high temperature and drought?

Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

Indeed, when we first entered 2023, meteorological centers around the world had already issued a forecast that El Niño would take over La Niña. Recently, with the continuous update of the value, the probability of El Niño is getting higher and higher, and some experts remind that the official baton may be in April-August. Although the first half of the year was less affected by it, the summer time was just right.

Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

In addition, global warming itself has been intensifying, and 9 of the world's 15 climate tipping points have been activated. The latest meteorological report on the mainland also shows that the overall annual situation in 2023 is poor, and the south will still face the threat of high temperature and drought, which is also an early warning. Combined with many factors, it is true that the summer temperature in 2023 may not be low. But how hot it will be then, maybe only when you arrive.

Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

Is the pine caterpillar infestation really a "drought precursor"? Why is it "invaded"?

As for the concerns of netizens, whether the spread of pine caterpillars in Turkey will be a "precursor to drought", there is actually no basis. Although there are records in ancient books, this is only an objective description of the phenomenon, not a regular summary. From the perspective of the types of pine caterpillars that are proliferated, there are three main types, namely frequent disaster areas, occasional disaster areas, and disaster-free areas. There are two main reasons:

Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

1. Periodic outbreaks are widespread, such as Pinus equina every 3-4 years, Pinus red pine every 10 years, and Pinus oleifera once every 3-5 years.

2. Pine caterpillars like conditions such as rich nutrition, few natural enemies, sufficient light and heat, etc., which will cause shortened growth cycle, increased food intake, increased reproduction and so on.

Dense! Turkey was "invaded" by a million pine caterpillars, ancient books: it occurred year after year during the great drought

In general, for this event in Turkey, it is natural to understand the principle of this and will not panic, indeed this has nothing to do with drought, but only that they have caused their overbreeding under suitable climatic conditions. However, the suggestions for netizens may still be quite effective, chickens and ducks we welcome imports, but I don't know if they dare to "eat" the chrysalis.

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