
[Cats eat 4 kinds of "fish and shellfish" that are at risk of death! How to deal with it after being eaten] #Headline pet big star ## Cat big star # Cats eat fish and shellfish that will be dangerous 1. Qing

author:Wake up and dream YY

[Cats eat 4 kinds of "fish and shellfish" that are at risk of death! How to deal with it after being eaten] #Headline pet big star ##猫咪大明星 #

Cats eat fish and shellfish that can be dangerous

1. Blue fish

Blue fish such as mackerel, saury, horse mackerel, and sardines are easy to parasitize and are dangerous to eat raw. In addition, if the freshness of the blue fish decreases, the cat may have diarrhea or vomiting due to histamine poisoning.

Heating can prevent parasites, but if cats consume too much of the unsaturated fatty acids contained in blue fish, there is a risk of yellow fat, so even heated blue fish is best not to feed.

Blue fish like this has a risk of food poisoning and other risks to cats, needless to say, raw ones, and heated ones are also recommended not to be fed.

2. Crustaceans, squid, octopus

Crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs, squid, and octopuses contain thininease, and if cats ingest thianinease, vitamin B1 in the body will be destroyed, so it is dangerous. Cats lacking vitamin B1 will experience symptoms such as decreased appetite, vomiting, and in severe cases, nerve disorders and heart failure, and in the most severe cases, death.

Because iminase can be broken down by heating, as long as it is a sufficiently heated food, there is no need to worry about the cat's vitamin B1 being destroyed. That being said, considering the burden of digestion, it is recommended not to give crustaceans, squid, octopus to cats even heat-treated foods.

3. Clams, clams, clams and other bivalve shellfish

Clams, clams, clams, etc., like crustaceans, squid, and octopuses, all contain thininease. Do not feed directly to avoid vitamin B1 deficiency in cats.

When heated, shellfish not only burden digestion, but also carry toxins in the body. Considering the health of cats, it is more reassuring not to give cats clams, clams, and clams.

4. Abalone, conch, triangular snail and other shellfish

Shellfish such as abalone, conch, triangular snail, and tumtohead fish contain a toxic ingredient called "snail α". If a cat ingests pyripipi hobai α, its components will be integrated into the bloodstream, causing inflammation in the sun and suffering from light allergy.

Although light allergy is not immediately life-threatening, it should be noted that ears that are easy to contact with sunlight and are not protected by fur, inflammation is easy to worsen, and even necrosis. There is also the risk of cancer, which is also worrying.

Because snails cannot be broken down even when heated, please never give shellfish such as abalone, conch, triangular snails, and crayfish to cats.

How to cope when a cat eats dangerous fish and shellfish

Never feed fish and shellfish that are harmful to cats, and it is also important to prevent cats from stealing food. But even if the owner is very attentive, there will be cats who eat the seafood on the table when the owner is not paying attention, or open the refrigerator to steal it themselves.

In case your cat eats dangerous seafood, confirm when and how much. If you just bite, it will not cause much harm to your health, but if you eat too much, or if you have diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms, you should take it to the animal hospital immediately. During the consultation, telling the veterinarian what to eat, when and how much to eat is helpful.

When the cat eats something harmful, do not panic and forcibly induce vomiting. If a layman forcibly induces vomiting, there is a risk that the condition will worsen, so if you have swallowed, ask a veterinarian for appropriate treatment.

If the fish is still in the cat's mouth, calmly remove it from the mouth. When the owner panics, the cat also rushes to devour, so calmly coping is key.


It is a healthy fish for humans, but cats eat dangerous things. Fish and shellfish that are fed to make the cat happy should be very careful not to take the cat's life or damage its health.

Originally, cat food can fully ingest nutrients, so there is no need to give cats seafood. Even so, if you want your cat to enjoy the delicious taste of fish and seafood, please choose only safe foods.

The shellfish that can be given to cats include salmon, sea bream, halibut, etc. But the possibility of allergies is not zero, so feed a small amount when you first give your cat and observe the situation. In addition, prepare fresh fish for cats, in order to eliminate the risk of parasites, it is safer to feed after heating.

[Cats eat 4 kinds of "fish and shellfish" that are at risk of death! How to deal with it after being eaten] #Headline pet big star ## Cat big star # Cats eat fish and shellfish that will be dangerous 1. Qing
[Cats eat 4 kinds of "fish and shellfish" that are at risk of death! How to deal with it after being eaten] #Headline pet big star ## Cat big star # Cats eat fish and shellfish that will be dangerous 1. Qing
[Cats eat 4 kinds of "fish and shellfish" that are at risk of death! How to deal with it after being eaten] #Headline pet big star ## Cat big star # Cats eat fish and shellfish that will be dangerous 1. Qing

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