
1795, War and Unification of Hawaii In January 1778, Captain Cook and his two ships, Resolution and Discovery, sailed from Tahiti

author:Marvel at history

1795, War and Unification of Hawaii

In January 1778, Captain Cook and his two ships, Resolution and Discovery, sailed from Tahiti toward the northwestern United States.

They come to the Hawaiian Islands during islander religious holidays. The islanders associate Cook with the holiday god. Cook and his men traded fresh meat with the islanders and filled their buckets.

Cook named the islands after the first Lord of the Admiralty, the fourth Earl of Sandwich. Two weeks after arriving, Cook left with gifts such as food, firewood and holy relics. Cook sailed toward what is today known as Vancouver Island.

Cook is looking for access to the Atlantic Ocean. In the Arctic Ocean, frozen in ice, he began his journey back to Britain across the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

He stopped again in the Hawaiian Islands, where he hoped to carry out repairs. It was November 1778.

He stayed until February, when one of his small boats was stolen on Hawaii, the largest island. A crew member eager to carry a gun shot an islander, igniting the enthusiasm of the islanders. Cook and some others went ashore to drive the boat back.

Failing to adequately protect themselves, the islanders killed Cook and four Marines and dragged their bodies away — perhaps for a ceremonial meal.

Cook's ship returned to England, and the inhabitants of the Sandwich Islands were cruel and ferocious barbarians, and the news spread.

The Hawaiian Islands went seven years without ships, while some Hawaiians died from diseases that came into contact with the British.

Then, in 1786, ships began docking in the Hawaiian Islands at a rate of about one a year in exchange for food and fresh water.

In the early 1700s, bloody warfare took place on the island, described as one of the bloodiest periods in Hawaiian history.

One of the warring kings was the "Big Island" - Arapayi on Hawaii. He usurped rule and was held responsible for the death of the senior chieftain Keoua Nui.

Alapa'i died in 1754 and was succeeded by his son, who was overthrown by the usurper Kalani'opu'u (Cook's king in Hawaii).

Kamehameha was his cousin and assistant, and Kamehameha took control of the entire island of Hawaii in 1791.

At the same time, European wanderers began to appear on various islands in the Pacific, including the Hawaiian Islands.

Some are victims of shipwrecks, or people who escaped from the captain, or who for some reason wish to change ships.

Isaac Davis and John Young had learned Hawaiian well enough to serve as Kamehameha's translators when two Englishmen washed ashore off the coast of the Hawaiian Islands.

Kamehameha won control of Lanai and Molokai. With Davis and Jan and weapons received from the Europeans and European combat tactics, Kamehameha's path to victory continued. And he is famous for being favored by the God of War Library.

In 1795, he invaded Oahu with a large Hawaiian fleet and landed on Waikiki Beach. He made a bloody path all the way through the present-day Honolulu Plain.

He drove the enemy forces into the Nu'uana Valley. Both armies used guns and traditional weapons, and there were some Europeans on both sides.

Kamehameha's army was tightly positioned, with its pikemen, forcing the enemy army up the thousand-foot cliff of Pari. Kamehameha unified much of the Hawaiian Islands, while Kauai remained hostile and independent.

1795, War and Unification of Hawaii In January 1778, Captain Cook and his two ships, Resolution and Discovery, sailed from Tahiti
1795, War and Unification of Hawaii In January 1778, Captain Cook and his two ships, Resolution and Discovery, sailed from Tahiti
1795, War and Unification of Hawaii In January 1778, Captain Cook and his two ships, Resolution and Discovery, sailed from Tahiti

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