
What kind of sauce is the plum sauce with fire in Li Ronghao's new song?

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

"Your shallow smile is like plum sauce, I tasted the lipstick mint taste at the corner of your mouth..."

Recently, Li Ronghao's new song "Wumeizi Sauce" brought fire to Wumeizi Sauce. This little sweet song caused the search volume of Wumei sauce on the e-commerce platform to soar, and many online stores directly linked the product name with hot words such as "Li Ronghao" and "Wumeizi sauce", and related topics such as #Wumeizi sauce sales soared 200 times# and immediately rushed to Weibo hot search.

What kind of sauce is the plum sauce with fire in Li Ronghao's new song?
What kind of sauce is the plum sauce with fire in Li Ronghao's new song?
What kind of sauce is the plum sauce with fire in Li Ronghao's new song?

So, what kind of sauce is this plum sauce? How to eat it properly? The doctor of the Department of Spleen and Gastroenterology of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine reminded that Wumei is not only a snack, but also a Chinese medicinal herb, which can be used to repel worms, relieve cough, astringent intestines and relieve diarrhea, cool and rejuvenate, etc., but diabetics and people with unstable blood sugar, cold periods or people with real heat in the body are not suitable for using Wumei.

In fact, there is no such fruit as plum

Ume is a preserves made from green plums

Many people see Ume for the first time, it may be the "fresh Ume" sold in the scenic area, but in fact, this is a grape (grape) with cut heads and waxed, and there is no such fruit as Ume.

What kind of sauce is the plum sauce with fire in Li Ronghao's new song?

Xinhua photo, boiled plums

The real plum is a kind of preserve, which is smoked from unripe plum fruits (that is, we call green plums) and has a blackened body. Ume can be eaten as a snack or brewed as a sour plum soup.

What kind of sauce is the plum sauce with fire in Li Ronghao's new song?

Ume is a preserves made from green plums.

Therefore, searching for plum sauce on the Internet, the result is mostly black and purple plum paste, brewed and drunk is the taste of sour plum soup, sweet and sour. In addition to using plum as raw material, plum sauce can also be added to other ingredients, such as hawthorn, osmanthus, mulberry and jam.

However, Chen Guanlin, chief physician of the Department of Spleen and Gastroenterology, pointed out that Wumei sauce is essentially a jam, so the sugar is not low, everyone should not eat too much at a time, diabetics and their unstable blood sugar people are best not to eat.

In addition, those who have real heat during a cold or in the body are not suitable for using ume. During the cold, the treatment idea of traditional Chinese medicine is "divergent and evil", all "restrained" things are not suitable for use, plum, papaya, schisandra, dogwood, etc. are all "restrained" products, people with real heat in the body use plum easy to help heat and make fire, so it is not suitable.

Wumei is still a Chinese medicinal herb

When it comes to Ume, many people swallow their saliva, Ume is very sour, sour with a little sweet, in fact, it is also a Chinese medicinal herb.

Umei, alias plum, smoked plum, orange plum meat. The Shennong Materia Medica: "Ume, sour, flat." The Lord breathes, removes heat and boredom, is at ease, limb pain, partial insensitivity, dead muscles, goes to green and black, evil flesh."

Jiang Jiazan, deputy chief physician of the Department of Spleen and Gastroenterology, said that Wumei mainly has the following four effects:

Efficacy 1: Roundworm repellent

Ume is best known for its use for roundworm abdominal pain and vomiting. "Roundworm is sour", plum taste sour, has the effect of stomach aismo. For example, "Typhoid Fever" Wumei pills, with Wumei with Wuxiexin, Shu pepper, dried ginger, huanglian, etc., to treat abdominal pain and vomiting caused by roundworms.

Efficacy 2: Collect lungs and relieve cough

Wumei taste sour and astringent, its sexual convergence, with Schisandra, enhance the power of lung cough, can be used for lung deficiency and cough.

Efficacy 3: Astringent and antidiarrheal

For prolonged diarrhea. Such as solid intestine pills, with nutmeg, shizi, poppy shells, etc., to cure long-term diarrhea; "Sheng Huifang" Wumei Pill, with Wu Huanglian, cures those who can't eat diarrhea under Tianxing. However, you can't immediately use umeine and other acids to harvest products when the symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea appear, otherwise it is easy to leave the evil qi in the body and it is difficult to excrete.

Effect 4: Cool and rejuvenate, moisturize and relieve itching

Plum sour acid, has the effect of nourishing and quenching thirst, and can be used to treat hypothermia and thirst. For example, "Brief Help" is fried with umejia tempeh water to cure thirst and boredom; Yuquan pills, with Wutianpox powder, wheat dong, kudzu, ginseng, etc., to cure deficiency, heat and thirst. Ume can also be used to treat itchy skin, addiction rashes, etc., such as the famous allergy frying. Umei with papaya, and liver and spleen, nourish stomach yin, can treat chronic atrophic gastritis, lack of appetite caused by gastric acid deficiency, hunger.

Written by: Nandu reporter Yang Liyun, correspondent Wang Jian, Ye Meiqi, Zhang Yijing

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