
I can't bear it anymore, the two companies Raytheon and Lockheed Martin have no integrity, not only do they not pay fines, but now they continue to sell further weapons to Taiwan Province


I can't bear it anymore, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin have no integrity, not only do not pay fines, but now continue to sell further weapons to Taiwan Province, it is really unreasonable, it seems that it is necessary to knock these two companies well, to repair them fiercely, it is best to let Thor and Lockheed Martin go bankrupt, otherwise it is really difficult to solve the hatred in my heart.

I can't bear it anymore, the two companies Raytheon and Lockheed Martin have no integrity, not only do they not pay fines, but now they continue to sell further weapons to Taiwan Province
I can't bear it anymore, the two companies Raytheon and Lockheed Martin have no integrity, not only do they not pay fines, but now they continue to sell further weapons to Taiwan Province
I can't bear it anymore, the two companies Raytheon and Lockheed Martin have no integrity, not only do they not pay fines, but now they continue to sell further weapons to Taiwan Province

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