
What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

author:Small back basket for agricultural technology

#春耕进行时 #

"Gu Yu planted sweet potato seedlings, and one tree can harvest a large basket." Every year from 3 to 4 lunar calendar before and after the "valley rain" solar term, is our farmers friends concentrated on planting sweet potatoes golden period, the reason why the sweet potato planting time to choose 3 valley rain before and after the solar term (as the saying often says "before and after the valley rain, plant melons and beans"), because sweet potatoes like warm and heat-resistant crop types, generally after the valley rain solar term most areas are warm and rainy, on the one hand, the warm and humid soil environment at this time is very conducive to the high survival rate of sweet potatoes after planting and the vigorous growth of new branches and leaves, On the other hand, at this time, there are generally few cold waves, late frosts, spring colds and other low-temperature frost-damaging bad weather (as the saying goes, "Qingming rain breaks, valley rain breaks frost").

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

Normally, before and after the valley rain solar term and the average soil temperature in the field is stable above 16-18 degrees (the temperature below 15 degrees when planting will not be conducive to the germination and growth of sweet potatoes, open-field sweet potatoes are recommended to be planted when they are above 18 degrees), sweet potatoes planted early in time generally have higher yields than sweet potatoes planted later (because sweet potatoes planted early and planted early have a long growth cycle, above-ground seedlings and leaves can grow early, and underground potato chunks can also obtain longer fruiting, expansion and weight gain time), which is just like the rural saying," Planting sweet potatoes before and after the valley rain, it is best not to pass the beginning of summer "Sweet potatoes are not coincidental, as long as the seedlings are planted early", "Sweet potatoes are planted late, potatoes are like sheep's beard", that is to say, before and after the "valley rain" solar term, when the weather warms and the temperature stabilizes, and the temperature rises to more than 15-16 degrees, then it will be necessary to hurry to plant sweet potatoes, if you wait until before and after the "Lixia" solar term to plant sweet potatoes, then it will inevitably affect the size and yield of sweet potatoes harvested.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

Sweet potato planting management is simple, mu yield is high, many farmers will basically plant sweet potatoes every year, of course, although the same are planted sweet potatoes, sweet potato planting methods and management levels are different, will lead to different farmers planted sweet potatoes in the harvest of a large difference in yield. Today's article, the agricultural technology small back basket will take advantage of the fact that you have not yet begun to plant sweet potatoes, let's talk to you in advance about sweet potato seedlings, seedling selection, planting timing, cuttings control, planting skills and other knowledge!

First, about the sweet potato commonly used two seedling breeding methods

The method of sweet potato planting is to first nurse seedlings and then cut the stems and cuttings, and the planting method of sowing seeds with sweet potato seeds is basically not seen.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

Many people may have questions: why are sweet potatoes mostly planted with seeds instead of directly using seeds? The small back basket of agricultural technology is also briefly explained to you here: (1) The seed coat of sweet potatoes is very thick and hard, it is difficult to absorb seeds into the ground, and germination is slow, and after using seeds to directly sow seeds, it is easy to have the problems of late germination, late emergence, uneven and unstrong seedlings, lack of seedlings and broken ridges; (2) Sweet potatoes are inhibited pollination and solid crops, therefore, sweet potatoes are easy to reduce the purity of the original sweet potato seeds due to genetic mutations of flowering pollination varieties in the process of flowering and pollination and seeds, which in turn is easy to cause very adverse effects on the growth, yield and quality of sweet potatoes in the later stage; (3) Sweet potatoes are directly sown by seeds, and more manual time and energy need to be invested in management at the seedling stage, which is far less time-saving and time-saving and easy management than the method of cutting vines and cuttings after seedlings are cut first.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

Without further ado, let's talk about the two seedling methods before sweet potato planting.

