
Seafood, the fresher the more delicious. Connoisseurs, show your housekeeping skills, and teach you how to buy delicious seafood! 【Crab】(1) Look at the male and female. The abdomen of the male is triangular and the female is half

author:Home to fish by the sea

Seafood, the fresher the more delicious.

The connoisseur shoots, shows the ability to watch the house,

Teach you how to buy delicious seafood!


(1) Look at the male and female. The abdomen of the male is triangular and the female is semicircular. Those who like to eat paste to choose mothers, like crab meat to choose the public;

(2) Look at the back, the crab shell is brown or purple, and hard, the texture is clear and shiny;

(3) Look at the vitality, you can turn it over, can quickly turn over to indicate that it is very healthy, if you cannot turn over, it means that the vitality is not strong;

(4) Look at the softness and hardness of the abdominal shell, squeeze it with the thumb, and the hard indicates that the meat is hypertrophied;

(5) Look at the crab foot, the crab foot and the body are closely connected, when lifting the crab body, the crab foot is hard, not loose and drooping fatmost;

(6) Weigh the weight, if two of the same size, weigh it by hand, which one weighs which meat is more.


Whether shrimp is good or not, the most basic thing is to see whether it is raw or not. In addition, when buying urine shrimp, turn the urine shrimp over to look at its tail, if it is yellow, it is paste.

(1) Looking at the appearance, the "long neck" of the urine shrimp is the best, and there will be nodes below the head of the urine shrimp, and the long neck with more nodes.

(2) Male and female, the meat quality of female urine shrimp is thicker than that of male, and the paste is also connected from the head to the tail, which is very delicious. The most obvious difference between the two is that the female urine shrimp has three milky white horizontal lines on the abdomen near the head and neck, while the male does not.

You don't know that in fact, urine shrimp without paste is sweeter than shrimp with ointment!


Tips for picking abalone! When buying abalone, ask the boss for a salinity meter to measure the saltiness of the seawater, if the saltiness reaches 16-18 degrees, the quality of the abalone is guaranteed.

In addition, fresh abalone shells are intact, and those with chips or cracks on the back are inferior; It is best to have a fat bottom or a convex back and thick flesh, and the meat is bright and shiny. Do not buy those that are dry on the outside and wet on the inside, and the abalone body shows black spots.


(1) When selecting scallops, generally choose scallops with consistent shell color and glossy and uniform size;

(2) If scallops are kept in water, fresh shells will move one by one;

(3) If the scallop is not in the water, you can pat the shell with your hand, and the shell closes immediately, which proves that the scallop is alive.


When buying shrimp, pay special attention to the degree of freshness: fresh shrimp are bluish white (female shrimp) or egg yellow (male shrimp):

(1) Live shrimp kept in the water, the faster they swim when they are fished with a net, the stronger and fresher they are;

(2) Look at the color, the shrimp shell is hard, and the shiny meat quality is relatively delicious;

(3) Look at the tightness between the shell and the muscle, the shrimp between the two is very tight, not easy to peel by hand, but if it is a long-standing shrimp, it is easy to peel by hand;

(4) Observe quietly, fresh shrimp will spit out bubbles from time to time, indicating that there is normal life breathing;

(5) Smell the taste, shrimp has a fishy smell, the fishier it is, the fresher, but it is not a musty smell of rot, if it has produced a peculiar smell, it is not fresh.


Whether the fish is fresh or not, the key is to look at the body surface and gills of the fish:

(1) Look at the eyes of fish, the eye mask is sound, transparent and clear is fresh fish, the fresh fish generally has blood in the eye mask, and the eyeballs are not prominent;

(2) Touch the body of the fish, fresh marine fish body surface no scars, no deformity, no unknown mucus; Open the gills of the fish to see, the gills of the fresh fish are bright red, if the gills have turned white and there is a lot of mucus, it means that the fish has been dead for a long time;

(3) Look at the belly of the fish, the abdomen without abnormal protrusions is fresh;

(4) Squeeze the fish meat, and the fish meat depression after squeezing does not rebound after squeezing, the explanation is not fresh;

【Jellyfish skin】

(1) Look at the color, high-quality jellyfish skin is white or light yellow, shiny, no red spots, red clothes and sediment;

(2) Looking at the fleshy quality, good quality jellyfish, thin skin, large, white color, tough and not brittle;

(3) Smell the smell, jellyfish processed with salt and alum through traditional technology has a unique smell and no fishy odor;

(4) Look at the size, the jellyfish head is large, light yellow, moisture, crisp and tender, and less sediment;


When choosing a squid, remember the three main selection principles, depending on the body size, body appearance and meat quality:

(1) Looking at the body shape, the squid with good quality is generally complete and solid, and it is not easy to tear off;

(2) Looking at the body surface, a good squid body surface is slightly white frost;

(3) Look at the meat quality, the squid meat is fat, pink and translucent is a good squid.

Contraindications to eating seafood:

1. Never eat dead seafood

Including urine shrimp, flower shrimp, crab, etc., if the protein changes if it dies, many people are allergic to it.

2. Try not to eat seafood with beer

Drinking a lot of beer while eating seafood will produce too much uric acid, which can trigger gout. Excess uric acid can be deposited in joints or soft tissues, causing inflammation of joints and soft tissues.

#Cuisine##Seafood##吃出健康 #

Seafood, the fresher the more delicious. Connoisseurs, show your housekeeping skills, and teach you how to buy delicious seafood! 【Crab】(1) Look at the male and female. The abdomen of the male is triangular and the female is half
Seafood, the fresher the more delicious. Connoisseurs, show your housekeeping skills, and teach you how to buy delicious seafood! 【Crab】(1) Look at the male and female. The abdomen of the male is triangular and the female is half
Seafood, the fresher the more delicious. Connoisseurs, show your housekeeping skills, and teach you how to buy delicious seafood! 【Crab】(1) Look at the male and female. The abdomen of the male is triangular and the female is half
Seafood, the fresher the more delicious. Connoisseurs, show your housekeeping skills, and teach you how to buy delicious seafood! 【Crab】(1) Look at the male and female. The abdomen of the male is triangular and the female is half
Seafood, the fresher the more delicious. Connoisseurs, show your housekeeping skills, and teach you how to buy delicious seafood! 【Crab】(1) Look at the male and female. The abdomen of the male is triangular and the female is half
Seafood, the fresher the more delicious. Connoisseurs, show your housekeeping skills, and teach you how to buy delicious seafood! 【Crab】(1) Look at the male and female. The abdomen of the male is triangular and the female is half
Seafood, the fresher the more delicious. Connoisseurs, show your housekeeping skills, and teach you how to buy delicious seafood! 【Crab】(1) Look at the male and female. The abdomen of the male is triangular and the female is half
Seafood, the fresher the more delicious. Connoisseurs, show your housekeeping skills, and teach you how to buy delicious seafood! 【Crab】(1) Look at the male and female. The abdomen of the male is triangular and the female is half
Seafood, the fresher the more delicious. Connoisseurs, show your housekeeping skills, and teach you how to buy delicious seafood! 【Crab】(1) Look at the male and female. The abdomen of the male is triangular and the female is half

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