
Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

We can always see the facial features of many star artists, and there may not be signs of great changes or "collapse", but everyone always has a deep sense of fatigue about their appearance.

Or maybe they were only amazing for a brief moment and could not give everyone a deeper memory point. Those bright feelings quickly disappeared, beauty became an expired product, and the audience was still impressed by their more "popular" side.

For example, Nabi, who has always been criticized for her abused facial features, her appearance is not a presence that can stand out in the entertainment industry, and her appearance is always up and down, and most of the time it is difficult for the audience to get her beauty.

With the blessing of thousands of gold makeup, she maximized the atmospheric advantages of goose egg face and deer appearance, and became the object of imitation by beauty bloggers.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

@Easy to scald YCC

But even if there is a god makeup, the audience's impression of her is still an ordinary beauty with a collapsed nasal base and a slight depression in her face, rather than an epoch-making beauty category.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them
Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

Another example is Sakira Miyiya, who finally debuted after singing and dancing for ten years, is not the most recognizable one in the beautiful girl group, and even belongs to a very ordinary existence in the group photo.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

But unlocking the image of pink hair, she has repeatedly contributed a circle of appearance, becoming the focus of the stage that cannot be ignored, and even being rated as the best spokesperson for Red Hat pink hair.

But after that, she was still in a state of "ignorance", and only briefly had a beautiful "life force". These amazing moments only exist in the present moment, and soon they are no longer a topic of discussion.

But in fact, nowadays, there are more and more of these fireworks beauties, and they have gradually become the current aesthetic trend, they are like fireworks that bloom quickly in the night, explosively consuming the beauty retention value and soon returning to a dull state.

And the core characteristic of these fireworks beauties is that "beauty timeliness" is relatively short, so Shu wants to have a good chat with you today about the topic of beautiful timeliness and fireworks beauty.


Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

Why are fireworks beauties prevalent?

Beauty timeliness, not just literally what we think, adds a limit to the period of beauty, simply equating "age" and "beauty".

62-year-old Hui Yinghong "became popular", in the entertainment industry that does not give middle-aged and elderly actresses breathing space, she has created a world of her own, so that the audience still thinks she is a well-deserved beauty.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

Lin Qingxia, who has long faded out of the entertainment industry, reappeared in front of the public, and is still a peerless beauty, her temperament seems to be always elegant and gentle.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

"The years never defeat beauty."

Time left its mark on their faces, but it did not diminish her beauty by half a point.

Aging does not mean losing the timeliness of beauty, and young and beautiful people do not necessarily have the timeliness of beauty.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

More often, it refers to the length of time that beauty can exist in people's minds, and it focuses more on the concept of depth judgment.

Most of the beautiful fireworks beauties with a short time limit experience the beautiful cycle of dull-stunning-dull, they are often not the type of stunning beauty at a glance, but more like fireworks that bloom quickly in the dark night, explosively consuming the beautiful retention value and soon returning to a dull state.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

Park Min-young

We will inevitably wonder, what is the reason why these fireworks beauties have become the current aesthetic trend?

Shu believes that in fact, this is inseparable from the convergence of social aesthetics and the domestication of Western aesthetics.

1. Social aesthetic convergence

Nowadays it is often said: "Beauty is beautiful, but ugly is strangely ugly."

Everyone is keen to imitate and follow the trend, copy existing aesthetic types, and follow beauty instead of creating beauty.

For example, the ice and ice look, with the trend of fire-tipped chin, has become a plastic surgery template for countless people. This kind of pioneering aesthetic guidance belongs to "leading beauty".

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

One of the Korean plastic surgery templates, Ko Yoon-jin stands for a pointed chin

On the other hand, today's small flowers are more like the existence of mass production, which is too substitutable, and there are "meal replacements" everywhere.

They are like the products of patterned beauty on the assembly line, without personal characteristics, but just choose the popular types of looks, and package themselves as "pure sweet girls", "charming and sexy stunners" and other images.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

2. Western aesthetic domestication

Early Chinese stars had their own characteristics, some had big faces and collapsed noses, but they could highlight the reserved and delicate sense of the Orient under the makeup of Chinese clothing.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them
Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

Some do not have a three-dimensional bone appearance, but they appear pure and childish, which can better shape the image of fledgling newcomers in the workplace.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

Nowadays, many people will think that thin and tall and long neck are synonymous with beauty, and modeling the face and right angle shoulders is the only solution to beauty.

But this is actually a Western aesthetic style, and the more we are influenced by various aesthetics, the more "beauty" chosen by the times will be biased towards "beautiful average face".

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

That is, the mixed blood appearance of Western bone phase + Eastern skin phase.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

Therefore, most of today's celebrities have "can't go wrong" faces, but on the other hand, this look is not outstanding. This kind of Westernized appearance, which tends to be standardized, is impeccable but lacks charm, and it is difficult to reflect the beauty of the Chinese classical tradition.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

And audiences who are tired of appreciating the stereotypical beauty will miss the original beauty with different styles.

Everyone can't help but wonder what common characteristics those beauties with a long period of beauty and timeliness exist in order to become a peerless existence.


Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

Beauty characteristics with long-term beauty and timeliness

1. Relaxation + freedom

Beauty with a long beauty timeliness can usually make people fascinate with an inadvertent eye wave.

