
Why has betel nut been so popular today? I'll tell you about it!

author:Twilight Travels

Why are more and more people now dependent on betel nuts? Where does it come from? The earliest mention of betel nut dates back to more than 900 BC, when an ancient Indian poet recorded soldiers gathering to eat betel nut. When it came to China, it was already in the Han Dynasty, when it was offered to the imperial court in the form of tribute, and the ancients at this time believed that eating betel nuts was beneficial.

Why has betel nut been so popular today? I'll tell you about it!
Why has betel nut been so popular today? I'll tell you about it!

In the Song Dynasty, it can be said that eating betel nut has reached its heyday, the famous poet Su Shi once described it, the red tide on the cheeks increases the charm, who knows that the farmer is the most betel nut. It is also recorded in Li Shizhen's compendium of Materia Medica, betel nut and fuliu. Ye He's gray toes can criticize the miasma to remove the evil qi in the chest, but at this time there was no real spread, and betel nut really spread widely in the country was in the Qing Dynasty, when many court officials were bored before the last dynasty everyone chewed betel nut there, is there a picture? We all know that Hunan is the province where betel nut is eaten the most, in fact, this is a custom passed down from the Qing Dynasty.

Why has betel nut been so popular today? I'll tell you about it!

According to the Xiangtan County Chronicle Volume 34, in the 44th year of Qianlong, a large-scale plague broke out in Xiangtan County, and the villagers all stood up with big bellies and bulging abdomen. At that time, the county commander Bai Jing knew a little about medical skills and distributed medicinal betel nuts to patients to chew, but he did not expect that bone swelling was really cured. In the following years, the villagers here developed a habit of eating betel nuts, whether they were sick or not, and it has been passed down to this day. In fact, betel nut is indeed a traditional Chinese medicine, which has the treatment of abdominal distention, indigestion and other symptoms.

Why has betel nut been so popular today? I'll tell you about it!

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