
Auntie-like life, only learning not to marry and not to have children is shallow

Auntie-like life, only learning not to marry and not to have children is shallow

During the Spring Festival, 12 million netizens angrily praised a video called "My unmarried aunt came back to send red envelopes for the New Year".

In the video, this enviable aunt: 26 years old, unmarried and childless, with exquisite makeup back to her hometown to send big red envelopes, and her whole body exudes a sense of relaxation of money and leisure.

Some people say, "Don't look at her happy now, she will be happier in the future." ”

The aunt in my memory is the first person to take us to feel the charm of femininity, the first person to accept that we are not well-behaved, and the first person to take us to "run away from home". Nowadays, netizens simply attribute the lightness of the sister-in-law to infertility. And young girls take these four words as the credo to live the same life as their sister-in-law.

But is this really right? To become a financially independent, free and free "sister-in-law" and live a life that is not defined by others, must you be unmarried and infertile? This understanding inevitably only sees the unmarried state of the "little aunt", and ignores the efforts and dedication of the "little aunt" before becoming a dashing aunt.

Auntie-like life, only learning not to marry and not to have children is shallow

Behind the dashing is hard work. /Little Women

"When I was 19 years old, my aunt accompanied me to get my first tattoo. I thought that as an elder, she would not accept it, but she said that as long as you are determined to do it, let it go. As a mother who has been married for 20 years and has children on her knees, I was blown away by her openness. One netizen shared on social media.

Although the "Aunt" has long been delayed until this year, people have long reached a consensus on the character image of the dashing Aunt.

In "Love Apartment", which accompanies the youth of countless people, there is such a passionate and brave aunt who is brave to pursue dreams - Tang Youyou. As the thirteenth sister of Lu Ziqiao's mother, Tang Youyou, who is younger than Ziqiao, plays the role of a sister-in-law in the play.

Auntie-like life, only learning not to marry and not to have children is shallow

He has been hovering on the eighteenth parallel, but has never lost hope. /"Love Apartment"

Like many ambitious "sisters-in-law", Tang Youyou's ideal is to be an actor. Her daily life is to tirelessly play each of her own small eighteen-line roles. It is a pity that due to too divergent thinking, every time he acted, he was brutally "executed" by the screenwriter in advance.

As a qualified "sister-in-law", she has never been engulfed by the framework set by the world. Even if you know that your character will never survive the second episode, insist on showing your understanding of the character in place. You can also say that she is too self-determined, after all, the last time I saw such a mediocre mix in the show business was Joey in "Friends".

Auntie-like life, only learning not to marry and not to have children is shallow

Joey, who is also struggling in show business. /"Friends"

Unlike the aunt who sent red envelopes in the video, a sister-in-law like Tang Youyou does not have coveted achievements. But her innocence and dedication to her dreams could not be more "aunt".

And the "sister-in-law" type of character who also has a strong self-pursuit is Zhang Ailing's sister-in-law - Zhang Maoyuan.

Auntie-like life, only learning not to marry and not to have children is shallow

Zhang Ailing was deeply influenced by her aunt. /Baidu

As a real character who is not set in film and television, Zhang Maoyuan's body has the sense of self-independence that is standard for "sister-in-law".

In her eyes, only a good education can have a place in society. In her time, under the influence of the May Fourth Movement, many women began to have a huge change in their self-definition.

Zhang Maoyuan realized that as a member of society, he should have the same social rights as men, including choosing ideals and marriage according to his own wishes. So as early as 1925, at the age of 24, she did not choose to marry hastily at the age of her husband and godson, but decided to study abroad first to see the outside world.

As a senior intellectual at the time, Zhang Maoyuan had a job reporting news and reciting editorials on the radio, and she once joked: "I can get tens of thousands of yuan in salary when I say things that are not interesting for half an hour every day, but I say interesting things all day long, but I can't get a single dollar." ”

Enjoying the dividends of high-level intellectuals, this cool girl who earns a lot is not obsessed with money. It is also this indifference to money that makes her only laugh even when all the family property has turned into a bubble.

Auntie-like life, only learning not to marry and not to have children is shallow

In the contemporary Chinese entertainment industry, there is also such a "little sister" who conforms to everyone's imagination, that is, Xiao S.

Cai Kangyong once described her as follows: "She will never live that kind of life - worried that the previous generation will be lost, worried that the next generation will not be well-behaved, her dashing and living methods are indeed different." ”

The independence of these aunts and sisters-in-law, their dedication to dreams, and their calmness in life are indeed worthy of our awe.

But recently, the belief in "sister-in-law" set off on the Internet has gradually deviated.

More people are focusing on attacking the value of marriage and parenting than on women having stronger personal pursuits. Countless unmarried aunts, overwhelming marriage murder prospects, fertility destruction and beauty theories, and the duality of marriage and childbearing and a happy life like "sister-in-law".

Is it possible to live as a "sister-in-law" and only die alone? Such a simple opposition dwarfs the independence of "Auntie", and does not respect the efforts and efforts of "Auntie", but frames "Aunt"'s pursuit of emotions. Emotional pursuit and personal independence are in a different dimension of life, and good emotions do not need to sacrifice one party for another.

Auntie-like life, only learning not to marry and not to have children is shallow

Various posts on the Internet that imitate unmarried and infertile aunts. /Little Red Book screenshot

In an era of relaxation and independence, we have more choices and opportunities for development than our sister-in-law who was born in the old society. If we want to live more dashing than our sister-in-law, we must understand where our obsession with her comes from.

The reason why "Auntie" is charming is because she has read a lot of poetry, so she can not fall into the trap of thought when facing deformed moral kidnapping; It is because she has enough social experience to be able to see at a glance when facing relationships that want to trap herself; It is because she can be self-sufficient, so she dares to live a life in public opinion that cannot be pinched by anyone.

Auntie-like life, only learning not to marry and not to have children is shallow

Elizabeth in "Pride and Prejudice" also ends up marrying love. /Pride and Prejudice

Posts on the Internet under the banner of "no marriage and no fertility" precisely capture women's rebellious heart to break traditional thinking. After all, it takes a lot of effort to study and earn money, and not being married and infertile only needs to maintain the current state.

Not being married and infertile, in fact, is the same as making up your mind this morning not to eat meat buns again, it is just a part of the life choice of "sister-in-law". In reality, there are also many "aunts" who have finally entered marriage and live a dashing life.

This female character who stands out among her relatives first strives to live the way she wants, and then breaks the traditional life path that women "should follow". If you put the cart before the horse, just follow the marketing number to play the banner of unmarried and infertile, and your life and economy are not independent, I am afraid that you will still not be able to live a "sister-in-law" life.






Lai Xiaoni



Auntie-like life, only learning not to marry and not to have children is shallow
Auntie-like life, only learning not to marry and not to have children is shallow

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