The first sweet potato seedling method: vine seedlings

(1) After the sweet potatoes are ripe and harvested in the previous autumn, according to the size of the sweet potato plot that needs to be planted in the next year, carefully select a batch of high-quality sweet potato vines with a length of about 1.5-2 meters, strong vines without any diseases and pests, and no early frost damage, cut these selected vines from the base of the sweet potato plants in the ground with disinfected scissors and take them home, and then use scissors to cut off the leaves on the vine (keep a small petiole from the leaf and vine connection when cutting leaves), Finally, use scissors to cut the deleafed vine into one sub-segment after another according to the method of retaining 1-2 petioles every 2-3 sections (those without petioles on the truncated segment cannot be used), and these shortened sweet potato vine segments are the ones we use for sweet potato vine seedlings.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

(2) Put the cut sweet potato vine segment according to 2 sections in front of the first into carbendazim, potassium permanganate and other fungicide aqueous solution solution for 5 minutes continuously, and then take out the natural wind to cool and dry and bury it in the shallow soil pit or wet sand of the seedbed selected in advance to hibernate in winter (the seedbed needs to build an insulation film arch or cover the insulation plastic mulch film to prevent frost damage during wintering), and wait until the soil temperature reaches 15-16 degrees and above in the next spring. At this time, go to the nursery in advance to dig out the sweet potato segments from the sand for planting seedlings, and when the bottom of these sweet potato vine segments grows new roots and the upper part germinates, they can be transferred to the field for normal planting.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

The second sweet potato seedling method: potato nugget seedlings

Sweet potato nugget seedling method, generally about 40-50 days before sweet potato planting, potato nuggets heat preservation moisturizing germination seedlings (2 months in advance before planting), at this time start to row seedlings until sweet potato seedlings grow into suitable for cutting seedlings cuttings planting time is just right. Generally speaking, the time of sweet potato spring potato cube seedlings is generally carried out before and after the "spring equinox" solar term, and when the "valley rain" solar term planted sweet potatoes is exactly about forty or fifty days, at this point a rural saying is explained very clearly, "spring equinox festival, can not be allowed, sweet potato mother and son are quickly on the kang" (spring refers to the "spring equinox" solar term, can not let means that the seedling time can not wait, sweet potato refers to sweet potato, mother and son refers to sweet potato seedlings seed potato, upper kang refers to the warm and moisturizing seedling bed).

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

When using sweet potato chunks for spring seedlings, we should pay attention to two points: (1) The potato nuggets used for seedlings must be of uniform variety, uniform size, no surface damage mouth and disease spots, and potato seed blocks must not have problems such as black rot, moisture, frost damage, etc.; (2) Potato nuggets must be disinfected and sterilized with carbendazim before seedlings are disinfected and used before sowing and using; (3) When sowing seedlings, potato pieces are generally buried in 6-10 cm moist sandy soil, and ensure that the soil temperature of the seedling period and seedbed is not lower than 15-16 degrees; (4) After the potato cubes germinate and emerge, and the potato seedlings grow 4-5 leaves and the plant height grows to about 13-15 cm, seedlings can be cut, cuttings or transplanted seedlings for planting.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

In addition, in order to improve the survival rate of potato seedlings after planting, the agricultural technology small back basket recommends that you open the seedbed in advance for low-temperature ventilation refining a week before the sweet potato seedlings are planted, because the sooner the potato seedlings adapt to the external cold and dry climate environment, the higher the survival rate after planting in the field.

Second, about the best time and temperature for sweet potato planting

For the time and temperature of sweet potato planting, in fact, the agricultural technology small back basket has been mentioned in the previous content, and I will clarify it for you here:

(1) Sweet potato seedling breeding time and temperature: sweet potatoes generally start seedlings about 2 months before planting (the duration of the seedling period is about 40-50 days), the seedling period is mainly concentrated before and after the spring equinox solar term when the temperature is stable at about 15 degrees, the southern region is generally around the end of February to early March in the solar calendar, and the northern region is generally around the middle and late to late 4 of the solar calendar.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

(2) Sweet potato planting time and temperature: sweet potatoes generally start planting in spring for 3-5 consecutive days when the average temperature of day and night is stable at about 16-20 degrees (including seedling transplanting and vine cuttings), planting solar terms are generally carried out before and after the valley rain solar term, and completed before the summer solstice at the latest, the planting month is mainly concentrated around April, the specific planting time can not look at the solar term, do not look at the month, but must look at the temperature - The small back basket of agricultural technology recommends that you plant sweet potatoes when the soil temperature reaches 18-20 degrees (during the suitable planting period of 15-20 degrees before and after the valley rain solar term, sweet potato planting is early and not late), because soil temperature below 15 degrees will affect the normal slow rooting and survival of newly planted sweet potatoes.