Nowadays, most artists are keen on hard concave characters, and even the hair strands are carefully sorted out by assistants. This excessive pursuit of refinement often gives people a false feeling of "too much force".

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

They are less like living people, but more like impeccable but lifeless models in a mall window.

On the other hand, beautiful and time-sensitive beauties give people the feeling that they can be amazing in their daily moves.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

They don't care too much about their facial shortcomings, but instead dress up arbitrarily to make them unique.

For example, Wang Zuxian, she does not shy away from her convex mouth that does not conform to mainstream aesthetic norms, but shows people with big red lips all year round.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

For example, Chen Huilin, in the era of goose egg small face, has a square jaw face shape, but she did not change herself because of this, but also took pictures of her chin many times in the movie.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them
Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

And she has thus become an irreplaceable square-faced beauty in everyone's heart, with both nobility and fashion, and even has the title of "Hong Kong Princess".

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

They see feelings of relaxation and ease as the norm and define their own beauty. When the audience sees these small shortcomings, they will not think that they need to improve, but will feel that they should be like this.

2. High matching between appearance and makeup

A unique look that matches your personal characteristics is indispensable for creating long-lasting beauty.

Without a clear understanding of your facial features, choosing to apply fixed makeup will produce the result of putting the cart before the horse.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

For example, Xinxinzi, who has always been ridiculed for being a female in internal entertainment, she is mostly a cute and sweet girl, but her atrium is actually slightly longer and mature.

This kind of makeup that does not conform to the style of the three courts and facial features itself will make her face feel a sense of discord as a whole, and even have a "aunt's taste".

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

@Not Xiang'er

Today's fleeting Internet celebrities on self-media platforms, most of them draw obvious lying silkworms, sticking eyelashes that blindly pursue length and density but do not conform to the law of growth.

The blush must be played in the face to look childish, and the lipstick must spill over the edge of the lip line to look sexy.

The makeup produced by this pattern is very "mesh", but it also loses its unique characteristics.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

On the other hand, Jing Tian, a native girl who has always been ridiculed for bringing capital into the group, changed her previous Korean-style flat eyebrow makeup and chose the drawing method of willow leaf thin eyebrows in "Si Ten", which looks more classical.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

The previous thick eyebrows suppressed the original sense of agility of her eyes, and the slender eyebrows lengthened the distance between her eyebrows, which well balanced the problem of her close eye distance, and also made the distribution and white space of her facial features more even. At the same time, it is also more close to the image of the big heroine in her play.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

3. Have a high-light appearance on the screen

The highlight appearance on the screen is the key for the actor to implant the impression of beauty in the audience. Tailor-made character images coupled with their irreplaceable looks and styles can produce a deep-rooted effect.

Maggie Cheung, who has always walked in the style of pure jade women, played the green snake who exuded the breath of wind and dust in "Green Snake".

The raised eyebrows, full and sexy red lips, and hooking eyes fully interpret the image of seductive beings.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

It is precisely because of this movie that there is a great contrast with Maggie Cheung's previous public image, leaving a different memory in the hearts of the audience.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

Today's single and face-painted character setting has greatly reduced the space for artists to play, and they cannot show a different image in front of the audience, resulting in unique highlights.

4. Distance + mystery

As the saying goes, "Beauty is worth three points, imagination is worth seven." ”

Unlike artists who now package idols and stars for a long time and frequently appear in variety shows and various programs, peerless beauties rarely appear in the public eye except for film and television dramas.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

They don't have to "go down" in order to cater to fans and fit the public, and create characters that are actually completely inconsistent with themselves.

This sense of distance can easily make the audience look up, and during the time they do not appear on the screen, everyone will maintain the imagination of expectation and self-glorification, so that their appearance is amazing, and the effect of "not showing up is enough, and the appearance will be a blockbuster".


Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

Beautiful and time-sensitive AB side

In the current society, the fleeting timeliness of beauty has become an inherent aesthetic trend, so how do we look at the timeliness of beauty and how to bloom personal beauty in this case?

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

Although the enduring beauty is a peerless and enviable existence, in fact, the beauty that blooms briefly is also full of value.

As ordinary people, we don't have to reject fireworks beauties, we can also use the idea of fireworks beauties to integrate the "growth" of big beauties in makeup, and at the same time integrate the atmosphere of fireworks beauties to create.

For example, like Han Suxi, choosing a brighter dress color in the dark color of the rules, creating a moment of dazzling in our life when there are few moments of beauty.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

The fireworks that bloom in an instant and disappear immediately are heart-shaking beauty, and likewise, the beauty that has a timeliness for a short time is also a touching and stunning existence that condenses the infinite magnification of beauty into a moment.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

Beautiful timeliness may be long or short, it is itself a proposition without right or wrong.

We can choose to extend the timeliness of beauty and become a "beautiful beauty" with a long flow of water, or we can seize the characteristics of short-term appearance and create an explosive beautiful "fireworks beauty" in the existing time.

And no matter which one you choose, from a deep level of beauty timeliness, in fact, it is more important to have a sense of confidence, whether it is a beautiful beauty or a fireworks beauty, there are different wonderful and dazzling.

Beautiful fireworks beauties with short timeliness, in addition to Nabi, and them

Uncle feels that paying more attention to himself, let beauty become a existence that satisfies his own pleasure, rather than turning it into something that pleases others and caters to others, then for everyone, the period of beauty timeliness is forever.