
Meet one country (83) – Solomon Islands


Oceania, the only big country without an army, is rich in resources but poor, with a per capita daily income of only about 40 yuan.

Solomon Islands is named after King Solomon in the Bible. In 1568, when the Spanish navigator Mendanha de Nella arrived here, he saw that the indigenous people were wearing shining gold ornaments, thinking that he had found the gold treasury of King Solomon in the Bible, so he named it Solomon Islands.

Meet one country (83) – Solomon Islands

geographical location

Solomon Islands is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, at latitude 5°-12°S, longitude 155°-170°E. It consists of Guadalcanal (the largest island), New Georgia, Malaita, Choise, Santa Isabel, San Cristóbal, Santa Cruz and many smaller islands around. It belongs to the Melanesian archipelago and has more than 900 islands.

With a land area of 28,400 square kilometers, the whole territory has a tropical rainforest climate.

It was inhabited here for more than 3,000 years.

It was discovered and named by the Spanish in 1568. Later, the Dutch, British, German and other colonists followed.

In 1885 the North Solomon became a German protectorate, and in the same year it was transferred to England.

In 1893, the "British Solomon Islands Protectorate" was established. It was occupied by Japan during World War II.

It was renamed Solomon Islands in June 1975.

Internal self-government was introduced on 2 January 1976.

Independence on July 7, 1978. Member of the Commonwealth.

Meet one country (83) – Solomon Islands

national flag

It is a horizontal rectangle with a ratio of length to width of 9:5. The flag is composed of two triangles, light blue and green. A yellow strip from the lower left to the upper right divides the flag into two parts.

The upper left is a light blue triangle with five equally large white five-pointed stars; The lower right is a green triangle.

Light blue symbolizes the sea and sky, yellow represents the sun, and green symbolizes the country's forests;

The five stars represent the five regions that make up this island nation, namely East, West, Central, Malaita and other peripheral islands.

National anthem: "God Bless Solomon Islands"

Capital: Honiara

Population: 720,000 (June 2022)

Language: English

Currency: Solomon Islands dollar

Total GDP: $1.61 billion (2021)

GDP per capita: $2,230 (2021)

Diplomatic relations with China: Diplomatic relations established in 2019

Meet one country (83) – Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands scenery

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