
The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

Needless to say, Kim Ji-so's fans finally raised their eyebrows this time.

She was originally ordinary in the team, and as soon as she made a move, she was Wang Fried. On the cover of the French version of Vogue March.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

This is the first time since the launch of the magazine that an Asian woman has won a single cover of the French version of Vogue.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

Moreover, the only singers who have appeared on the cover of the French version of "Vogue" are Madonna and Rihanna, and Jiso is the third.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

The last time we Asians were sealed was the double seal of Cuckoo 18 years ago.

Even passers-by said that she could be considered to have survived...

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?


Not only are the lyrics pitiful, but even so outrageous that even the MV only gives her 6 seconds of footage.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

And 7 years since her debut, YG has not even sent her a solo single...

Ji-so wants to say that he is also a conscientious worker in the team. Give what work, do what work, never paddle, never make scandals.

Even Dai Mei Pupil's eyes are uncomfortable.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

I also had to shoot an advertisement for the Meitong brand.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

Fortunately, it is now a hard work, holding an epic cover, and the company (supposedly) has also arranged solo singles.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

However, since it comes to the health problem of beauty pupil discomfort, I don't know if anyone remembers, just a few years ago, a blogger engaged in a "100-day beauty pupil challenge".

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

It can be imagined that the comments are scolding, not to mention that the blogger himself ignores his health, which is also a very negative leading role.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

At that time, the technology of beauty pupils was not yet developed, and for the sake of traffic, it was not unjust to be scolded.

But technology benefits life, in recent years, as the beauty pupil technology has become more and more sophisticated, adults have found that the invisible beauty pupil that has been recognized in ancient times must be removed, and it seems to be slowly broken?

Isn't this now, there is now a so-called "beautiful pupil that can be taken off for 30 days"?

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

There are also foreign friends in the comment area to say that it has been used for n years, usually 1 month does not need to take it out, dry eyes drop a little eye drops, is an artifact to open a new world.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

The excitement, the hand that placed the order, and the doubts in the adult's mind: "Is there really a contact lens that can be worn for 1 month and does not have to be taken off at night?" ”

It won't be another means of cheating money...

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?


Why do they say that contact lenses can only be worn for 8 hours?

Let's not say whether there really is a contact lens that can be worn 24 hours a day for 30 days.

Let's first talk about why expert doctors constantly emphasize that "contact lenses are best worn only 8 hours a day".

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

This is actually mainly determined by the characteristics of the eyeball.

I don't know if anyone wore contact lenses for a day, and when they took them off at night, they found that their eyes had a lot of red blood.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

Because our eyes not only need to draw nutrients from the human body, but also need to "breathe".

The cornea is an important tissue of the eye, but in order to maintain complete transparency, there are no blood vessels on the cornea, so oxygen cannot reach the cornea through the blood.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

So how does the cornea get oxygen? This requires direct contact with air.

80% of the oxygen in the cornea comes from air, another 15% from the limbal vascular network that supplies the cornea, and 5% from the aqueous humor.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

Even sleeping with your eyes closed will cause a slight lack of oxygen in your eyes.

Then it can explain why the eyes appear red-blooded - contact lenses block oxygen from entering the cornea, and the cornea feels a lack of oxygen and will dilate blood vessels to ensure the delivery of oxygen to the eyeball.

This lack of oxygen can lead to redness in the glasses, and at worst lead to new blood vessels filling the eyeballs (san warning), and even blindness.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

Therefore, the oxygen permeability of contact lenses is its most important indicator.

The discomfort reaction of contact lenses and the length of wearing time are related to oxygen permeability.

Adults draw a random contact lens.

Among them, the high moisture content and ultra-thin lenses advertised are also to improve the oxygen permeability of the lens.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

But in contact lenses, the higher the water content, the better.

Unlike what we think, the higher the water content, the more comfortable; Conversely, the higher the water content, the easier it is to feel "dry eyes".

This is because contact lenses with high water content are prone to "thirst", which absorbs the water in the eyes to maintain its own water content, thus causing discomfort.

Moreover, the high water content is easier to be attached to proteins, reducing the service life of contact lenses.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

Speaking of this, do you experience the contradiction: high water content, its oxygen permeability is good, but high water content will lead to eye discomfort, lens life shortened.

