
[Sun] Columbus's Second Journey From the New World, Columbus brought new foods back to Europe: peppers, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and tobacco. Between the old world and the new world

author:Qihan Round Table Pie

[Sun] Columbus' second trip

From the New World, Columbus brought new foods back to Europe: peppers, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and tobacco. Communication between the old world and the new world is less pleasant.

For centuries, Appleby wrote, "Asians, Africans, and Europeans developed an immunity to each other's diseases." The Taíno did not have this protection, and they were the first to feel the "lethal power of European germs."

Before that, before returning to the place that Columbus still considered Asia, Ferdinand and Isabella had to work out territorial jurisdiction with Pope Alexander VI. They asked the Pope for sovereignty over the Caribbean island where Columbus set foot.

On May 4 of that year, in 1493, the Pope granted them exclusive rights among the Popes – of course, those who were alive were not consulted. These are still authoritarian and imperial eras.

The pope described Ferdinand and Isabella as "outstanding servants of God" and praised them for "restoring the Kingdom of Grenada from the yoke of the Saracens (Muslims)" and spoke of the two monarchs spreading Christian rule "to the delight of the immortals" of God. ”

Second voyage

Four months later, in September, the two monarchs sent Columbus back to the Caribbean, this time sending 17 ships carrying about 1,200 soldiers, about 200 of whom were "gentleman volunteers." Columbus was instructed to convert the islanders to Christianity, and he promised to export gold and spices and pay for the costs of his business. He was promised ten percent of his wealth.

According to Apobi, the boats were filled with "seeds, plants, horses, dogs, pigs, cattle, chickens, sheep and goats." Ferdinand and the gentlemen's volunteers looked forward to building settlements on the newly occupied lands.

Columbus and his fleet returned to Navida at the end of November. Columbus expected to find a bustling village. He once expressed confidence that his men could conquer the locals, who he described as "naked, unarmed and very cowardly". Note5 When Columbus landed, he found the bodies of his men on the beach and his settlement destroyed.

On December 8, Columbus continued his march and established another settlement on the north coast of Hispaniola, called Isabella. From there he sailed in search of the Asian continent on April 24, 1494, and six days later he found Cuba.

In early June, he found Jamaica, and nine days later he returned to Cuba. Then it returned to Hispaniola. Columbus handed over the administration of Hispaniola to his brothers. Columbus returned to Spain in 1495. That year was also the first diagnosis of syphilis in Europe, which is said to have been brought back to Europe by Columbus' crew.

Head to Hispaniola again

Columbus returned to Hispaniola in May 1498. He was a hardline governor and was described as using torture and dismemberment to rule Hispaniola. He had some crew members hanged for disobeying orders. He was keen on the slave trade and was in no hurry to baptize them, which was criticized by the clergy. When the settlers returned to Spain, they claimed that Columbus had mismanaged the island.

The monarchy sent an agent to Santo Domingo and had Columbus replaced, arrested and returned to Spain in chains. Columbus was held for six weeks before the busy king Ferdinand ordered Columbus' release. In 1502, King Ferdinand sent him to find a strait that was supposed to lead to the Indian Ocean. He failed, but he found Central America.

In 1502, Hispaniola appointed Nicolás de Ovando as governor. The Spanish monarchy expressed the hope that Ovando would bring order to the colonies. To achieve this, Ovando authorized the Jagua Massacre in November 1503.

At the end of 1504, Columbus, who was in poor health, returned to Spain for the last time. He wrote several books, one of which was called The Book of Prophecy, which claimed that the Garden of Eden must be found and that Christianity must be spread throughout the world, including the recapture of the Holy Land from Muslims as the second coming of Jesus Christ

Columbus died in May 1506 in Valladolid, Spain, at the age of around 55.

[Sun] Columbus's Second Journey From the New World, Columbus brought new foods back to Europe: peppers, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and tobacco. Between the old world and the new world
[Sun] Columbus's Second Journey From the New World, Columbus brought new foods back to Europe: peppers, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and tobacco. Between the old world and the new world
[Sun] Columbus's Second Journey From the New World, Columbus brought new foods back to Europe: peppers, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and tobacco. Between the old world and the new world

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