
My balcony grew vegetables successfully [Wishing you prosperity]. Coriander, Hong Kong glass lettuce, and oil wheat were grown. It was planted in express foam boxes, discarded clinker barrels, and covered in winter

author:Three more sparrows

My balcony grew vegetables successfully [Wishing you prosperity]. Coriander, Hong Kong glass lettuce, and oil wheat were grown. It was planted in express foam boxes, discarded clinker barrels, and a layer of film was covered in winter, but I didn't expect it to grow quite well [croak]

My balcony grew vegetables successfully [Wishing you prosperity]. Coriander, Hong Kong glass lettuce, and oil wheat were grown. It was planted in express foam boxes, discarded clinker barrels, and covered in winter
My balcony grew vegetables successfully [Wishing you prosperity]. Coriander, Hong Kong glass lettuce, and oil wheat were grown. It was planted in express foam boxes, discarded clinker barrels, and covered in winter
My balcony grew vegetables successfully [Wishing you prosperity]. Coriander, Hong Kong glass lettuce, and oil wheat were grown. It was planted in express foam boxes, discarded clinker barrels, and covered in winter

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