The limitations of materials and craftsmanship make it impossible to be perfect, so most contact lenses on the market will compromise between the two.

The best time for comfort and safety is what experts call 8 hours.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?


Why should I not take off my day and night contact lenses?

Well, after talking about why most contact lenses can only be worn for 8 hours, back to our topic today: is there anything unique about "day and night contact lenses"? Can it really be worn for 30 consecutive days?

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

While many of us may have just heard about this product, it's not actually the latest technology.

As early as 1998, the US FDA approved the first day and night contact lens, the Focus Night & Day.

Not only can it be worn at night, but under the guidance of a doctor, it can be worn for up to 30 days.

Why is this effect? It is related to the amount of oxygen permeability we said earlier.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

Generally speaking, oxygen permeability >=20Dk/t, it is a qualified and marketable contact lens, which can meet daily wear, but the wearing time should not exceed 8 hours.

When the oxygen permeability = 25Dk/t, 80% of the oxygen can be passed, and it can theoretically be worn for about 10 hours a day.

When the oxygen permeability >=125Dk/t, it can theoretically stay overnight.

Day and night contact lenses are generally larger than this value, and the day and night type has reached 175Dk/t, which is 6 times that of ordinary contact lenses.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

Even if you sleep with your eyes closed, you can still ensure the oxygen supply of the cornea.

Its excellent oxygen permeability comes from the material - "silicone hydrogel".

Everyone should be familiar with this word, contact lenses on the market are generally divided into hydrogel and silicone hydrogel.

The ratio of silicone hydrogel and traditional hydrogel, whether in terms of oxygen permeability, comfort or other aspects, is more than 100 million points.

Instead, it went straight to the next level.

The oxygen permeability of hydrogel contact lenses is generally 20Dk/t~40Dk/t, and it may reach 80Dk/t.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

The oxygen permeability of silicone hydrogels starts at 80Dk/t daily, and can reach 100Dk/t casually in monthly throws, and the difference is obvious.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

The surface of the Seecom Day & Night contact lenses is also covered with an ionic protective film, which can reduce external dust and own protein deposition compared to other invisible without protective film.

The brand has also added two moisturizing factors, PVP-Polyvinylpyrrolidone and PEG-Polyethylene glycol, to the material to further enhance the moisturizing level when worn.

The material itself + ion protective film + moisturizing technology, the three together constitute the selling point of the product that does not need to be removed for 30 days.

But to be honest, even so, adults do not recommend that everyone really wear it for a long time.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?


Day and night contact lenses are worn for 30 days

There are qualifications

First of all, the product itself is clear in the instructions for use, your eyes need to have enough moisture to adapt to this wearing pattern, and the consent of an ophthalmologist is required for 30 days.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

The experimental data also said that only two-thirds of people can wear it for 30 days, dry eye syndrome or something or honestly pick it every day...

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

And it not only picks the eye environment, but also the air environment, the north of this wind and sand haze climate, it is recommended to take it out from time to time to clean.

The most outrageous thing is that some brands, although they advertise that they can be worn at night and do not need to be taken off for a period of time, but it is still recommended to soak for 4 hours a day, which is not ...

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

But then again, it still has certain advantages in specific use cases.

For example, some workers like to take a nap at the workstation at noon, or flight attendants need to fly in the air for a long time, this day and night contact lens is a grade higher than ordinary contact lenses, safety and comfort.

You use it as an ordinary contact lens, and it is a dimensionality reduction blow, that is, the price... It's a little more expensive.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

But not every day and night contact lens is easy to use, adults recommend Alcon, that is, the oxygen permeability of 175Dk/t we mentioned earlier.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

Because adults found that not all advertised day and night types have oxygen permeability of more than 125Dk/t, such as Dr. Lun's one, the oxygen permeability is only 101Dk/t.

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?
The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

Although it is a little stronger than ordinary contact lenses, it obviously does not reach what we said "oxygen permeability at night to >=125Dk/t", and I don't know how it mixed in, and consumer reviews also say that it is far from Alcon...

The first person in the team to abandon the son to Asia, the old fan looks at her this wave is afraid that it is cooler than Xi Guifei returning to the palace?

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