
Cock-of-the-rock is a medium-sized finchbird in the Amazon rainforest with a small red furry fan on its head, which has been featured in wildlife documentaries

author:Dajiang talks about Latin America

The Cock-of-the Rock, a medium-sized finchbird with a small red furry fan on its head in the Amazon rainforest, is on the must-see list for most visiting birdwatchers and naturalists due to wildlife documentaries. Two species are known, the Andean crested umbrellabird and the Guyanese crested umbrellabird. This bird is one of the typical dimorphic birds, the male has a large disc-shaped crown and bright scarlet or orange feathers on the top of the head, the tail and wings are black, and the female is dull in color compared to the male, like a peacock, and the appearance difference between male and female is obvious.

In the Amazon rainforest, the crested umbrellabird and macaw are the only two birds with gorgeous feathers, and are the most well-known birds in the cloud forests of the Andes - Peru's national bird, but it is not rare or endangered, widely and scattered in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Bolivia, covering an area of about 260,000 square kilometers in the Andes. The crested umbrellabird is not an Andean vulture and rarely flies through clearings, and the best place to catch it is in mountain valleys and forest streams in cloud forests at altitudes of 500 to 2,400 meters, close to water sources, because of its preference for fruit, mainly staying in the lower or middle layers of rainforest trees, and has the habit of nesting on rock walls.

The crested umbrellabird is suitable for viewing all year round, and the best time is during the male courtship period, which is another attraction of the crested umbrellabird. During courtship, the males will perform "confrontational performances", especially when the light is good, show off their gorgeous feathers, show off their elaborate courtship rituals, or bow, jump and flap their wings, and even bite each other's mouths, while making various quacking and purring sounds, which will be more intense when the female approaches, and the air is full of strange sounds. It should be noted that the crested umbrellabird is scattered and widely distributed, and breeding occurs at different times in different regions, for example, from February to July in Colombia and from July to February in Ecuador.

Figure 1-4: Peruvian national bird, the crested umbrellabird

Figure 5: Peruvian national bird (female)

Figure 6-9: Peruvian national bird, the crested umbrellabird

Credit Facebook / Animals.sandiegozoo / Amazontrailsperu / Perudiscovery #Travel# #Tourism# #Latin America# #South America# #Peru# #Amazon Rainforest# #Crested Umbrellabird# #Bird Watching#

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Cock-of-the-rock is a medium-sized finchbird in the Amazon rainforest with a small red furry fan on its head, which has been featured in wildlife documentaries
Cock-of-the-rock is a medium-sized finchbird in the Amazon rainforest with a small red furry fan on its head, which has been featured in wildlife documentaries
Cock-of-the-rock is a medium-sized finchbird in the Amazon rainforest with a small red furry fan on its head, which has been featured in wildlife documentaries
Cock-of-the-rock is a medium-sized finchbird in the Amazon rainforest with a small red furry fan on its head, which has been featured in wildlife documentaries
Cock-of-the-rock is a medium-sized finchbird in the Amazon rainforest with a small red furry fan on its head, which has been featured in wildlife documentaries
Cock-of-the-rock is a medium-sized finchbird in the Amazon rainforest with a small red furry fan on its head, which has been featured in wildlife documentaries
Cock-of-the-rock is a medium-sized finchbird in the Amazon rainforest with a small red furry fan on its head, which has been featured in wildlife documentaries
Cock-of-the-rock is a medium-sized finchbird in the Amazon rainforest with a small red furry fan on its head, which has been featured in wildlife documentaries
Cock-of-the-rock is a medium-sized finchbird in the Amazon rainforest with a small red furry fan on its head, which has been featured in wildlife documentaries

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