(3) Weather and time period of sweet potato planting: Generally speaking, sweet potato planting choose cloudy days, the survival rate of planting after rain will be very high, sunny days can choose to plant in the afternoon, sunny days in the morning second, sunny days at noon is not suitable for planting sweet potato seedlings, because the temperature around noon on sunny days is high, newly planted sweet potato seedlings are easy to excessive dehydration and wilt and affect survival.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

Third, on the selection criteria of sweet potatoes before planting

The quality of seedlings selected during sweet potato planting will directly affect the rooting speed, slow seedling period and survival rate of sweet potato planting, and also affect the long branches, long leaves, seedlings, potato cube formation and expansion time after planting, which has a greater impact on the size, single weight, yield and quality of sweet potatoes harvest.

As the saying goes, "sweet potatoes should be planted with strong seedlings, and young shoots should not be planted". That is to say, when we plant sweet potatoes, we generally choose seedlings with thick stems, thick green folia, short and thick internodes (fast rooting, good growth, easy survival, strong stress resistance), on the contrary, the stems are too young and tender or too old and too old, the juice is too little and too light, the internodes are too long, the leaves are scarce, and the seedlings are too light in weight, not only are it not easy to quickly take root and slow the survival of seedlings after planting, but also the general field management is more difficult and it is difficult to grow high-yield and high-quality sweet potatoes.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

Fourth, about the optimal depth of sweet potato cultivation

Generally speaking, the best depth for sweet potato cultivation is to plant into loose soil 5-10 cm underground, but this planting depth is not fixed, which involves a problem of soil quality and planting method difference. Under normal circumstances, if it is a planting land with heavy soil stickiness, easy to compaction and agglomerate or high temperature and rain in spring (poor water permeability), then the depth of sweet potato planting should be shallow and not deep (planting about 5-8 cm can be), if it is a planting land with serious water leakage and fertilizer leakage, poor thermal insulation and moisture preservation ability or windy and dry weather in spring (easy to run wind, leakage, drought), then the depth of sweet potato planting should not be shallow (planting 8-10 cm is more appropriate); For example, flat sweet potatoes should be shallow and not deep, while vertical sweet potatoes should be deep and not shallow.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

Take the method of sweet potato seedling cuttings planting as an example, the general depth of sweet potato planting can be planted according to the method of "burying 3 and leaving 2", if a sweet potato seedling to be planted has 5 leaves, then bury 3 leaves in the ground, leave 2 leaves on the ground, generally such a seedling into the soil planting ratio, but this is not static, specifically consider the planting method used.

5. About the three commonly used planting methods for sweet potato cultivation

There are many ways to cultivate sweet potatoes, but the advantages and disadvantages of different planting methods, suitable planting conditions, planting depth, etc. are different, and you can flexibly choose the most suitable planting method for your own sweet potato planting land according to your actual situation.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

The first planting method: horizontal flat planting method (seedlings are planted horizontally and horizontally into the soil)

(1) Planting method: plant the seedlings horizontally into the planting ditch, so that 3-5 nodes of the seedling vine are buried flat in the ground, 2-3 nodes are exposed to the ground, and the planting depth is about 5-6 cm for shallow planting, which is like two sayings "shallow sweet potatoes bear a golden ingot, deep planting sweet potatoes to the first pile of grass", "horizontal planting sweet potatoes vertical planting onions, deep planting artichokes shallow planted ginger, sweet potatoes planted on the skin".

(2) Advantages: the number of soil entry sections is large and the depth of soil is shallow, so the sweet potatoes can be set earlier in the later stage, the number of potatoes is more, and the size of the flat planted sweet potatoes is relatively uniform.

(3) Disadvantages: the amount of seedlings used for planting is large, and planting takes a lot of labor time, because before entering the soil, the seedlings have poor drought resistance, which is not suitable for use in planting land with tight preparation of seedlings, shallow and barren soil, high temperature and drought, little rain, and insufficient water and fertilizer, otherwise it is easy to lack seedlings and reduce yield due to drought.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

(4) Suitable conditions: (1) Suitable for sweet potato seedlings vine 20-25 cm long cuttings; (2) It is suitable for planting seedlings and preparing sufficient planting land; (3) It is suitable for plots with deep and fertile soil and sufficient water and fertilizer.

The second planting method: vertical vertical planting method (seedlings are planted vertically into the soil)

(1) Planting method: insert the seedlings directly into the soil in the vertical direction, so that 2-4 nodes of the seedling vine are directly inserted into the soil, 1-2 nodes are exposed to the ground, and the planting depth is about 8-10 cm for deep planting.

