
Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

author:Little orange looking for food

Hello everyone, this is Little Tangerine's food! After entering March, the weather gradually warms up a lot, and many middle-aged and elderly people will have insomnia, dreams, fatigue, abdominal distention, edema and other symptoms, which are symptoms caused by liver failure.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes: "Spring is the main liver, heaven and man are one", so spring should be based on nourishing the liver, especially middle-aged and elderly people, to go to bed early and get up early, stay up less late, exercise appropriately, and promote the growth of yang qi, in order to promote the volatilization of liver function and make the liver healthier.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

When it comes to liver nourishing food, most people first think of apples, cheap and nutritious, but apples are sweet and cold, for people with spleen deficiency and cold, eating apples will only cause diarrhea, so it is recommended to eat less.

The following will introduce you to "Artemisia", also known as "emperor dish", is an ancient Chinese court dish, with a fresh and sweet taste, and has high medicinal value in traditional Chinese medicine, which can "calm the liver and fire, nourish the spleen and stomach, eliminate phlegm and drink" and other effects.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

Introduction: Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 pound of it, the natural "liver king of nourishment", only 3 yuan 1 pound, phlegm and cough, calm liver fire, calm the mind and nourish the heart, the following will introduce you to 2 kinds of artemisia methods, let's take a look together!

First recipe: steamed artemisia

Ingredients: Artemisia, corn flour, flour, salt, allspice powder, garlic, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, chili oil

Detailed steps:

1. Prepare a handful of fresh artemisia, cut off its roots, put it in water to wash it, remember to wash it several times, wash until the water is clear, and then fish out the controlled moisture for later use.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

2. Prepare an empty bowl, put 2 spoons of corn flour, 2 spoons of flour, add an appropriate amount of salt, and a little five-spice powder, and then stir them thoroughly.

3. After drying the water, cut it into small pieces, put it into a basin, pour some oil, and then mix them evenly, which can lock in the moisture of Artemisia annua, and it is not easy to stick when steaming.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

4. Then sprinkle in the adjusted flour, do not finish it at once, add it in small amounts and many times, so that it is more uniform when stirring, and finally stir until each artemisia leaf is glued with flour.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

5. Then put the artemisia into the steaming drawer, flatten it out, and then sort it out, wait for the steaming in the pot, put it into the steamer, turn on high heat and steam for about 5 minutes.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

6. Steamed artemisia should be paired with garlic juice to be delicious, add garlic cloves, edible salt, pound them into garlic puree, and then add light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, chili oil, stir well and it is done.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

7. After five minutes, our artemisia is steamed, spread it out while it is hot, do not stick or crumb, put it directly into the plate, or pour in the juice and mix evenly, you can serve it.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

8, dipped in garlic juice is really very delicious, the method is very simple, can not eat spicy friends, you can not put chili oil, it is also very delicious, like friends just collect it and try it.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

Second recipe: steamed buns with artemisia flower rolls

Ingredients: Artemisia, baking soda, egg, yeast powder, ordinary flour, cooking oil, salt, thirteen spices

Detailed steps:

1. Prepare a handful of artemisia to clean it, after the water in the pot is boiled, add a few drops of cooking oil, put in artemisia artemisia blanched for 40 seconds, and then use a slotted spoon to fish it out, put it in cool water for a while.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

2. Then dry the water and put it on the board to chop it directly, the spring artemisia is tender and nutritious, try to chop it some, cut it and put it in a large bowl.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

3. Add 2 grams of baking soda to it, stir well, then beat 2 eggs, 4 grams of yeast powder, stir it well, so that the yeast is completely melted, and then add ordinary flour.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

4. Add flour in small quantities and many times, stir it with chopsticks while adding, first stir into a large cotton wool, then knead into a dough, cover the lid, and wait for it to rise to twice as large.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

5. Sprinkle some dry flour on the board, knead the dough to it for exhaust, sprinkle some dry flour up and down to prevent sticking, and then flatten it and roll it out into a large noodle sheet.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

6. Then drizzle a little cooking oil, apply evenly with a brush, then add salt, thirteen spices, dry flour, roll it up from the bottom, try to roll it firmly.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

7. After rolling, cut it into small pieces, stand it up and tidy it, gently flatten it with your hands, put the finished vegetable roll in the steamer, cover it, and let it rise for 15 minutes.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

8. After awakening, the vegetable roll becomes significantly larger, then steam the pot on cold water, after seeing the pot gas, steam for another 20 minutes, after steaming, let's simmer for three minutes, and then open the lid.

9. The color of the steamed vegetable rolls is turquoise, very fluffy and soft, rich in nutrition, delicious and satisfying, and easy to digest. Less oil and less salt, the elderly and children are especially fond of eating.

Eating 10 pounds of apples is not as good as eating 1 kilogram of artemisia, natural liver nourishing king, 3 pieces and 1 pound, flat liver cremation phlegm and cough

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