
It is the "phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat! Moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify

author:Silly sister food

Introduction: It is the "phlegm king", the family can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat! Eat 2 times a week, moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify!

Hello everyone, I am a silly sister food, the spring breeze is relatively large, coupled with the warm and dry climate in spring, the increase and decrease of clothing is also more frequent, so we will have colds, sore throat, dry cough symptoms, especially the sore throat is the most torturous, gasping pain, throat saliva will hurt, everyone must usually drink more warm water, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat less raw cold, sweets.

It is the "phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat! Moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify

Xiaobian has recently had symptoms of sore throat, only those who have experienced it know this discomfort, there is phlegm can not cough out, especially when sleeping coughing at night. This may be related to its own physique, Xiaobian's physique is relatively weak, and the moisture is also relatively heavy, and it takes a long time to fully recover. Therefore, every season will eat some seasonal dishes to relieve the sore throat, it is stone olives.

It is the "phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat! Moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify

Stone olive is a kind of food and medicine, its nutritional value is very rich, rich in vitamins, protein, calcium, iron and other trace elements. Stone olives belong to cool medicinal herbs, which can well clear heat and reduce fire, moisturize the lungs and relieve cough. Stone olives with duck meat boiled soup drink more nutritious, duck meat nutritional value is very high, and drinking more soup food in the spring can relieve fatigue and dryness. Today, the editor will share with you the method of cooking stone olive soup, simple cooking, nutritious and delicious, let's see how to make it!

It is the "phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat! Moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify

【Boiled duck soup with stone olives】 The ingredients prepared are: duck meat, stone olives, cooking wine, salt, sesame oil, chicken essence, and excellent flavor

Specific methods: 1. Xiaobian spent 8 yuan to buy half a duck in the vegetable market, and the price of duck meat is particularly cheap. When I bought it back, the seller had already dealt with it, and the soup should be mainly light, and the skin of the duck meat was relatively greasy and not suitable for cooking soup and drinking, so the editor peeled off the skin of the duck meat and did not ask for it. Then chop the duck meat into small pieces, soak it in water for 10 minutes, and then fish it out.

It is the "phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat! Moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify

2. Boiling duck meat in clear soup does not need to be blanched, so that it will be original and the taste will be more delicious. Add enough cold water to the pot, throw the chopped duck pieces into the pot, then put the cleaned stone olives in, and add a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell of the duck.

It is the "phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat! Moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify

3. Turn on high heat to boil the water in the pot, there will be a lot of foam in the pot, use a spoon to skim it out, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes, add a little chicken essence, extremely fresh flavor, salt to taste halfway. After boiling for 30 minutes, turn off the heat, drizzle two drops of sesame oil, put them in a bowl, and pick out the stone olives inside, and drink them hot.

It is the "phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat! Moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify

The soup cooked in this way is very delicious, the duck meat is soft and delicious, not greasy at all, very delicious and nutritious. Spring weather is dry, easy to appear dry cough and phlegm symptoms, remember to often boil this soup for your family, moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify.

Cooking tips: 1. Stone olive soup must be cleaned before cooking, its surface will have a lot of impurities, to be soaked in salt water, it will be cleaned very clean. 2. When cooking soup, you can also put in an appropriate amount of goji berries, walnuts, laurel balls and other highly nutritious foods, according to your own taste.

It is the "phlegm king", everyone can afford to drink, but no one knows how to eat! Moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify

Have you ever drunk duck soup with stone olives? What are the other different practices of stone olives? Welcome to leave a message to share your cooking experience, so that more friends learn to benefit it, if my sharing is helpful to you, remember to like, collect, follow Oh, today's sharing is here, thank you for reading and supporting, we will see you tomorrow, bye!


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