
In 1986, in Cameroon, Africa, a strange event was staged. Overnight, the area around Lake Nyos was littered with dead bodies and deserted. After finding out the cause, experts learned that the murderer was hidden

author:Xiaoxia who loves life

In 1986, in Cameroon, Africa, a strange event was staged. Overnight, the area around Lake Nyos was littered with dead bodies and deserted. After finding out the cause, experts learned that the murderer was hiding in the shadows, which was extremely dangerous.

The Daisy family, who live near Lake Nyos, are ready to travel tomorrow. Owen, a father who works far away in the city, also quit his job to welcome the arrival of his children. But until noon the next day, Dad didn't wait for the shadow of his family.

According to the journey, it should be 10 o'clock in the morning. After such a long delay, did something happen to them?

With no contact with his family, Owen hired a car and rushed back to the village. As soon as he entered the entrance of the village, he noticed a hint of abnormality.

The original lively street is surprisingly quiet today. There is not even a shadow, not even the livestock seem to be hidden, and there is no shadow to be seen.

At the same time, the smell of rotten eggs enveloped the entire village, and Owen couldn't help but cover his nose.

As soon as he entered the house, the scene in front of him made Owen unforgettable for life. I saw his wife Daisy in her pajamas, curled up on the sofa in the living room, and had long lost her breath. The two daughters in the bedroom died in the same distorted position on the bed.

Owen couldn't accept the tragedy in front of him and wanted to seek help from his neighbors, but just as he rushed to his neighbor's house, he was startled by the corpses of his neighbors.

Owen stumbled all over the village, and finally his spirit almost broke down, and he couldn't figure out who exactly killed the entire village overnight?

After receiving the alarm, local experts came to the village for the first time.

According to some statistics, not only Owen's village, but also seven villages within a 25-kilometer radius of Lake Nyos, the death toll exceeded 1,700 people, and the number of livestock killed exceeded 3,500.

What is the mysterious power that can sweep a large area at the same time?

Experts first speculated that the aliens' visit and the magnetic field carried by their spacecraft may have caused serious discomfort to the villagers, leading to death.

Later, through the investigation of the observation department, there was no shadow of flying saucers over Cameroon that night.

Based on past experience, experts have set their sights on nearby water sources. Perhaps some villagers poisoned the water to vent their anger, causing widespread deaths.

However, after some testing, the possibility of poisoning the water was also ruled out. At this time, some people questioned that the deceased had different degrees of burns on their appearance, could it be that they were set on fire?

But if it is arson, why is only the human body burned, and all the furniture in the home is undamaged?

The investigation reached a bottleneck period, and the experts were helpless, at this time, Owen suddenly said that the smell of rotten eggs when he entered the village made the experts excited.

They collected the air in the village, and after testing, they finally found the murderer of the whole incident - the carbon dioxide content was seriously exceeded!

Under normal circumstances, the content of carbon dioxide in the air is only 0.03%. But if the content exceeds 10%, the human body will have symptoms of uncomfortable breathing, dizziness and even coma. If it exceeds 30%, carbon dioxide poisoning occurs, and you can fall to the ground and die within seconds.

The burns on the villagers' bodies are also caused by frostbite caused by low temperatures caused by excessive carbon dioxide.

So where does carbon dioxide come from? After some investigation, experts finally determined that the place where carbon dioxide was produced was Lake Nyos, where the villagers depended.

It turns out that Lake Nyos is an active volcanic lake, and although it has never erupted, there has been a large amount of magma constantly surging deep in the bottom of the lake. This process releases large amounts of carbon dioxide, which accumulates at the bottom of the lake, like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode at any time.

Coincidentally, on the day of the accident, Lake Nyos caused a landslide due to continuous rain, and many stone debris fell into the lake. This is like a fuse, which immediately causes the effervescent phenomenon at the bottom of the lake, suppressing the excess carbon dioxide pouring out.

According to research, the amount of gas released at the bottom of the lake reached 1.2 cubic kilometers that night, and the huge clouds they formed spread and settled to the periphery, crowding out the bottom air. None of the creatures submerged in carbon dioxide survived.

Based on traces such as trees dumped around the lake, experts speculate that a 100-meter-high column of water and foam erupted on the lake, setting off waves 25 meters high. After a large amount of gas was released, the lake level dropped by almost 1 meter.

After this painful lesson, the local government installed alarm sirens in Lake Nyos, and once the carbon dioxide content in the lake exceeded the standard, the sirens would sound. This greatly protects the life safety of the villagers.

In 1986, in Cameroon, Africa, a strange event was staged. Overnight, the area around Lake Nyos was littered with dead bodies and deserted. After finding out the cause, experts learned that the murderer was hidden
In 1986, in Cameroon, Africa, a strange event was staged. Overnight, the area around Lake Nyos was littered with dead bodies and deserted. After finding out the cause, experts learned that the murderer was hidden
In 1986, in Cameroon, Africa, a strange event was staged. Overnight, the area around Lake Nyos was littered with dead bodies and deserted. After finding out the cause, experts learned that the murderer was hidden

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