
#Spring plowing is underway #Nine home-cooked dishes that must be eaten in spring, simple in practice, nutritious and delicious, quickly store oyster sauce zucchini ingredients: 2 zucchini, an appropriate amount of oil, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 2 cloves of garlic

author:Splendid v Shandong

#Spring plowing in progress# Nine must-eat home-cooked dishes in spring, simple to prepare, nutritious and delicious, and quickly store

Zucchini with oyster sauce

Ingredients: 2 zucchini, oil to taste, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 slice of ginger,

Practice steps:

1. Wash the zucchini and cut it into two pieces. Zucchini must be fresh and soft, with a rounded body and a smooth surface, no hard lumps, no breakage or decay.

2. Cut the zucchini in half longitudinally and cut into thin slices with a diagonal knife.

3. Then cut the zucchini into diamond-shaped slices. The diamond slice is not easy to cut, the semi-round piece is fine.

4. Finely chop the ginger, slice the garlic and prepare the oyster sauce.

5. Heat oil in a pot, add sliced ginger and garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant, then add zucchini slices and stir-fry until the zucchini slices are slightly soft.

6. When the zucchini slices are stir-fried, add oyster sauce and add a little salt. Oyster sauce is salty, so put less or no salt. Add the oyster sauce before removing the ingredients from the pan. Oyster sauce is best cooked when the dish is ripe and can highlight the deliciousness of the oyster sauce. Leaving it too early will lose the umami of the oyster sauce.

7. Sauté the zucchini slices and oyster sauce well. Zucchini should not be overcooked to avoid loss of nutrients. Add a little starch water to thicken, stir-fry over high heat until the soup is thick, turn off the heat and serve on a plate.

Stir-fried bacon with capers


Appropriate amount of bacon, appropriate amount of capers, appropriate amount of chopped pepper, appropriate amount of cooking oil for banquet friends, appropriate amount of red and spicy 椒️, appropriate amount of minced garlic, appropriate amount of minced ginger, appropriate amount of chopped green onion, appropriate amount of chicken powder


1 Soak capers in warm water for a while, remove and cut into small pieces.

2 bacon washed and sliced; Finely chop green onion, ginger and garlic and set aside.

3 Heat a little oil in a pot, stir-fry the bacon until fragrant, and fry the fat part until transparent.

4 Add ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

5 Add chopped pepper and capers and stir-fry until fragrant, stir-fry for about 2 minutes.

6 Add an appropriate amount of chicken essence and stir-fry well, turn off the heat and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

7 Spicy salty and sweet, full of aroma.

Small stir-fry

Ingredients: 150 grams of chopped pork, 40 grams of shredded pork belly, 20 grams of garlic seedlings, 50 grams each of cabbage and thousand zhang, 5 grams each of minced green onion and ginger

Seasoning: 4 grams each of salt, monosodium glutamate and sugar, 2 grams of white pepper, 3 grams of dark soy sauce.


1. Wash the cheats, cut into very thin semicircular slices, soak them in water for 1 hour to remove their bitter taste, and remove the controlled dry water.

2. Put the slices into the salad oil that is 60% hot, soak and fry over low heat until very crispy, and remove the oil control.

3: Wash the cabbage and cut into strips 10 cm long and 2 cm wide.

4: Wash 1,000 sheets, cut into 3cm strips and blanch in water.

5. Put salad oil in the pot, when it is hot, add minced green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, add shredded pork belly over medium heat and fry until it changes color, add cabbage gang, simmer until ripe, add thousands of shredded pieces and seasonings over high heat and turn well, sprinkle garlic seedlings and slices, quickly turn well, and put into the pan.

Stir-fried meat with chili

Pork belly, green pepper, ginger slices, oil, salt, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate


1. Cut the pork belly thinly and the chili pepper well.

2. Heat the oil in a hot pan, add ginger to fragrant, pour in pork belly, and simmer over low heat until the oil turns to high heat.

3. Put some white wine to remove fishy, then release raw soy sauce, old soy sauce, and finally put chili. The chili peppers are seven or eight ripe, add salt and MSG, and evenly out of the pan.

Scrambled eggs with garlic

Ingredients: garlic, egg, garlic, salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, thirteen spice


1 Wash and cut the garlic into small pieces, control the moisture and set aside, beat the eggs.

2 Boiling oil, stir-fry eggs, stir-fry and serve, add eggs, add eggs.

3 Add salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, 1 spoonful of thirteen spices, stir-fry over high heat for 1 minute, simple and nutritious home-cooked dish.

