
Zoom in: "Birth registration to remove marriage restrictions", do you know what this means?

He Suohuan, a writer of sexual affective psychology, writes love stories, interesting strangers, and material knowledge.

Zoom in: "Birth registration to remove marriage restrictions", do you know what this means?

One wave after another.

The number of divorces lined up at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and an operation in Sichuan was on the hot search again.

"Birth registration removes restrictions on marriage".

What does that mean?

Birth Registration:

Before that, newlyweds who want to have children must first apply for a birth permit.

And now what has become?

The vernacular is: if you don't get married, you can have children.

In other words:

A woman does not want to get married, but wants to live with children, then she can have children without marriage.

If a man wants to have another child, but does not want to get married, then he can also find a willing girl to have children.

This wave of operation has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Zoom in: "Birth registration to remove marriage restrictions", do you know what this means?


The voice of the supporter

There are some voices online, the voices of supporters.

First: For single independent women, it is good

I saw a big V blogger, a single independent woman, who had achieved financial freedom long ago.

How did she do it?

Gave birth to a child, and now the second child is also pregnant.

For such women, they do not want to marry because they are fully financially independent.

There is money, there is time, and it is still of childbearing age.

At this time, the abolition of marriage restrictions on having children is more in line with their psychological expectations.

After all, for some women today, they don't want to get married and want to have children, and that's the best way to go.

Zoom in: "Birth registration to remove marriage restrictions", do you know what this means?

Second: conform to human nature and conform to human nature

Some proponents say marriage itself is a product of "anti-humanity."

A single contract leaves two free people bound and bound in marriage.

But with this policy, you can skip the marriage link and have children directly.

This is a better option for some people who do not want to get married and do not want to be bound by a lifetime marriage.

Some people's inner thoughts are:

"When you raise your children as adults, you can choose the life you want, instead of extinguishing the light in marriage."

Zoom in: "Birth registration to remove marriage restrictions", do you know what this means?


The voice of the unsupporter

First: there is more injustice to women

What does this lead to?

At not the optimal childbearing age, some girls who have just reached adulthood have children after being casually coaxed by the rhetoric of boys.

Finally, the man patted his ass and left, leaving the girl and the child.

But the girl herself is a child who has just become an adult, how can she raise the child again?

Eventually, those pressures come back to the parents.

In some rural areas, my hometown is a small city in the north, and this phenomenon is particularly obvious.

Some girls from rural families, seventeen or eighteen years old, did not have the age to obtain a marriage certificate, and gave birth to children and held wedding banquets.

What does this mean?

Before the age of 25, boys are relatively naïve in their mental age, and they do not have enough sense of family responsibility to take care of their wives and children and provide for their families.

In the end, it was some women who suffered.

Zoom in: "Birth registration to remove marriage restrictions", do you know what this means?

Second: It is easy to promote some "bad atmosphere"

For rich people, they can give birth to as many as they want, because they have money and there is no financial and life pressure at all.

However, what if a woman passes childbearing age after middle age, and a rich man still wants to have children?

Some things can't be said directly.

You can imagine what phenomenon will be generated after the "abolition of birth and marriage restrictions".

Like what:

Have children between Primary 3, J4, and J5.

Rich people want to have children, but their wives are not old enough to have children, so they choose to let young girls help them have children.

Third: you can have children without getting married, and there may be more single men

Fourth: there may be some bad "underground industries"

Zoom in: "Birth registration to remove marriage restrictions", do you know what this means?


What is the "root" of young people not wanting to have children?

They simply don't understand.

Or rather, they understand, but pretend to understand; They want to promote fertility, but they are not willing to give some practical means.

Why don't young people have children, or why is fertility lowering?

First: the age of first marriage has been postponed, and the "year of establishment" of young people has also been postponed

I have seen a data that the age of women's first marriage is now close to 28 years old, and the age of having children may be later.

When young people enter marriage later, it means that from the legal marriage age to the age when young people officially get married and have children, there will be a "baby gap" in the intervening years.

Do you have any similar examples around you?

Some of the post-90s are still single, and after 95, they began to have a second child;

Some post-95s are still single, but married post-90s only dare to have 1 child.

From another perspective:

"Standing at thirty is a false proposition in the present."

At the age of 30, without relying on parents and family, how many people can buy a car and a house alone?

Even with the help of parents, it is still a minority after all.

Far from it, how much help can parents from rural families give their children?

In the documentary "Animal World", there is such a line:

"When the living environment is harsh, the animals will stop breeding."

Zoom in: "Birth registration to remove marriage restrictions", do you know what this means?

Second: if you want to increase young people's willingness to have children, you must meet their needs

Under what circumstances would a married person be more willing to have children?

Have a stable living environment, no involution, no internal consumption;

Have a relatively high standard of living, stable work, and stable income rise;

There is more time for relaxation and rest.

In the vernacular:

If the Ministry of Education is involuted, young people's jobs are stable, incomes rise steadily, housing prices are not so high, holidays are more, and there is less mental internal friction, they are more willing to have children.

But what is the reality?

At the age of 30, it is difficult for a person to "stand", and he has to live a difficult life alone, how can he talk about getting married and having a baby?

Saw this voice on the Internet:

"I am 28 years old, a girl, I don't get married or have children, and I am abused by my parents every day. But they don't understand that the reason why I don't marry is because I am afraid of poverty, and poverty suffocates me. From childhood to adulthood, parents quarreled over money, and even fought big. Such a family, such poverty, how can I have the courage to get married and have children? ”

Zoom in: "Birth registration to remove marriage restrictions", do you know what this means?

Look at a wave of data:

In 2010, there were 370 million women of childbearing age;

In 2022, the number of women of childbearing age fell to 310 million.

In 2013, 13.47 million marriages were registered;

In 2021, it dropped to 7.64 million pairs.

From 2017 to 2020, the number of women at the optimal reproductive age (20-30 years) fell by an average of 5.4 million pairs per year.

After reading this data, it's time to reflect.

Some roads cannot be avoided.

Today's Topic:

What do you think of "birth registration removes marriage restrictions"?

Would you still like to have children?

(Article with picture source network)

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