
[Sun] Where is the origin of Bengali Buddhism? What are the implications for the Buddhist tradition? I. The Historical Background of Buddhism in Bengal Buddhism is a religion that originated in ancient India since 5 BC

author:Wen Yuan said history

[Sun] Where is the origin of Bengali Buddhism? What are the implications for the Buddhist tradition?

I. Historical Background of Buddhism in Bengal

Buddhism is a religion that originated in ancient India and has spread to all parts of the world since the 5th century BC, among which Bengal, as one of the centers of Buddhism, has a rich Buddhist cultural heritage.

This paper will take Bengali Buddhism in the European period as the main research object, and discuss the historical evolution, cultural characteristics and influence of Bengal Buddhism in the European period.

The origins of Bengali Buddhism can be traced back to India in the 3rd century BC, when Buddhism's founder, Shakyamuni, attained enlightenment under the Pa Bodhi tree in northern India and began spreading the Dharma.

Buddhism spread rapidly in India and became an integral part of Indian cultural and religious life at that time, and with the development and spread of Buddhism, Bengal gradually became an important center of Buddhism.

In the 3rd century AD, the emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty in India, Ashoka, began to expand outward, spreading Buddhism to the Bengal region, which made Buddhism in the Bengal region more widely spread and developed.

In the centuries that followed, Buddhism in Bengal developed into a thriving religious and cultural system that exerted a wide influence within and around the region.

II. The Historical Evolution of Bengali Buddhism in the European Period

The European period refers to the period of exploration, expansion and colonial rule carried out by European countries in colonial areas from the 16th century to the early 20th century, during which European countries gradually established colonial empires and colonized and ruled all parts of the world.

Bengali Buddhism underwent many important historical events and changes during the European period, beginning with the invasion of the Portuguese.

In the early 16th century, the Portuguese entered the Bengal region and established trading posts in the region, and the Portuguese also introduced Christianity into the region, which had a certain impact on Bengali Buddhism.

Subsequently, European countries such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom also followed the Portuguese, and European countries such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom also entered the Bengal region.

These European countries established their own trading posts and colonies in the region, exerting a profound influence on local politics, economy and culture.

In addition, the colonial rule of European countries also had an impact on the development of Buddhism in Bengal, which gradually marginalized Buddhism as a minority religion.

However, there were also some positive changes in Bengali Buddhism during the European period.

Some European countries have studied and documented local Buddhist culture and history in trade with local governments, and these records are of important reference value for the study of Bengali Buddhist history and culture today.

During the religious boom of the 9th-12th centuries CE, Bengali Buddhism reached its peak in size and influence.

At that time, Bengali Buddhism was the center of the Persian and Arab world, and many famous scholars and practitioners gathered here.

Bengali Buddhists established many new temples and monastic groups, developing unique cultural and religious traditions.

In the late Middle Ages, Bengali Buddhism was invaded and conquered by Islam.

In 1204 AD, Bengali Buddhist shrines under the Mamluk dynasty were destroyed and Buddhists were forced to flee to neighboring areas.

3. Cultural characteristics of Buddhism in Bengal

The cultural characteristics of Bengali Buddhism in the European period are mainly reflected in Buddhist art and literature, and the Buddhist art in Bengal mainly includes sculpture, painting and architecture.

Among them, carving is an important part of Bengali Buddhist art, and the Buddhist carving style in the Bengal region is unique and has obvious Bengali cultural characteristics.

Bengali Buddhist painting is also one of its cultural characteristics, Bengali Buddhist painting mainly has two forms: mural painting and manuscript painting.

Murals are painted inside and outside Buddhist temples and stupas, often depicting Buddhist stories and culture, while manuscript paintings are painted on the decorative panels of hand-copied Buddhist scriptures and Buddhist books, mainly depicting Buddhist stories and symbols.

The Buddhist painting style in the Bengal region is different from the Indian Buddhist painting style and has strong Bengali cultural characteristics.

During the European period, many Buddhist paintings have been found in Buddhist sites in the Bengal region in some European countries, which are also of great reference value for the study of local Buddhist culture and history.

Stupas are a typical form in Bengali Buddhist architecture, usually conical or polygonal, with carvings and frescoes on the pagoda body.

Buddhist temples are another important form of Bengali Buddhist architecture, usually square or rectangular in shape, with facilities such as Buddhist halls and monastic residences.

Bengali Buddhist architecture has a unique artistic style that reflects the unique charm of Bengali culture.

During the European period, many stupas and Buddhist temples were found in Buddhist sites in the Bengal region in some European countries, and these buildings also have important reference value for studying local Buddhist culture and history.

In general, Bengali Buddhism has experienced many ups and downs and challenges in the course of its historical evolution, but still maintains a unique cultural and religious tradition.


1. Biswas (2002). Bangladesh's Buddhist Heritage: A Journey Through Time. Buddhist Art News. Retrieved from

2. Centre for Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong. (2015). Buddhism in Bangladesh. Buddhist Gate Global. Retrieved from

3. Hassan, M. (2006). Buddhist architecture in Bangladesh. Dhaka: University Press Limited.

[Sun] Where is the origin of Bengali Buddhism? What are the implications for the Buddhist tradition? I. The Historical Background of Buddhism in Bengal Buddhism is a religion that originated in ancient India since 5 BC
[Sun] Where is the origin of Bengali Buddhism? What are the implications for the Buddhist tradition? I. The Historical Background of Buddhism in Bengal Buddhism is a religion that originated in ancient India since 5 BC
[Sun] Where is the origin of Bengali Buddhism? What are the implications for the Buddhist tradition? I. The Historical Background of Buddhism in Bengal Buddhism is a religion that originated in ancient India since 5 BC

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