Steamed beef with tomato

Ingredients: tomato, beef, baby vegetables, shredded ginger, chopped green onion.

Practical process:

1. Clean the beef, then cut it into thin slices, then add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, starch, ginger slices and peanut oil, grab and mix well, marinate for 15 minutes.

2. Clean the baby vegetables, then cut them into small pieces, spread them on the bottom of the steaming bowl, then scrub the tomatoes with salt, and then cut them into small pieces and spread them on the baby vegetables.

3. Spread the marinated beef on the tomatoes, then boil the water, after the water boils, steam the tomato steamed beef in the steamer for 15 minutes, and then sprinkle a handful of chopped green onions and white sesame seeds to garnish, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

Dried fragrant mixed with malan head

Ingredients: dried fragrant, malan head.

Practical steps:

1. Clean the malantou, boil the water in the pot, put salt and cooking oil, and then put the malantou to blanch for one minute, then scoop it up and pass the cold water, squeeze the water and chop. Cut dried fragrant into cubes.

2. Put the malan head and dried fragrant diced into a bowl, add salt, sugar and sesame oil, stir well and then take out of the pot and put on a plate.

Fried black fungus with Dutch beans

Ingredients: Hollandaise beans, walnuts, black fungus, chili pepper

1. Soak the black fungus in warm water and wash the walnuts with clean water.

2. Remove the fascia from the Dutch beans, wash them with clean water to control the dry water, and wash and slice the peppers.

3. Pour water into a pot and boil, add Dutch beans, walnuts and black fungus and blanch for 1 minute to control the moisture.

4. Pour cooking oil into the pot, heat the oil into the Dutch beans, walnuts, black fungus, chili pepper and stir-fry evenly, add salt, stir-fry light soy sauce until cooked and put on a plate.

Scrambled eggs with camelin

Ingredients: Cabbage, local eggs.

Practical process:

1. Clean the camelina well, then boil water, add an appropriate amount of peanut oil and salt to taste, boil over high heat, and then put in the camelina blanched water.

2. After blanching, take out the cool water, drain the water, cut into minced camelin, put it in a large bowl, and then beat three local eggs into it, put in a drop of salt, and stir well.

3. After the oil is hot, pour in the camelina egg liquid and quickly stir-fry evenly, stir-fry until it is formed and cooked through, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

#Spring plowing is underway #Nine home-cooked dishes that must be eaten in spring, simple in practice, nutritious and delicious, quickly store oyster sauce zucchini ingredients: 2 zucchini, an appropriate amount of oil, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 2 cloves of garlic
#Spring plowing is underway #Nine home-cooked dishes that must be eaten in spring, simple in practice, nutritious and delicious, quickly store oyster sauce zucchini ingredients: 2 zucchini, an appropriate amount of oil, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 2 cloves of garlic
#Spring plowing is underway #Nine home-cooked dishes that must be eaten in spring, simple in practice, nutritious and delicious, quickly store oyster sauce zucchini ingredients: 2 zucchini, an appropriate amount of oil, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 2 cloves of garlic
#Spring plowing is underway #Nine home-cooked dishes that must be eaten in spring, simple in practice, nutritious and delicious, quickly store oyster sauce zucchini ingredients: 2 zucchini, an appropriate amount of oil, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 2 cloves of garlic
#Spring plowing is underway #Nine home-cooked dishes that must be eaten in spring, simple in practice, nutritious and delicious, quickly store oyster sauce zucchini ingredients: 2 zucchini, an appropriate amount of oil, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 2 cloves of garlic
#Spring plowing is underway #Nine home-cooked dishes that must be eaten in spring, simple in practice, nutritious and delicious, quickly store oyster sauce zucchini ingredients: 2 zucchini, an appropriate amount of oil, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 2 cloves of garlic
#Spring plowing is underway #Nine home-cooked dishes that must be eaten in spring, simple in practice, nutritious and delicious, quickly store oyster sauce zucchini ingredients: 2 zucchini, an appropriate amount of oil, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 2 cloves of garlic
#Spring plowing is underway #Nine home-cooked dishes that must be eaten in spring, simple in practice, nutritious and delicious, quickly store oyster sauce zucchini ingredients: 2 zucchini, an appropriate amount of oil, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 2 cloves of garlic
#Spring plowing is underway #Nine home-cooked dishes that must be eaten in spring, simple in practice, nutritious and delicious, quickly store oyster sauce zucchini ingredients: 2 zucchini, an appropriate amount of oil, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 2 cloves of garlic

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