(2) Advantages: planting into the soil is relatively deep, drought resistance is strong, planting speed is fast, labor and time saving, planting protection survival rate is relatively high, potato location is relatively concentrated, potato size is relatively large.

(3) Disadvantages: Although the size of the potatoes is large, the number of potatoes is small and the size of the potato pieces is uneven, and the overall yield per mu is not high.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

(4) Suitable conditions: (1) Suitable for sweet potato seedlings vine 15-18 cm short cuttings; (2) It is suitable for use in planting areas where moderate dense planting is required; (3) It is suitable for the use of plots with shallow soil layer, arid climate and little rainfall, and poor water and fertilizer; (3) Suitable for use in plots for sweet potato mulching planting;

The third planting method: oblique planting (seedlings planted obliquely into the soil)

(1) Planting method: the seedlings are inserted obliquely into the soil at an inclination of about 40-45 degrees to the ground, so that 3-4 nodes of the seedling vine are inserted obliquely into the soil, 2-3 nodes are exposed to the ground, and the planting depth is about 7-8 cm for appropriate deep planting.

(2) Advantages: This method is between flat planting and direct planting in various aspects such as survival rate, drought resistance, number of potatoes, size of potatoes, artificial and seedling inputs.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

(3) Disadvantages: the number of potatoes in the later stage is relatively large, but the size of the potatoes is uneven, generally the upper half of the potato pieces are large, and the lower half of the potato pieces are small.

(4) Suitable conditions: (1) Suitable for sweet potato seedlings vine 16-22 cm medium length cuttings; (2) It is not only suitable for planting land with thin soil layer, insufficient water and fertilizer supply, and relatively little precipitation, but also for planting land with fertile and deep soil and sufficient water and fertilizer.

6. Six detailed requirements for sweet potato planting

(1) 3-5 days before planting sweet potatoes (before collecting sweet potato seedlings vines), carry out light ventilation and water control and fertilizer control in advance, so as to improve the stress resistance and environmental adaptability of sweet potato seedlings through seedlings, which can greatly improve the survival rate of seedlings after planting.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

(2) When planting sweet potatoes, try to choose cloudy weather or just after light rain for planting, and planting on sunny days should choose sunny days in the afternoon, try to avoid planting in sunny mornings, and sweet potato seedlings cannot be planted at noon on sunny days. The soil moisture that is most conducive to the cultivation of sweet potato cuttings is about 70%, and the soil is too wet or too dry is not conducive to the rapid rooting and slow survival of newly planted sweet potato seedlings.

(3) Before planting sweet potato seedlings, on the one hand, the leaves on the cuttings vine should be left with petioles to remove the leaves (reduce the amount of water evaporation and improve the survival rate), on the other hand, try to use carbendazim or potassium permanganate or microbial agents to dip the roots before planting (reduce the incidence of diseases at the seedling stage).

(4) After planting sweet potato seedlings, they should immediately water through the ditch or according to the hole once sufficient rooting water, so as to promote the newly planted sweet potato seedlings to take root as soon as possible and slow the survival of the seedlings.

What is the difference between sweet potato vine seedling and potato cube seedling? Which is better sweet potato flat planting, direct planting or oblique planting?

(5) Proper dense planting of sweet potatoes is conducive to high yield, but if the planting density is too high, it will reduce the yield. Generally speaking, the density of sweet potato planting is about 4000-6000 seedlings per mu, which should be flexibly increased or decreased according to the actual situation of the planting area. Generally speaking, early maturing varieties, short vine varieties, weak seedlings and poor seedlings, short vine direct planting planting land, poor soil and poor water and fertilizer supply capacity, dry climate and little rain planting areas, sweet potato planting is recommended to be properly densely planted; Medium and late maturing varieties, long vine varieties, strong seedlings, long vine flat planting land, fertile and deep soil and sufficient water and fertilizer supply planting land, high temperature and rainy climate planting area, sweet potato planting is recommended to be appropriately thin.

(6) 5-7 days after sweet potato planting, should go to the field in time to check whether the newly planted sweet potato seedlings are alive, if it is found that there is a wilted and dead place, it should be replanted in time to prevent the yield reduction in the later period due to the lack of seedlings and broken ridges.

Well, about the seedling method, planting skills, planting requirements, etc. of spring sweet potato planting, I want to introduce you so much today, I don't know if you have learned it?

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