
Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!

author:The Road to Health channel

Starting from the rain solar term, the temperature gradually rises and the precipitation gradually increases, at this time, health care pays attention to "nourishing the liver and protecting the spleen, and the spring is covered with degrees". Then in terms of diet, we should pay attention to maintaining yang, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the liver. It is said that green liver protection, there are so many green leafy vegetables, what should I eat?

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!

Xiaobian here to recommend spinach to everyone, middle-aged and elderly friends in the vegetable market encounter don't miss it! Although spinach is common and available all year round, spring spinach has long stems, round leaves, thick texture, and the most delicious taste.

Don't look at its inexpensive and inconspicuous price, but it has the reputation of "nutrition model student" and "king of dishes". "Often eat spinach, the brain does not fail", spinach folic acid content is high, can protect the heart and brain, whether it is the elderly or children are suitable for eating more~

Eat more spinach to nourish your body

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!

Spinach is a treasure all over the body, from the leaves to the roots, rich in many nutrients. Eating spinach in spring not only tastes good, but also has the effect of nourishing the yin and calming the liver, cleaning up gastrointestinal heat and toxicity, and helping to prevent high blood pressure, headache and dizziness caused by insufficient liver and yin in spring.


Natural "heart booster"

Spinach is rich in coenzyme Q10, which can activate human cells and cellular energy nutrient supply, nourish myocardium, supply blood to the heart, often eat spinach to help the heart.

Spinach is also very high in magnesium, up to 58 milligrams per 100 grams, ranking among the best common vegetables. Magnesium is a regulator of heart muscle rhythm, and eating spinach often helps protect the heart.

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!


Nourish the liver and clear eyes

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that green color into the liver, eating some green spinach in spring, can relieve the liver and regulate qi. It is also rich in dietary polysaccharides and fiber, which can reduce the burden on the liver.

In addition, spinach is rich in lutein and carotene, which can protect vision.


"Calcium Booster"

Spinach root is rich in vitamin K and minerals, which can participate in the physiological process of bones, help replenish calcium, strengthen bones. It is good for the elderly and children to eat~


Assists in lowering blood pressure and stabilizing glucose

Spinach is a large potassium user, with an average of 311mg of potassium per 100g of spinach, which has the benefit of helping to prevent high blood pressure.

Spinach leaves contain a substance very similar to insulin, which has an auxiliary effect on controlling blood sugar and maintaining blood sugar stability. Therefore, friends who are worried about blood sugar instability can eat less high-oil, high-sugar big fish and meat, and eat more spinach instead!



Spinach contains a lot of dietary fiber, 100 grams of dietary fiber contains 1.7 grams, higher than celery (0.9 grams), has the effect of promoting intestinal peristalsis, helps promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, moisturizes the intestines and prevents constipation.

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!
Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!
Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!

Spinach is so eaten, delicious and healthy

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!

There are many ways to make spinach, whether it is cold mixed, stir-fried, made into soup, or juiced to make other delicacies, it is very delicious.

However, many middle-aged and elderly friends think that spinach + tofu can not be eaten together, spinach contains oxalic acid, tofu contains calcium, eating together will form calcium oxalate, resulting in kidney stones...

In fact, this statement is not true.

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!

Image source: People's Network

The oxalic acid in spinach and the calcium in tofu will form calcium oxalate that is not easily absorbed, and will not increase the content of calcium oxalate in the blood, and will be excreted in the intestine with feces, so there is no chance of causing stones in the kidneys. And the oxalic acid in spinach will be greatly reduced after blanching, so there is no need to worry about stones.

Therefore, this spinach and tofu are not "natural enemies", you can cook together, as long as you remember to blanch spinach before eating, everyone can eat it with confidence~

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!

Here are a few delicious recipes~

Goji spinach pork liver soup

Ingredients: spinach, pork liver, goji berries, ginger, sesame oil, starch, salt to taste.

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!


1. Soak the pork liver in cold water and cut it into thin slices, add a little salt, cooking wine and starch to grasp well.

2. After washing the spinach, cut it into small long pieces and set aside. Shredded ginger.

3. Boil water in a pot, put pork liver, add shredded ginger, spinach, goji berries after changing color, and add a spoonful of salt and sesame oil to taste after cooking.

Efficacy: Vitamin A in spinach is very good for protecting eyesight, goji berries nourish yin and bright eyes, and pork liver is also good for eyes. This dish is especially suitable for elderly people with reduced eyesight and people who use their eyes regularly.

Spinach in tahini

Ingredients: spinach, sesame oil, light soy sauce, salt to taste.

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!


1. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and boil, add spinach to blanch and add salt to taste.

2. Drain the spinach, cut it into sections and put it on a plate, mix sesame oil, light soy sauce and sesame paste into a sauce, and pour it over the spinach.

Scrambled eggs with spinach

Ingredients: spinach, eggs, green onions, cooking wine, salt to taste.

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!


1. Wash the spinach, blanch it in boiling water, take it out, drain and cut it for later use.

2. Beat the eggs, add cooking wine and water and stir well, heat the pot, pour oil into high heat to heat, when the oil is hot, pour in the eggs and fry them, cut them into pieces with a spatula, stir-fry them and put them out.

3. Pour a little more oil into the pot, add green onion slices and fry until fragrant, add spinach and stir-fry for 1 minute, add salt and stir well, pour the eggs back and stir-fry a few times.

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!
Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!

Spinach precautions

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!

1. Contraindications to consumption

When eating spinach, you should avoid eating it directly, and try to use hot water to blanch the spinach before eating. Because spinach contains a certain amount of oxalic acid, it can interact with calcium to produce a certain amount of calcium oxalate, calcium oxalate can not be absorbed by the body, which will not only affect the body's absorption of calcium, but also increase the probability of stone disease. After blanching, most of the oxalic acid will enter the water, so it is recommended to avoid eating it raw.

You can put a small amount of white sugar and oil in the water, blanch it and take out the cool water, the spinach treated in this way can maintain the color of tender green, the taste is crisp and not old.

2. How to choose different spinach?

There are 2 common spinach on the market, their nutritional value is not much different, but the taste is somewhat different -

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!

(1) Round leaf spinach: less water, more oxalic acid, more astringent taste, suitable for soup.

(2) Spinach with sharp leaves: the water content is relatively large, the oxalic acid content is relatively small, the taste is sweet, and it is suitable for stir-frying.

3. How to choose spinach

Recommendation: Eat less oily wheat and eat more of it! Nourish the liver and protect the brain, clear eyes and stable sugar and cheap!

(1) Look at the leaves: When buying spinach, you should first observe the leaves, and choose the leaves that are thick, stretched, dark green and shiny; If the leaves are yellow and show signs of withering, they should not be purchased.

(2) Look at the stem: choose the stem is straight, if there are traces of bending and cracking, it is likely to be stored for a long time, and it is not suitable to buy.

(3) Look at the root: the root shows obvious purple-red color to indicate that it is relatively fresh; If the roots are blackened, it means that they are not very fresh.

4. Spinach is a treasure all over the body

Everyone usually eats spinach and generally only eats stems and leaves, but in fact, the nutrients in spinach roots are not less than the nutrients in stems and leaves, and they can be washed and eaten together.

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