
Grades 1-3 read popular science, grades 4-6 appreciate prose, a picture book read by kindergarten children, and those who can read can use it until grade 6! ▪️The covers for grades 1-3 are based in cool colors

author:There are babies along the way

Grades 1-3 read popular science, and grades 4-6 appreciate prose

A picture book for kindergarten children to read, those who can read can use it until grade 6!

▪️Grades 1-3

The cover is underpinned with cool colors, and sporadic reds and purples accentuate the "color diversity" theme. There are several images of similar style on the inner page.

The four pages of female jade ribbon butterflies, beautiful caterpillars, red fire ants, and orchid praying mantises, have a large proportion of red, and decorate the "cool color wind" of the entire book. Plus it is rare and conspicuous, earning enough children's exclamations!

▪️Grades 4-6

(1) The opening paragraph throws out the topic: "Why do insects have rich colors?" ”

(2) In the middle, jade-banded phoenix butterflies, grasshoppers, mole crickets, red fire ants, praying mantis and other insects with typical colors are listed.

(3) Answer the question at the end: "The color of insects is for survival." ”

🌟 Total-score-total structure, scattered prose style!

💯Grade 4-6 children can read the pictures once and integrate the text parts of the whole book to enjoy the prose repeatedly!

▪️ The drawing layout and text part occupancy at the beginning and end are highly symmetrical, and they are all segmentation diagrams; The middle is all close-up, so the illustration style is also total-score-total!


📚 "Colors of Insects"

🏅 Bronze Sunflower Picture Book Award


❓ Have you ever seen a picture book like this that can be read for 10 years? #ParentsQ&A# #萌娃成长记 #

Grades 1-3 read popular science, grades 4-6 appreciate prose, a picture book read by kindergarten children, and those who can read can use it until grade 6! ▪️The covers for grades 1-3 are based in cool colors
Grades 1-3 read popular science, grades 4-6 appreciate prose, a picture book read by kindergarten children, and those who can read can use it until grade 6! ▪️The covers for grades 1-3 are based in cool colors
Grades 1-3 read popular science, grades 4-6 appreciate prose, a picture book read by kindergarten children, and those who can read can use it until grade 6! ▪️The covers for grades 1-3 are based in cool colors
Grades 1-3 read popular science, grades 4-6 appreciate prose, a picture book read by kindergarten children, and those who can read can use it until grade 6! ▪️The covers for grades 1-3 are based in cool colors
Grades 1-3 read popular science, grades 4-6 appreciate prose, a picture book read by kindergarten children, and those who can read can use it until grade 6! ▪️The covers for grades 1-3 are based in cool colors
Grades 1-3 read popular science, grades 4-6 appreciate prose, a picture book read by kindergarten children, and those who can read can use it until grade 6! ▪️The covers for grades 1-3 are based in cool colors

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