
Aiye, take a bite gently, it's like taking spring into your mouth! Mugwort leaves are also called mugwort, mugwort, I believe everyone is no stranger, mugwort is easy to multiply and grow, strong adaptability to climate and soil

author:Old Qin eats quickly

Aiye, take a bite gently, it's like taking spring into your mouth!

Mugwort leaf is also called wormwood, mugwort, I believe everyone is no stranger, mugwort is easy to multiply and grow, strong adaptability to climate and soil, cold and drought resistance, in rural fields on the roadside are very common, turquoise branches and leaves, sweet and silky aroma, rural people eat, mosquito repellent, bath, medical treatment will use it. Moreover, these habits have been carried along the way to modern urban life.

Wormwood is preferably gray-white under the leaves, with many villi and rich aroma.


Share a dish of mugwort soup chicken soup, fragrant and sweet!

Ingredients: about 50g of fresh and tender mugwort leaves, 1 old hen, ginger, a little cooking wine, salt to taste.


1. Wash mugwort leaves, control moisture and set aside;

2. After the old hen is processed, remove the internal organs, then wash and cut into large pieces, add ginger and cooking wine to the pot under cold water and blanch water;

3. After blanching, take out the old hen and put it in a casserole, wash the ginger (do not peel it) and pat it flat into the casserole, add water;

4. Bring to a boil with a fierce flame first, after about 5 minutes, convert to low heat, boil on the water surface, and simmer for 1.5 hours;

5. Put fresh mugwort leaves in a casserole, boil over high heat for 2 minutes, and enjoy

Efficacy description: Wormwood pot chicken soup can regulate menstruation, replenish blood, dispel wind and warm the stomach, clear heat and detoxify, and calm liver fire, dispel rheumatism, reduce inflammation, and suppress cough. It has a certain effect on dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, uterine cold, and abortion.

Because the old hen has a good wind removal effect, it is generally better to use old hens for wormwood soup.

Aiye, take a bite gently, it's like taking spring into your mouth! Mugwort leaves are also called mugwort, mugwort, I believe everyone is no stranger, mugwort is easy to multiply and grow, strong adaptability to climate and soil
Aiye, take a bite gently, it's like taking spring into your mouth! Mugwort leaves are also called mugwort, mugwort, I believe everyone is no stranger, mugwort is easy to multiply and grow, strong adaptability to climate and soil
Aiye, take a bite gently, it's like taking spring into your mouth! Mugwort leaves are also called mugwort, mugwort, I believe everyone is no stranger, mugwort is easy to multiply and grow, strong adaptability to climate and soil
Aiye, take a bite gently, it's like taking spring into your mouth! Mugwort leaves are also called mugwort, mugwort, I believe everyone is no stranger, mugwort is easy to multiply and grow, strong adaptability to climate and soil
Aiye, take a bite gently, it's like taking spring into your mouth! Mugwort leaves are also called mugwort, mugwort, I believe everyone is no stranger, mugwort is easy to multiply and grow, strong adaptability to climate and soil
Aiye, take a bite gently, it's like taking spring into your mouth! Mugwort leaves are also called mugwort, mugwort, I believe everyone is no stranger, mugwort is easy to multiply and grow, strong adaptability to climate and soil
Aiye, take a bite gently, it's like taking spring into your mouth! Mugwort leaves are also called mugwort, mugwort, I believe everyone is no stranger, mugwort is easy to multiply and grow, strong adaptability to climate and soil
Aiye, take a bite gently, it's like taking spring into your mouth! Mugwort leaves are also called mugwort, mugwort, I believe everyone is no stranger, mugwort is easy to multiply and grow, strong adaptability to climate and soil
Aiye, take a bite gently, it's like taking spring into your mouth! Mugwort leaves are also called mugwort, mugwort, I believe everyone is no stranger, mugwort is easy to multiply and grow, strong adaptability to climate and soil

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