
This tomato turkey is truly a must! Huge delicious! 🍀 Ingredients: chicken thighs, hot pot meatballs, tomatoes, potatoes, turkey noodles 🌸 recipe 1. Put the chicken thighs in a pan and fry to change color and serve, stir-fry chives, ginger and garlic 2

author:Lee makes a lot of food

This tomato turkey is truly a must! Huge delicious!

🍀 Ingredients: Chicken thighs, hot pot meatballs, tomatoes, potatoes, turkey noodles


1. Put the chicken thighs in a pan and fry them to change color and stir-fry the chives, ginger and garlic

2. Add the hot pot base and stir-fry the red oil, add the chicken thighs and stir-fry evenly

3. Add two spoons of light soy sauce to the tomatoes, one spoonful of oil consumption, and pour in the water that is no more than the ingredients

4. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes, then pour in hot pot meatballs, potatoes, etc. and continue to simmer for 10 minutes

5. Add the instant noodles, chili onion and continue to simmer for 3 minutes

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This tomato turkey is truly a must! Huge delicious! 🍀 Ingredients: chicken thighs, hot pot meatballs, tomatoes, potatoes, turkey noodles 🌸 recipe 1. Put the chicken thighs in a pan and fry to change color and serve, stir-fry chives, ginger and garlic 2
This tomato turkey is truly a must! Huge delicious! 🍀 Ingredients: chicken thighs, hot pot meatballs, tomatoes, potatoes, turkey noodles 🌸 recipe 1. Put the chicken thighs in a pan and fry to change color and serve, stir-fry chives, ginger and garlic 2
This tomato turkey is truly a must! Huge delicious! 🍀 Ingredients: chicken thighs, hot pot meatballs, tomatoes, potatoes, turkey noodles 🌸 recipe 1. Put the chicken thighs in a pan and fry to change color and serve, stir-fry chives, ginger and garlic 2
This tomato turkey is truly a must! Huge delicious! 🍀 Ingredients: chicken thighs, hot pot meatballs, tomatoes, potatoes, turkey noodles 🌸 recipe 1. Put the chicken thighs in a pan and fry to change color and serve, stir-fry chives, ginger and garlic 2

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